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Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:02 am
by cas_nz86
Nov 17, 2005 9:18 PM
Hi there babygirl

) Where in the world are you? London? S-Africa?
that person who talked about her having a sth african accent was right then?
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:04 am
by solrac_krad

She looks hot
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:13 am
by MaxZyrix
Where's that pic from? She
does look very hot! I wouldn't mind running into her sometime (not in a stalkish way

Anyway, I also wanted to know, there was some talk earlier (I don't even remember if that was on this thread or where on the forums) about someone posting a video response to her on revver. Can someone please post a link to that video response? ^_^
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:01 am
by DontHaveAClue
Wow she looks stunning!
This has to be canon. All the info you guys gathered fit in. She is an actor (or at least she got in LA to attend acting courses), she knows Jessica. She was at the party at Tom's with Jess and Yousef.... This has to be canon!
I don't know if someone mentioned what she said about the religion stuff. (I couldn't find reference to it in the thread, sorry if I misssed it). She says her parents still live in *that community*, and she couldn't personally deal with the difficulty to have outsiders not understanding all of it. That's why she lives in London. If think that's really important subplot stuff here.
[edit] oups, sorry that was discussed bu Hannahbee in the other thread. It should be here though, I guess.
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:08 am
by DontHaveAClue
Hannahbee wrote:ok i just watched Gemma's video again and i rescind the idea that she can contribute nothing- i think it sounds like she's fallen out of her religion. she "kinda just wanted to branch off from things"
and she seems more concerned with Bree/Daniel's relationship than with Bree's loyalty to her religion. i think when she moved to London, it wasn't just to get away from whatever "outsider" she let in on things, but also to get away from the community itself
I agree 100%!
What's the point?
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:25 am
by Joss
I think we are missing the point here.. It doesn't matters where is she from or if that game makes sense or not, at least to me.
First we can see that it is a pro video.. The edtting style feels too familiar.. This is not an improvised postcard form an old friend, there is time and energy invested in this, so we all know this has to do with LG15 crew. So, let's not take the video seriously.. Let's just see what this ads to the story.
She implies that she was in NZ or Australia, and for a reason related to what happens now to Bree and Daniel she moved to England. She also implies she knows about what's happening because she had trouble having "outsiders" understand.. So if she is not an outsider and she did not know Bree from Australia or NZ what are the chances they meet in UK??
What I mean is: Was bree taken from a "cult ghetto" in NZ to another in UK and now is in another in LA?
That would mean many things but the most important probably are:
- Bree is part of a cult with communities all over the world and they are all interconnected in such a way that members can move from one place in the world to another being always surrounded by fellow "believers". That would be a clear expression of the power and assets involved.
- Daniel is probably the first and the only outsider Bree has ever had friendship with and that makes Daniel a very important person in Bree's live but not for the reasons Daniel would wish.
I don't expect to see any more videos from Gemma.. She does not really seems to have anything else to say.
Now.. Did anybody pay attention to the names choosen for the girls in this "cult"? Bree, Gemma, Hmmm.. There is something to it.. But I wont say anymore until I'm certain.
And Finally.. Guys if this cult exists and all the girls are this awesome and they are open for applications I'm willing to reject to any religion I've ever been close to and to participate in all the ceremonies they want me to and to learn and follow any believes they have and keep all their secrets as long as they are willing to accept me right now!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:31 am
by DontHaveAClue
This is what I got on the name Gemma:
ALPHECCA or GEMMA (Alpha Coronae Borealis). One of the very few stars with two commonly used names, Alphecca is the dominant (mid- second magnitude, 2.23) Alpha star of the delightful constellation Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, a semicircle of stars to the east of Arcturus that truly reminds the viewer of a heavenly crown, the constellation representing the crown of Ariadne. The name Alphecca in fact comes from an Arabic root that alludes to the "broken" nature of the circle, the semicircle that makes the crown. The alternative name Gemma rather obviously derives from the star's central placement in the semicircle, it being the "jewel in the crown."
(Yeah, with that look, she is definitely the "jewel in the crown!

Re: What's the point?
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:33 am
by DontHaveAClue
Joss wrote:
I don't expect to see any more videos from Gemma.. She does not really seems to have anything else to say.
I think you're missing the point here. If this is canon, we will see more of her. You don't hire an actress for a cameo appearance of 2 minutes. If this is canon, let's take this video seriously, because it adds to the story. You're kind of contradicting yourself, if I may, all respect due, peace and love etc etc...
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:38 am
by DontHaveAClue
I just love this! This is what wikipedia has to say about this star:
Alphecca [Alphacca, Alphekka] or Gemma or Gnosia [Gnosia Stella Coronae] or Asteroth [Ashtaroth]
< النائر الفكّة an-na´ir al-fakkah The bright one of the broken (ring of stars)
< gemma The jewel
< gnōsia stella corōnæ Star of Ariadne's ("of Knossos's") crown
< עשתרות cašterôt, Astarte (idols) [plural of Ashtoreth Astarte/Ishtar, the Semitic fertility goddess]
"the bright one of the broken"
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:42 am
by DontHaveAClue
Corona Borealis was sometimes considered to represent a crown that was given by Dionysus to Ariadne, the daughter of Minos of Crete. At other points it was considered to belong, in a sense, to Boötes, the herdsman, or the keeper of the bears. The Cheyenne tribe called it "Camp Circle" and arranged their camps in a semicircle.
The daughter of Minos of Crete? Should we see a link between the Country Crete and "la Crete" on Lucy's map? Might be digging to deep here...
Re: What's the point?
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:11 am
by orvetti
Joss wrote:Guys if this cult exists and all the girls are this awesome and they are open for applications I'm willing to reject to any religion I've ever been close to and to participate in all the ceremonies they want me to and to learn and follow any believes they have and keep all their secrets as long as they are willing to accept me right now!

Yes, but it could be a cult of hot girls whose leaders kill their boyfriends...
Even thou..
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:34 am
by Joss
I may be willing to take the risk!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:34 am
by Noelle
Daniel isn't Bree's boyfriend. I think we've already established that.
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:48 am
by delilahtyler
the professional-looking picture of jackie looks like its from some high school soap or something. she looks so familiar, it's totally bugging me that i can't place her! maybe its just that she looks an awful lot like (boohiss) grace from this year's UK big brother: ... .jsp?id=20
maybe that is why someone left a comment calling her grace.
squirrels: didn't bree do a cute little squirrel-dance in some of her previous vids? maybe it was inspired by squirrel-based antics with her old friend gemma, long ago in england...
also, a first degree is the highest you can get in UK university. the order of grades goes: first, two-one, two-two, three-one and... dunno, probably fail or unclassified or something. (i should really know, since i do work in a university!)
so gemma is perhaps v. clever.
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:59 am
by DontHaveAClue
Noelle wrote:Daniel isn't Bree's boyfriend. I think we've already established that.

Who did? That's news to me.