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Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:49 pm
by Samara
one thing just lead to another
That's the shittiest justified excuse for sleazy behavior I've ever heard.
One thing does not just lead to another. You make decisions all along the way. Your decision making skills may not be the best when you're horny, but you still make them.
These things do not
just happen.
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:49 pm
by mildlyunwell
JanaL wrote:watching_watchers wrote:EEVEE wrote:
Thank you I thought I was the only one! How come no one is saying this was sleazy? And how old is Jonas? Isn't Bree like 16 or 17 now? gasp, Rape! j/k
But it does look like they did the deed, I just can't believe for some reason.
OH YEAH and Jonas looks like he's on he just really excited?
I don't think its sleazy. In fact if I knew she was in a normal state of mind I would think it was passionate and romantic and one thing just lead to another.
Is that the Bree that we knew, though? Of course love can change things, but a while ago she thought the fact of making out was disgusting. I can't even make up my mind whether they even did it or not.
--Bree may be virginal (it sounds like she's never had a boyfriend at all), but I'd be willing to bet Mr. Jonas is not. And if Jonas has been around a bit, then there's no way a little makeout session would be enough for him to call "amazing".
I say they did the deed. And if she left right after they did, it must have been because her mission was accomplished, and she's going back to the HOO. Who knows? Maybe she needed a "sample" from Jonas to see if he was trait positive?
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:49 pm
by longlostposter
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:49 pm
by Kokeshi
Could the pink shirt be the one from 'Bedside Manner' that Sarah wore?
Maybe she slept with Jonas?
Or decided to take off her top and leave it on the bed? (yeah
Because in the last video Bree's shirt (or jacket) looked red to me.
And the bed looks the same as the one from 'Bedside Manner' so it's Bree's room.
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:50 pm
by JanaL
If Jonas says that Bree is back to normal, yet there is the possibility that she ran away -- it makes me think. So she wants to be part of the Order? She wants to do the ceremony? You know.. she DID get into that car with Jules, and she wasn't messed up then..
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:51 pm
by Will-O-Wisp
I think it's pretty obvious that Bree melted and trickled down the drain.
Next stop, sanitization dept.
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:52 pm
by Samara
I think she got into to car with Jules because it was in exchange for not turning the boys in for kidnapping. She sacrificed herself for their benefit.
I'm positive that Bree is putting on an act with Jonas...enough to let his guard down so she could take off.
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:53 pm
by ControlledEntropy
No. I have an answer to all this.
Last night was...well...the ceremony alright. Which of course Jonas did with his "initiation stick." Which I'm sure he thinks is huge.
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:53 pm
by sparkybennett
Will-O-Wisp wrote:I think it's pretty obvious that Bree melted and trickled down the drain.
Next stop, sanitization dept.
I knew it!
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:53 pm
by JanaL
Will-O-Wisp wrote:I think it's pretty obvious that Bree melted and trickled down the drain.
Next stop, sanitization dept.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:54 pm
by oxdeltaxo
JanaL wrote:If Jonas says that Bree is back to normal, yet there is the possibility that she ran away -- it makes me think. So she wants to be part of the Order? She wants to do the ceremony? You know.. she DID get into that car with Jules, and she wasn't messed up then..
I like where your going with this...Bree= Evil from the start
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:54 pm
by Lurker
Kokeshi wrote:Could the pink shirt be the one from 'Bedside Manner' that Sarah wore?
Maybe she slept with Jonas?
Or decided to take off her top and leave it on the bed? (yeah
Because in the last video Bree's shirt (or jacket) looked red to me.
I doubt Sarah would let him touch her. In any case, she wants Danny B.
Besides, Bree could have been wearing multiple layers. Or it could just be an inconsistency. Bree's been seen wearing two different outfits between two videos that were supposed to be in the same day and only a little while apart.
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:55 pm
by JanaL
oxdeltaxo wrote:JanaL wrote:If Jonas says that Bree is back to normal, yet there is the possibility that she ran away -- it makes me think. So she wants to be part of the Order? She wants to do the ceremony? You know.. she DID get into that car with Jules, and she wasn't messed up then..
I like where your going with this...Bree= Evil from the start
That would disappoint me. It's a possibility, though.
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:57 pm
by Kokeshi
Lurker wrote:Kokeshi wrote:Could the pink shirt be the one from 'Bedside Manner' that Sarah wore?
Maybe she slept with Jonas?
Or decided to take off her top and leave it on the bed? (yeah
Because in the last video Bree's shirt (or jacket) looked red to me.
I doubt Sarah would let him touch her. In any case, she wants Danny B.
Besides, Bree could have been wearing multiple layers.
Or it could just be an inconsistency. Bree's been seen wearing two different outfits between two videos that were supposed to be in the same day and only a little bit apart.
That's what I thought too...
Maybe Sarah left the shirt there so Daniel would find it.
Maybe that bed has sexual powers.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:00 pm
by oxdeltaxo
JanaL wrote:oxdeltaxo wrote:JanaL wrote:If Jonas says that Bree is back to normal, yet there is the possibility that she ran away -- it makes me think. So she wants to be part of the Order? She wants to do the ceremony? You know.. she DID get into that car with Jules, and she wasn't messed up then..
I like where your going with this...Bree= Evil from the start
That would disappoint me. It's a possibility, though.
I'd actually like it they took it in that direction, I find evil chicks with their own agenda's kinda sexy....