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Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:06 pm
by arammat
lonelyelendi wrote:
Kimmi-Chan wrote:is the girl in Tachyon's videos supposed to be Tachyon though? 'Cause if she is than she looks way too young to be Bree's mother. Ah well if that theory falls apart... because I grew partial too it. :(
Could be her mother...I mean, not to sound patronizing, but I know many middle-aged women (well....thirties, and one 40ish) who can pass for 18-21. Now, I am not saying that I am 100% sure that Tachyon is her mother, but I do like the way the theory fits into my theory ^^
If Tachyon was the girl whose family disappeared from the community (the same community where Bree lived with her parents for a time prior to that family disappearing), it would be impossible for Tachyon to be Bree's mother.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:08 pm
by joygasm
I am really going back and forth on the whole idea that Daniel knew she was leaving. I am sure most of us will agree that if she told anyone, it would be Daniel. However... you would think Daniel would fill Jonas in on what's going on after he realized she was gone.

A couple of people have mentioned that Jonas said cash and a credit card were missing, but Daniel did not confirm it. Since Daniel just woke up, he could have just looked out the window and noticed a car was gone... and Bree as well.

I definitely don't think the Order has gotten to her YET. I think Bree definitely would take the car without thinking twice about it... if she was desperate enough. She's been awfully worried about her parents. I bet she was just desperate enough to do it.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:11 pm
by lonelyelendi
joygasm wrote:I am really going back and forth on the whole idea that Daniel knew she was leaving. I am sure most of us will agree that if she told anyone, it would be Daniel. However... you would think Daniel would fill Jonas in on what's going on after he realized she was gone.

A couple of people have mentioned that Jonas said cash and a credit card were missing, but Daniel did not confirm it. Since Daniel just woke up, he could have just looked out the window and noticed a car was gone... and Bree as well.

I definitely don't think the Order has gotten to her YET. I think Bree definitely would take the car without thinking twice about it... if she was desperate enough. She's been awfully worried about her parents. I bet she was just desperate enough to do it.
Finally we agree on something!

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:14 pm
by arammat
lonelyelendi wrote:Anyways...back on topic...what do you guys think of the idea that Bree has been kidnapped? She really doesn't know how to drive...she barely had any time on the road before the incident in "Driving Lessons" so she would be incapable of who is behind the wheel?
Incapable of driving? In the Driving Lessons video, she was driving the car. And frankly, driving isn't all that hard. I've known plenty of teens who would sneak out at night before they ever had any driving lessons, and just take their parents' cars and drive them. Not rocket science, and we all watch people drive for years before actually getting behind a wheel. It only takes a short time to get reasonably comfortable with driving, and in an emergency situation like meeting her dad, I'm sure Bree would be capable of driving well enough to get where she needed to go.

Warning!! Any teens under legal driving age: Do not try this at home!!! ;)

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:15 pm
by Steph1636
My internet has been down all day, and I just saw the new video

Bree stealing a car and credit card?! That is so un-Bree like! But I guess she is willing to do anything to get to her dad.

Or did she get stolen? It's possible that the Order or maybe even Gemma could have broke into Jonas' house during the night, forced her to steal, and, and taken her away.

I think it's kinda unlikely and Bree would have drove the car, considering that she was only a beginining driver. That kinda could show that someone else drove the car.

Now if she is going to see her Dad, she's leaving really early. Weren't they meeting on the 30th? Would it really take that long just to get to him?

I'm going with the theory that she got abducted. It is just so not like Bree to do something like that.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:15 pm
by lonelyelendi
arammat wrote:
lonelyelendi wrote:Anyways...back on topic...what do you guys think of the idea that Bree has been kidnapped? She really doesn't know how to drive...she barely had any time on the road before the incident in "Driving Lessons" so she would be incapable of who is behind the wheel?
Incapable of driving? In the Driving Lessons video, she was driving the car. And frankly, driving isn't all that hard. I've known plenty of teens who would sneak out at night before they ever had any driving lessons, and just take their parents' cars and drive them. Not rocket science, and we all watch people drive for years before actually getting behind a wheel. It only takes a short time to get reasonably comfortable with driving, and in an emergency situation like meeting her dad, I'm sure Bree would be capable of driving well enough to get where she needed to go.

Warning!! Any teens under legal driving age: Do not try this at home!!! ;)
Read on, I changed what I said =P

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:19 pm
by Paul Monkuppet
Wow. I got here late.

Well I'm not going to read it all right now so heres what I think.

Bree left to secretly meet with her dad. Simple as that.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:20 pm
by arammat
arammat wrote:
TheFatLady wrote:You know, I just *can't* see Bree taking money and stuff in the first place, or in the second place doing it without leaving a note or some explanatory clue. This whole thing is out of character. I don't think she left on her own.
I thought they said she left a note.....
I went back and listened to the video again and you're right. Daniel said "No note, but.... " then when on to say something about the house not being disturbed or something to that effect.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:27 pm
by joygasm
Steph1636 wrote:Now if she is going to see her Dad, she's leaving really early. Weren't they meeting on the 30th? Would it really take that long just to get to him?
Where did she say that they were meeting the 30th. We don't know EXACTLY how or when Bree left a message for her father. It has been discussed that the CUSOON message in the Mystery Movies video was actually a message to Daniel, Jonas and the fans, letting everyone know she planned on returning.

As far as driving... Give me a break with the little driving experience stuff! I agree that it doesn't take long for someone to learn how to drive. I learned to drive in an hour. It's really not that hard.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:28 pm
by breewithcrackers
Paul Monkuppet wrote:Wow. I got here late.

Well I'm not going to read it all right now so heres what I think.

Bree left to secretly meet with her dad. Simple as that.
I agree but I also think that Jonas and Daniel knew about it beforehand and were acting like they didn't know so as to create a diversion for her. Or maybe she's still there but they're acting like she left. Either way, I think that Jonas and Daniel are acting.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:28 pm
by joygasm
arammat wrote:Incapable of driving? In the Driving Lessons video, she was driving the car. And frankly, driving isn't all that hard. I've known plenty of teens who would sneak out at night before they ever had any driving lessons, and just take their parents' cars and drive them. Not rocket science, and we all watch people drive for years before actually getting behind a wheel. It only takes a short time to get reasonably comfortable with driving, and in an emergency situation like meeting her dad, I'm sure Bree would be capable of driving well enough to get where she needed to go.

Warning!! Any teens under legal driving age: Do not try this at home!!! ;)
Me and my friends used to do this all the time. Like I said, I learned how to drive after an hour.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:28 pm
by lonelyelendi
breewithcrackers wrote:
Paul Monkuppet wrote:Wow. I got here late.

Well I'm not going to read it all right now so heres what I think.

Bree left to secretly meet with her dad. Simple as that.
I agree but I also think that Jonas and Daniel knew about it beforehand and were acting like they didn't know so as to create a diversion for her. Or maybe she's still there but they're acting like she left. Either way, I think that Jonas and Daniel are acting.
I said just that:
lonelyelendi wrote:So, I am formulating a new theory:

I no longer think that "C U SOON" was a message to her father, I admit there is more evidence against him watching her videos than there is saying that he has, so that was me reaching to validate my opinion. In light of Joygasm's and butterfly's assertion that she was indeed talking to Jonas and/or Daniel, I have concoted a new theory, which I will explain now, I plan to explain this like I have been taught to explain a physics problem solution, which is to evaluate every possibility and either defend, qualify, or challenge that possibility.

Bree knew she was leaving to go meet her father (or, at least meet someone she believes is her father) regardless of whether or not she is gone, and so is one of Jonas' cars. Thus, I will assume that they went together. Now comes the question of who drove the car? Well, given her history we know that Bree does have very limited experience behind the wall, but we also know that she will go to drastic measures (sneaking out to meet Daniel, and posting the videos in the first place are evidence of this) to do what she believes she has to do. So, therefore I will assume that she is driving the car.

So, I have now reached the conclusion that Bree left with the car, and she was driving it. But we have a hitch; could she not have been kidnapped? Due to the past actions of the order, I will assume she was not kidnapped, but rather left willingly.

Now another hitch; did Jonas and/or Daniel know she was leaving. We know from past videos released by Danielbeast that he tends to overreact when it comes to Bree, and this typical overreaction was not evident in the most recent video. Also, it my belief that most incriminating piece of evidence that supports the conclusion that at the very least Daniel knew Bree planned to leave was the fact that he came in and asked Jonas where Bree was. "Methinks thou doth protest to much." -Shakespeare

Further, I believe that at the end of the video, when he claims he will watch Bree's past videos, he is indicating to us that he did indeed get Bree's message ("C U SOON"), and that he really does know where she is going.

Thank you to Joygasm, and all the others who helped me reach these conclusions ^^!

Phew that was long!

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:33 pm
by robtomorrow
I think that we can rule out the possibility that she was kidnapped, if the Order were to kidnap her they wouldn't steal a car, money and credit cards as well, I'm sure the Order has no need of money, credit cards can be traced and what would they want with a stolen car.

But they maybe setting her up for a kidnapping, if the message from her Dad was a ruse.

I also don't think that there is any possiblity that they are faking anything, just because it would be get too convoluted, as if it weren't covoluted enough, we would never be able to trust anything they say ever again, although there is the example of Gemma who was faking things from the beginning.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:35 pm
by lonelyelendi
robtomorrow wrote:I think that we can rule out the possibility that she was kidnapped, if the Order were to kidnap her they wouldn't steal a car, money and credit cards as well, I'm sure the Order has no need of money, credit cards can be traced and what would they want with a stolen car.

But they maybe setting her up for a kidnapping, if the message from her Dad was a ruse.

I also don't think that there is any possiblity that they are faking anything, just because it would be get too convoluted, as if it weren't covoluted enough, we would never be able to trust anything they say ever again, although there is the example of Gemma who was faking things from the beginning.
So are you saying that you don't think that Daniel and Jonas knew that she was leaving?

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:39 pm
by TheFatLady
Okay, so I left a message for Daniel in Beast Chat to tell him about the message from Bree's dad and about her "C U SOON" code. Let's hope the two boy dopes don't need my help, or if they do, that they think to come to the forum!