0111 "45 Seconds" [1/8/07]

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Re: A few of my observations about the video

Post by arammat »

Missa ChoCho wrote:
kristin wrote: I would have expected more descriptions of blood and gore and brains leaking out on the asphalt. Clearly he got a decent look at the scene after the supposed gunshot, better at least than Daniel or Bree have admitted to, but he didn't find it worth noting that there was some kind of carnage left behind.
Actually when you shoot somebody it leaves very little if any blood.
That depends on how long the body is there and where (if any) the exit wound is located.
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Post by arammat »

Neptune wrote:I feel that Bree's "dad" was shot to shut him up. They were going to take him, dead or alive. They didn't get to him before he told Bree some of the truths of her life and the truth of his and her "mother's" role in her life. I don't think he told her all those truths, thus creating the motivation in the storyline to find out those truths, the meaning of her link to the Order, and how to stop being their target.
I'm not in the habit of throwing out comments just to say "good theory," but that is a really good theory Neptune! It would make a lot of sense in terms of the reason for the shooting, and seems as likely a direction for the story to take as any I've seen.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

iamcool wrote:she seems to be posting them every 8 hours

why 8?
that's a cool observation.
if it means anything.. 8 goes into 45 evenly 5 times.
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Post by cynicar »

JALG, I think your math is off a bit...

So, I may have missed if someone mentioned this before, but the Order's nonchalance about Bree suggests one of two things to me:

1. They're waiting for her to return willingly. Maybe they think she's been so brainwashed that she'll still return to them eventually, as a kind of safety blanket thing.

It's definitely strange that they've gone so far as to shoot her father in front of her, yet Bree is still not coming clean on what the Order is or even what she's been raised to believe. Of course, we may just have to wait for the anger stage of grief to kick in. (Which would mean she's still in denial? She reads as depressed to me.)

2. Bree's still with the Order, meaning this is all some strange ploy to capture Daniel or convert him or something. Though I'm like 99.5% sure that this can be ruled out. Because it just doesn't make sense with what's gone down, really.
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Post by kellylen »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
iamcool wrote:she seems to be posting them every 8 hours

why 8?
that's a cool observation.
if it means anything.. 8 goes into 45 evenly 5 times.
psst its 40 ;)
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Post by livelongandprosper77 »


Quite an interesting vid here. Jonas almost seemed to be a member of the forums with how he described what happened from his point of view and brought up the question of why they did not grab Bree? This was also a great example of how natural Jackson's acting is in front of the camera. The way he plainly speaks as Jonas and conveys what he is thinking helps to relate to us the LG fans so well.

My thoughts on what Jonas said in particular:

"Jonas says that he was shocked at what happened and tells us what he remembers."

Okay so he clearly layed out for us that it was a regular Deacon that we have seen in past videos (bald one) and a blonde haired woman who is clearly Lucy that were grabbing Bree's "Dad". Someone thought that it was strange that he didn't flat out say it was Lucy but i think i have two explanations for that:

1) He said Bree had said something about the bald deacon so maybe he is only relying on information that he is currently getting from her. Which is not a lot but he gets what he can.

2) Maybe he started watching vids at a point where Lucy was not mentioned and he did not see the past videos where she was assisting Bree for the ceremony. Seems he would have witnessed the whole saga by now but you never know. He also could have simply missed or didn't realize that Lucy was probably that blonde woman.

"The body he mentions being loaded into the trunk of the Deacons' car"

Has to be Bree's "dad" plain and simple and he is surely dead. I am not sure he saw blood or any kind of hard evidence that supports him being dead, but i am not really sure what he saw unless the "raw" footage he has shows something which we did not see. Because i do not see him seeing any blood or strong evidence that the wound was fatal from driving away and looking in the rear view mirror. I mean they were a good deal away from the shooting area. Anyways....

"He had an instinct to protect Bree but hesitated"

1) Yes, people react differently in times of peril so this could have been his simple reaction.

2) He does care for Bree but not to the point of fully risking his body for a bullet.

3) He saw Daniel taking care of the situation and decided to focus on filming. Him holding the camera might have gotten in the way of really helping anyway.

4) Jonas was kinda of acting jumpy anyway to begin with from his crazy santa story to him asking "is that really her dad!!?" So maybe him being so freaked out influenced his behavior.

"His questioning of why the deacons were not concerned about grabbing Bree or him and Beast for that matter."

I simply think this question was used to bring "our" attention to this very important issue. To not let us forget this tid bit and to really think about it. It is quite strange and difficult to figure out why they did not pursue them which a lot of us have wondered why.

-They had their hands full and decided to deal with Bree's dad only.
Not enough Deacons to deal with the boys and Bree.

- It was Bree's dad they were after in this instance and not her because they have future plans at getting her next. Maybe they didn't get a confirmation from the Order to procede any further. By now the Order has all they need from the car Bree stole to help them plan their next move anyway so why waste the effort. Take out the main person who revealed to much info to Bree first. Worry about Bree later.

"Lastly, he wants to help Bree get through this situation by using psychological technigues he knows."

I think he is geniunely wanting to help her get through her pain any way that he can. So, from what he has learned in his counseling sessions from his parent's deaths he will attempt to bring her around. Is this necessarly good or bad to try?

in a sense that Bree tends to cope too much with hard issues by herself and would benefit from help. Loads are easier to bear with support which the boys are the only family she has at the moment. And frankly they need to cope with the situation just as much as she does.

Also good for the obvious reason it would drag out time between videos being posted. It would help if this situation were resolved in at a good pace but not so fast as to seem unrealistic considering what has happened. I guess when a DVD is finally made or if you watch these vids after a bit of time has passed though this will not be as big of a deal as seems now.

tring to help may just make Bree further slip into seclusion and be even more distant then she is. This may cause her to become very angry or be in even more grief from interference of her wishes. She seems to deal with her pain mostly alone and this might be the best method for "her" at the moment. Of course being alone may cause her to get advice from her stuffed animals. Which is bad, not because i am hatin' on the animals ( i like em 8) ) but that she has moved so far from being attached to them lately. Going back to them is back tracking and she isn't talking to real people like Daniel or Jonas. Stuffed animals or real people ummm i would pick reality over fantasy right now. Even if they do seem to help her a little as imaginary friends.

Whew :D =D> hehe okay, i think i got in all that i wanted to say sorry about the length. :oops: Now LLP must rest so goodnight all and keep discussing things. I look forward to reading more posts. 8)
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

Cherie_Sotta wrote:Ok...
Jonas has been thrown into this situation (albeit: by choice!)
Jonas practically begged for this situation and seemed hurt when Bree and Daniel didn't jump at the chance to come to his house. He knew the gravity of the situation so he better suck it up and grow a couple.......ya know. :)
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

livelongandprosper77: That must have taken forever to type up! I agree with what you said about Jonas hesitating....people react in so many different ways in situations. I'm sure that was just his response to the chaos---nothing hidden there.
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Post by AM »

I just went to the video page to re-watch '45 seconds' and it says that they were unable to load the video. I was able to watch it on YouTube alright. I wonder what's up with that.
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Post by Kimmi-Chan »

I have to say that the longer Jonas stays around the more I like him. I sure do hope that he doesn't turn out evil, that would so crush me.
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Post by Plurp »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
iamcool wrote:8 goes into 45 evenly 5 times.
Um, not in this universe. :-)
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

Plurp wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
iamcool wrote:8 goes into 45 evenly 5 times.
Um, not in this universe. :-)
Maybe it does in the Breeniverse. :wink:

The only thing I can think of is the so-called infinity symbol from the epogen box looks like and "8" to me.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

okay careless mistake. sorry. thanks guys. :oops:

Plurp wrote:Um, not in this universe. :-)
No need to be mean about it. Especially when you aren't even capable of quoting correctly.
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Post by redheaddiva »

kellylen wrote:
mushab00m wrote:
kellylen wrote:
oh and am I the only one who thinks it's really cute how jonas and daniel are bonding?
i can see that love triangle...daniel wants bree, bree wants jonas, jonas wants daniel.
I have a feeling this may bring some daniel/jonas fans into the mix
Oh, yeah... I can just see the slash fiction popping up all over the Internets...
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Post by aideen »

Ok, from what I can tell, since Daniel didn't see anything except hair and heard nothing but screams, and the fact that Jonas tuned around and 'saw them loading his body into the trunk' whereas it would seem Bree and Daniel didn't turn around, Jonas is the only one who supposedly saw Brees 'Dad' dead. It's only Jonas' word that he's gone. Hmm.

And what's that weird glass sculpture on the shelf behind Jonas (and Bree in My Dad said. I've never seen that before
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