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Re: too unbelievable
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:00 pm
by UpbeatMarshWiggle
glowe126 wrote:Okay. So here's the deal. Maybe Jonas really does have parents, but he is just too embarrassed to show them. Because they are little people. Bree and Daniel will arrive, and there will be a whole army of them. Then they will befriend the little people, and the little people will gang up on the watchers by nipping at their calves.
Omigod - you've figured out the truth.
Jonah is really Willy Wonka, and Bree and Daniel will arrive to find him living with the Oompa Loompa's.
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:37 pm
by Danielle
Dear Jonas,
Should you ever need a place to stay in your future, there is always room in Canada.
Can't say I have an extra bed, but we can keep each other warm in those cold Canadian winters.
Love your favourite creeper,
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:56 pm
by jub976
Maccaboy17 wrote:
besides lucy was a biblical reference (lucifer) and she was by almost universal concensus a badie so biblical dosent mean good or bad its how you interet the biblical reverence
ah, yeah, thanks for pointing that out. i forgot about the lucy/lucifer thing.
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:08 pm
by Kimmi-Chan
what about Bree, derived from BRÍGH? it's an Irish name meaning "power, high" that have any meaning? or is Bree short for a biblical name?
JÓNAS is the Icelandic version of "Jonah"
Jonas is the Lithuanian version of "John" or the Greek form of "Jonah"
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:14 pm
by Kimmi-Chan
Gemma means "precious stone" in Italian.
I love this website.
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:23 pm
by trainer101
DontHaveAClue wrote:trainer101 wrote:
The plan is being executed perfectly. Jonas has "
Acknowledged their Position and Helped to Initiate a Dialog”. Or, if you prefer the more sinister version he has begun to “
Analyze, Protect, Hinder, Infiltrate and ?????"
Sometimes you really are scary Trainer, you know that?
Me? I'm just that regular guy that lives down the street.
"He seemed so nice... and quiet..."

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:32 pm
by ILike2Run
Just found this information. I've been following the series on my own but it's neat to talk to others about it.....
So her and Daniel are just going to take off and go live with Jonas? I wonder what Daniel will think about all of this......Bree, Daniel and Jonas.....that will be a nice, cozy family......can't say that I feel bad for Bree in that regard.....Daniel and Jonas.....yummy.
But ya, she should definitely go and check out what's going on at her even drive by and see if anyone is around......I'd want to go and get my stuff or something.....or at least check to make sure it's still standing.
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:35 pm
by zzfoxfirezz
ILike2Run, I'm pretty sure the Order has burned down her house by now. Yup.
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:51 pm
by lovey
Yeah, i'd like to see what's happening around Bree's house before they (or maybe just Bree) heads to Jonas' house.
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:10 am
by storyteller
Maccaboy17 wrote:
Jonas on the other hand isn’t quite so simple we have the connection with sailing but that doesn’t tell us much. Jonah was a profit sent by God to help Nineveh, this could mean Jonas was sent by the order to get Bree back into the fold (or is it Daniel?) or it means he’s there to help Bree (he seemed somewhat reluctant to become involved until he realised he already was in the same way Jonah tried to avoid going to Nineveh) and save the world from the order.
Jonah could be bad though because a Jonah is a curse of bad luck and he could be the bad luck that falls on Bree and Daniel (one might even call him a lion to kill Daniel to keep the references going)
If we stick to being biblical as it has been speculated is the point of the names I would suggest that it means Jonas is a good guy sent to help bring down the order and this would tie in nicely with Daniel, the prophet Daniel fore tolled the fall of Babylon and our Daniel was the first one to say the Order was wrong and that Bree should get out.
Interesting theory... Adding to that- Jonah's role in saving Ninevah was reluctant at best- and when God did save the people he was angry because he felt they deserved to be distroyed. Maybe Jonas' role is reluctant as well.
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:55 am
by heybitch
Under his breath
-I didnt even trust my own parents.. -
that is so CUTE!
I'd trust him!
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:32 am
by childofmetis
omegawoman wrote:
The names, biblical- Daniel, and Jonas- alothough it was Jonah who was swallowed by the whale, and btw, Jonah was also blamed for the storm at sea. Jonas' parents are lost at sea.
Another thing, the girl Gemma spoke of- parents disappeared, Bree's parents disappeared, and now we know Jonas' parents as well.
He also said at one time he didn't even trust his own parents. We need to know more - why? Did something happen? Were they giving him unknown injections? Were they sneaking away to secrete ceremonies?
I also think he was telling Bree that sometimes you cannot know who you can trust until you "ride the storm" out with them. Come stay with me and test the waters type of thing.
You have such a good point about Jonah being blamed for the storm... He comes across as kind of guilty to me. Especially when he hesitates in the middle of his story.
I feel like my brain is coming up with something, but I'm so tired that I can't quite grasp it.
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:34 am
by childofmetis
sparkybennett wrote:OK maybe not relevant but interesting:
Jonas Moore was a scientist " famous for his strong support of mathematics and astronomy which made many other mathematical and astronomical advances possible. Perhaps his most important contribution was in his efforts to set up the Royal Observatory at Greenwich and his efforts to support Flamsteed. In 1674 he invited Flamsteed to London,
... with the design of installing him in a small observatory of his own in Chelsea College, but procured from the king instead the foundation of the Royal Observatory. He furnished him, moreover, at his private expense, with a seven foot sextant employed in Flamsteed's observations until 1688 as well as two clocks...
These clocks were used by Flamsteed in his work involving finding the longitude.
Moore, together with the famous diary writer Samuel Pepys, founded the Royal Mathematical School within Christ's Hospital. This School was set up with the specific aim of training boys in navigation techniques so that they could serve the King at sea.
Sounds an awful lot like Jonas=recruiter for the Watchers.
Re: too unbelievable
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:38 am
by childofmetis
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:glowe126 wrote:Okay. So here's the deal. Maybe Jonas really does have parents, but he is just too embarrassed to show them. Because they are little people. Bree and Daniel will arrive, and there will be a whole army of them. Then they will befriend the little people, and the little people will gang up on the watchers by nipping at their calves.
Maybe they're X-MEN!
Jonas looks like Ultimate Wolverine.
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:06 am
by aideen
a) I would love to see Bree and Daniel interact with someone other than themselves. It would be such a different relationship, and it would be so interesting to see.
b)Ok, so, in this video Jonas basically proved another point that made him very much like Bree, or he thinks so anyway, that they have Trust Issues. So, its either to make Bree think they're alike and to trsut him, or also to make us realise they are similar...
c) I was thinking, if Jonas is in another country then Bree and Daniel would have to either take a boat (boat??? Jonas?? longitude area??/!) or fly, so I'd figure Jonas would come pick em up from the airport. (lol sorry, unrelated note, but i can imagine a deacon and lucy at the desk asking for tickets and getting angry when they find out there are none left. Think amazing race. I can just see them going psycho). And I reckon Bree or Daniel of Jonas would tape meeting and driving to his house and they'd get talking in the car on the way or something, and become friends and Jonas would feel accepted and then if he's part of the order he'd suddenyl realise maybe he shouldn't be doing this lying and tell them and they drive away to safety and jonas can provide answers and then they'll all be on the run together.
d) Umm, over here in Australia, badass is definitely not considered cussing. I say it actually, and it's like a joke. It is definitely considered a skater sort of word. And I'm pretty sure Jonas is New Zealand. He says words, like own, the same as Bree