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Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:57 pm
by iamcool
i definetly think the theory where hes giving himself up for her is right
if he trusts jonas to look after bree, why wouldnt her have went himself?
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:58 pm
by kageyuki
parakeet100 wrote:You know how in horror movies, when people are being chased? What do they do? They split up, knowing that the "bad guy" will chase one and have to let the other go. Perhaps Daniel thinks that they'll come after him and leave Bree alone.
It's almost like a fake-out - he passed her off to Jonas and is now home to distract the Order.
I'd posted something along the lines of this somewhere in these forums, earlier. I'm glad someone else thought of it, too!
Whether or not Bree knew about it, it may be better if she didn't. That being the case she may have tried to follow after Daniel to find him, again.
I have a feeling though, that she had known about it all along. If not, she probably does now. She knows she can keep in contact with Daniel through the videos.
Unless someone's been denying to let her go online.
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:01 pm
by parakeet100
kageyuki wrote:
I'd posted something along the lines of this somewhere in these forums, earlier. I'm glad someone else thought of it, too!
Whether or not Bree knew about it, it may be better if she didn't. That being the case she may have tried to follow after Daniel to find him, again.
I have a feeling though, that she had known about it all along. If not, she probably does now. She knows she can keep in contact with Daniel through the videos.
Unless someone's been denying to let her go online.
Ooh, maybe that's why he chose to fight with her. Figured he'd tick her off and she
wouldn't follow him and would go with Jonas because she's mad.
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:03 pm
by kageyuki
iamcool wrote:i definetly think the theory where hes giving himself up for her is right
if he trusts jonas to look after bree, why wouldnt her have went himself?
I'm going to stick with the whole fake-out theory to answer this. If they're still being tailed, that watcher now has to make a choice. Follow Daniel, or follow Bree? The smart choice for the watcher would be to follow Daniel. Bree seems to have Jonas' protection, now. Danny-boy's gonna have to fend for himself, which he made the decision to do.
Then again, not much has been heard from that watcher for quite some time.
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:05 pm
by kageyuki
parakeet100 wrote:Ooh, maybe that's why he chose to fight with her. Figured he'd tick her off and she wouldn't follow him and would go with Jonas because she's mad.
Someone I was talking to hypothesized that even the fight was staged. If it was they deserve an Emmy.
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:06 pm
by TJ Marsh
It was Staged..i can tell just the way there voices were...
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:06 pm
by parakeet100
kageyuki wrote:parakeet100 wrote:Ooh, maybe that's why he chose to fight with her. Figured he'd tick her off and she wouldn't follow him and would go with Jonas because she's mad.
Someone I was talking to hypothesized that even the fight was staged. If it was they deserve an Emmy.
Their acting skills are definitely getting better with the fighting, etc.
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:08 pm
by PushedButton
Aww he wuvs her.
And now Daniel is alone and oblivious to the Watchers.
Jonus is gonna try his luck with Bree, who is rather emotionally unstable at the moment.
Gemma has been spotted presumably n the US by tachyon and Lord Grey's ice cream is melting.
As far as we know P Monkey can be vindicated from the allegations that he is a wanker as we now know that gemma is evil
Owen may or may not have a bug in his head.
Thor is probably wishing he could just hibernate and OpAphid is doing a good job of babysitting - mainly. I hope they're taking good care of bree's parents.
Then Nikki Bower shows up and looks just as confused as the rest of us.
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:09 pm
by TJ Marsh
Just a wonderfull story dont u all agree?
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:13 pm
by kageyuki
Iris2009 wrote:Just a wonderfull story dont u all agree?
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:14 pm
by Chartreuse
How on earth did he get home a day and a half later? How? Weren't he and Bree driving for at least that long (because in whatever video they drive away initially, it's light, and then dark, and then light again), and then driving more here and there between motels? I mean, trains are fast, but not that fast, especially if Daniel had time to hang around the trainyards talking to homeless people and finding out how the whole thing worked.
I mean, maybe it's just an overthought with how the Creators put this all together, but it's suspicious to me.
As for the "ZOMG DANIEL HAD MONEY THE WHOLE TIME" thing... Bree says that he had money after the ransacked video... and there's a space of time between that and when they're dumpster diving. As has been discussed, getting perfectly good food out of the trash is really not as horrible as it sounds. Anyhow, my family used to be pretty poor. Not homeless or anything dramatic, but poor enough to not be able to really go to the grocery store. I remember when I was little, my mom would go stand in line at the Salvation Army for bread and such that they handed out. My dad worked. He had money. However, it had to go towards bills and things that don't usually get given out. So, if Bree and Daniel were getting low on money, why not get some perfectly good food out of the trash to save the money that they need for something else? I don't think this is really as much of an issue as it sounds.
I don't trust Daniel's parents though. I mean, there's a hands-off relationship with your teenage son, but then there's hands-off. I'm not convinced that they're part of the Order yet, but there's more there than what meets the eyes.
Random thought: what if the point of this video was not just to say, "I'm home, Jonas take care of Bree (this person I lo-CARE FOR)." I kind of saw it, in a small way, as: "Oh man, back to normal life! I can get back to my job. Guess what, Bree? I showered, like, all day. I smell good. My hair isn't scraggly. I'm going to sleep in my OWN BED tonight. Don't you want to come home and sleep in your own bed again?" Haha, maybe not quite... but sorta-kinda trying to entice Bree to rethink staying with Jonas and his almonds.
I'd love to see more from opAphid now... and a non-chopped up Bree (remember the swimming video she said that Daniel just wanted to hack her up into tiny pieces? o.0)... and probably something from Gemma, too. She's been quiet.
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:14 pm
by TJ Marsh
It could get better.....
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:16 pm
by emosux
erolyn wrote:iamcool wrote:erolyn wrote:Slightly off topic, but:
I'd like to point out that you can find some pretty decent food dumpster diving. A friend of mine just found like 2 grand worth of unopened, unused chocolate bars a couple weeks he'll be in candy land for about the next 3 months.
And I've heard from other diving friends that you can usually get bags of bagels from bakeries who have to throw out their stuff after a day whether it's bad or not.
In most cases, I don't think it HAS to be as bad as Bree's making it out to be. But then, I'm sure she and Daniel don't know the usual tricks, so maybe they wouldn't find much.
please may i ask what they were doing looking in dumpsters?
Some of my friends back home have some rather...anarchistic tendencies. And are poor. So they'll dumpster dive a) because it's free food and b) because they hate capitalism, and it's a way to eat "the man"'s food without paying, but without actually stealing either.
It's really less disgusting and more profitable than it sounds.
Plus, um...months worth of free chocolate? Come on. I'd rummage through a dumpster for that.
hahahah. the boy i'm moving in with next year is a crazy anarchist who's finally decided to settle down. i know where you're coming from

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:17 pm
by iamcool
emosux wrote:erolyn wrote:iamcool wrote:
please may i ask what they were doing looking in dumpsters?
Some of my friends back home have some rather...anarchistic tendencies. And are poor. So they'll dumpster dive a) because it's free food and b) because they hate capitalism, and it's a way to eat "the man"'s food without paying, but without actually stealing either.
It's really less disgusting and more profitable than it sounds.
Plus, um...months worth of free chocolate? Come on. I'd rummage through a dumpster for that.
hahahah. the boy i'm moving in with next year is a crazy anarchist who's finally decided to settle down. i know where you're coming from

omg what has that guy got himself into moving in with you


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:24 pm
by betz28
imogene2004 wrote:nobackspacebutton wrote:emosux wrote:my favorite part is "i bought a twinkie and a comic book"
did he have this money before too? o.O
If he did, then why were they dumpster diving?

sorry if this has been said already (have not read all the pages) but maybe just maybe bree is not with Jonas and it was all planned. daniel has bree hidden to trick the order and jonas gave them money and he slipped up and said he had some money.....