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Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:54 am
by jc
Sorry for not agreeing, but I don't want the game to go back to CA... I live in Italy and it's much more fun to be able to move around and find things on my own instead of just watching and waiting 8)

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:55 am
by jc
Actually I didn't find anything :D


There's a weird view from the chair in Cassie's house. The one in front of the bible. When you sit there you see the fireplace in another room.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:56 am
by Broken Kid
jc wrote:Sorry for not agreeing, but I don't want the game to go back to CA... I live in Italy and it's much more fun to be able to move around and find things on my own instead of just watching and waiting 8)
Well, just because we don't want it to be another physical location, doesn't mean it isn't. Many of her poems have related to a religious ceremony (of course), so perhaps she's pointing out that it's time for us to find the church where the ceremony is going to take place (not necessarily Bree's ceremony, but the ceremony in the ciw storyline). Makes sense to me. If ciw is planning on this all leading up to the 10/12 climax, there's not a whole lot of time. And even if there is a clue in the game (very well could be), it probably will have to lead us to something physical.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:57 am
by tinkerbellmoon
I also went to the church and house this morning before they shut it down for maintanence. Nothing really exciting except seeing a bunch of people from this forum wandering around. Someone told me to fly up to the roof of the church that something spooky was there, but I didn't see anything except the cross that was underwater with Cassie in her Rev 3 video.

Some weird looking guy sat down on the couch next to me in "Cassie's" house while I watched the tv. He asked me if I lived there and I told him no. After a while, he got up and told me that Judgement Day was coming soon. I asked him if it was on 10/12/06, but he didn't answer and left.

That was strange! By the way, I'm Genna Gray on there, and I've got a Watching Cassie group name over my head in case anyone's wondering.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:00 am
by onyx
Scalare wrote:
onyx wrote:
sabrescupin06 wrote: Isn't Bree's religion (The Order of Whatever) ancient Egyptian? Cassie is standing ontop of a Christian church and tied heavily to Christianity, and Bree said Cassie stopped talking to her because she didn't like her religion.....
Christian churches don't have Celtic crosses....
Ingame it's a christian church however....
I know. eep I should have been a little more in depth.

I know that in the game it is a Christian Friends Church. I wasn't saying Sabre is wrong. What I meant to say was more or less a thought to myself outloud.

Ingame = Christian Friends Church
Celtic Cross = Not Christian

I just find it weird that there is a Celtic Cross on a CF Church.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:01 am
by wintermute
tinkerbellmoon wrote:Some weird looking guy sat down on the couch next to me in "Cassie's" house while I watched the tv. He asked me if I lived there and I told him no. After a while, he got up and told me that Judgement Day was coming soon. I asked him if it was on 10/12/06, but he didn't answer and left.
I don't know if it's just that I'm in an exceptionally good mood today or what, but you guys are cracking me up! I misread that as you telling him something along the lines of "Yeah. 10/12/06." when he said that, and this image popped into my head of someone going up to a person holding a "The end is near!" sign and telling them that. Can't. Stop. Laughing.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:03 am
by jc
SL will be down for 5 hours!!

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:11 am
by tinkerbellmoon
wintermute wrote:
tinkerbellmoon wrote:Some weird looking guy sat down on the couch next to me in "Cassie's" house while I watched the tv. He asked me if I lived there and I told him no. After a while, he got up and told me that Judgement Day was coming soon. I asked him if it was on 10/12/06, but he didn't answer and left.
I don't know if it's just that I'm in an exceptionally good mood today or what, but you guys are cracking me up! I misread that as you telling him something along the lines of "Yeah. 10/12/06." when he said that, and this image popped into my head of someone going up to a person holding a "The end is near!" sign and telling them that. Can't. Stop. Laughing.

:lol: Ok, now you've got me giggling! I did say it as more of a statement, like, "Here's the secret password, now give me the information I need." The guy had Freddy Krueger hands, so he was kind of scaring me, but maybe I ended up scaring him! That's hilarious! :twisted:


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:24 am
by Unadrieniel
so whats the link to SL? ive been searching the threadds and ic ant find it. im probs being ver blind but can anyone help me out here?

Re: link

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:28 am
by twjaniak
Unadrieniel wrote:so whats the link to SL? ive been searching the threadds and ic ant find it. im probs being ver blind but can anyone help me out here?

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:32 am
by CDegeyter
I know that others have found the church in the game, but has anyone found the spot that she was staring at in the video? The one with the celtic cross? Just curious. (I created my secondlife character last night/this morning but have not had a chance to really run around in the virtual world yet.)

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:35 am
by wintermute
tinkerbellmoon wrote: :lol: Ok, now you've got me giggling! I did say it as more of a statement, like, "Here's the secret password, now give me the information I need." The guy had Freddy Krueger hands, so he was kind of scaring me, but maybe I ended up scaring him! That's hilarious! :twisted:
OK... Now I need to sign up for Second Life just so I can have that experiece! Maybe I'll hang out in the person's house for awhile tonight just to see if the dude comes back :twisted:


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:40 am
by tahneeta
my user name is eeka Batz

i'm addindg everyone that posted their user name.
but beware... i am TERRIBLE at this game.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:42 am
by onyx
CDegeyter wrote:I know that others have found the church in the game, but has anyone found the spot that she was staring at in the video? The one with the celtic cross? Just curious. (I created my secondlife character last night/this morning but have not had a chance to really run around in the virtual world yet.)
It's the roof of the church.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:45 am
by leejas72
Does anyone know when SL will be back up and running?