Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 5:42 pm
Helloooooo sweet Jess!!!! 

Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
lol perfume too strong?? I just spray it in the air and walk through so it's a barely there smellSim7lizard wrote:Hey Jess!!! (I can smell here coming soon)(she smell so good)
Nope no perfume it's the smell of you charisma!!Jess4298 wrote:lol perfume too strong?? I just spray it in the air and walk through so it's a barely there smellSim7lizard wrote:Hey Jess!!! (I can smell here coming soon)(she smell so good)
jc_gypsy7 wrote:*peeking in*
yes, betz, you are not alone... I am doing what was promised and completing my laundry as well.
The last load's in the dryer, and everything else is already folded and put away.
Meanwhile, I've got a roast beef in the oven, and baked potatoes in there as well...
(multi-tasking at it's finest!)
How're you feeling, Marbella, and did you have a blast with your Dad?
Sim, I've been enjoying your songs!
Hi Iris and I'm glad you could unhack Bree's account.. nice to know you're talented that way in case we ever get friend in here! (tho with Marblehead on guard, I don't foresee that happening in the near future!)
hi SapereAudeo!!