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Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:54 pm
by robtomorrow
chrissy5601 wrote:I live in Baltimore too, and I've never seen any internet cafes. They probably do have some at the Inner Harbor though.
You don't need an internet cafe, you just need a wi-fi connection, Starbucks cafes have them, and they are all over. Isn't there a Starbucks in Baltimore?
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:55 pm
by Lord Balto
parakeet100 wrote:Lord Balto wrote:
What really annoys me is the number of internet cafes that just keep popping up, or am I just not living where the action is? I doubt if I could even find one here in Baltimore. Maybe downtown.
There are a ton of sandwich shops, coffee places, businesses and apartment complexes (not to mention private homes) with open wireless internet connections around here. It isn't too suspicious that they keep finding connections and uploading their videos. These days, it seems like whole cities are wireless.
I'm still living in the Dark Ages. It didn't occur to me they might be war driving.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:56 pm
by chrissy5601
They have Starbucks but only a few (that I have seen). And most of them are in malls where my laptop would would probably get stolen in the parking lot.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:57 pm
by 04SSHD
Lord Balto wrote:parakeet100 wrote:Lord Balto wrote:
What really annoys me is the number of internet cafes that just keep popping up, or am I just not living where the action is? I doubt if I could even find one here in Baltimore. Maybe downtown.
There are a ton of sandwich shops, coffee places, businesses and apartment complexes (not to mention private homes) with open wireless internet connections around here. It isn't too suspicious that they keep finding connections and uploading their videos. These days, it seems like whole cities are wireless.
I'm still living in the Dark Ages. It didn't occur to me they might be war driving.
You know I think you are right, Daniel mentioned something about that when him and bree were living in the abandoned building. He was searching for an internet connection with his laptop. I think he was just freeloading off someones wireless connection.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:58 pm
by arammat
Broken Kid wrote:Jonas is wearing the tea cozy again! Yeesh.
I thought that was a weird hat the first time I saw it, but it's sort of growing on me. I actually saw a guy in a mall wearing the same hat when I was out Christmas shopping a few weeks ago.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:59 pm
by gigglingmonk
I like his little hat..its cute. I think all hats like that are cute.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:00 pm
by Lord Balto
By the way, if you're interested in what you can do with a cell phone these days, check out Anina's blog:
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:01 pm
by 04SSHD
Lord Balto wrote:By the way, if you're interested in what you can do with a cell phone these days, check out Anina's blog:
that's pretty cool
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:01 pm
by absolution
I have absolutely nothing to contribute... so I'll just sit here and giggle at the boys' interaction. How cute was Jonas waking up Daniel? The cheek thing! Almost as cute as a manly hug. Almost.
*floofs around in girland*
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:05 pm
by arammat
GatorMeegs wrote:Jonas makes a Back To The Future reference...
a tie to Tachyon?
or at least a demonstration of his love for movies!
What was the Back to the Future reference? I missed it.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:06 pm
by absolution
04SSHD wrote:absolution wrote:I have absolutely nothing to contribute... so I'll just sit here and giggle at the boys' interaction. How cute was Jonas waking up Daniel? The cheek thing! Almost as cute as a manly hug. Almost.
*floofs around in girland*
so you think they are gay for each other? Notice how Daniel appologized to Jonas for falling asleep on him last night. I think Jonas was expecting a little sumthin sumthin... if you know what I mean...
No they won't hook up cos (as someone already said) a love triangle would be death to the series.
Stop being a pain in the butt.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:07 pm
by chrissy5601
arammat wrote:GatorMeegs wrote:Jonas makes a Back To The Future reference...
a tie to Tachyon?
or at least a demonstration of his love for movies!
What was the Back to the Future reference? I missed it.
Jonas said "My fluxcapacitor ran out of uranium." Not sure if they were the exact words.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:07 pm
by 04SSHD
absolution wrote:04SSHD wrote:absolution wrote:I have absolutely nothing to contribute... so I'll just sit here and giggle at the boys' interaction. How cute was Jonas waking up Daniel? The cheek thing! Almost as cute as a manly hug. Almost.
*floofs around in girland*
so you think they are gay for each other? Notice how Daniel appologized to Jonas for falling asleep on him last night. I think Jonas was expecting a little sumthin sumthin... if you know what I mean...
No they won't hook up cos (as someone already said) a love triangle would be death to the series.
Stop being a pain in the butt.
oh sorry, just throwing my opinion out there but who knows...
Re: If you have firefox
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:14 pm
by bethy
Lord Balto wrote:Just right click on his icon and "block image from http..."
That doesn't always work because you are then blocking all images from that domain. And this guy is hotlinking to all kinds of different's actually best that he choose an approrpiate avatar (or nonoe at all) and be done with it.
The first two he had were really...really inappropriate.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:15 pm
by arammat
Slainte wrote:so I'm wondering how there can be 4/5 pages of posts on a vid that was posted an hour ago...and then I a whole page of "New vidoe coming", Yayyyyy" Woo hoo and allt hat other crap the rest is is nothing but stupid off topic blathering STUPID, ridiculous theories, one liners, quotes and "lol"s
It was sad enough that the story was going to sh** now this forum has been totally ccompromised by morons and tweens, who have NOTHING TO SAY!!!
y'know I got a PM from the big guy the other day about not tolerating hurtful messages well I"M HURT!!!! I am hurt by this invasion of idiots and the failure of the moderators to control all this OFF TOPIC rambling, and one-liner BS
I was going to single out the main offenders but what's the use. In fact it might be more fun to leave them scratching their heads wondering who I am talking about.
and now I'll probably get another spanking but I don't really care becasue now it is a race to see if I get physically ill or booted first. or etter yet...will this rtant take up more real estate thna actual plot discussion....who cares
Slainte, you're such a whiner. If you don't like the forum, don't read it.