Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:32 pm
hey how is everyone tonight
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
we met in the chat.Marbella wrote:Talia and Heidi.. Did you meet on-line or do you know each other off-line? I'm just curious.
No me dear Olde China!!! I always come fully loaded!Jamesyboy wrote:Evening Sim!! There's only 1 bullet left in the barrel, so maybe I'm feeling lucky....Sim7lizard wrote:Jamesyboy wrote:! Has Sim been over yet? We still on for 2013?
In the words of Dirty Harry: Go ahead Punk make my day!
Ooh me too. and wickist can I have yours?wickist wrote:hey marbella can i join your myspace friends
haha! that's right.. holla atcha girl.xxtaliaxx wrote:Nothing much Hooda, just chilling in the Hood with the Hooda.
what kind of clues?Marbella wrote:Wickest, I just finished a fantastic visit with my dad, and since about mid-afternoon I've been having chills and feeling weird. I keep delaying lying down because I've been having fun researching odd clues for LG-15..