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Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:41 am
Lurker wrote:
Seriously, just go back and watch her expressions there. She wants something the Beast has.
Or, she could just be attention whoring. She seems like the type (lacks attention from her family, promiscuity, etc...).
From her blog, it does not seem like she has a positive opinion of poor DB. Who knows what could change, though...
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:41 am
by Lurker
psychobunnie wrote:i totally
LOLed out loud at..
"look i'm not good with dogs... you're a beast, right... you should have like some kind of connection"
I liked DB's reaction to that. How he looked back and forth a couple of times between Jonas and the dog.
The part right after that was great too.
Jonas: "We'll get the girls to distract it. ... Up top?"
DB: "High five."
Sarah: "You guys are ridiculous. Grow a pair."
Susan wrote:Did anyone else notice where Daniel's arm was in that last scene?
Behind Taylor?
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:41 am
by Hippie
Lurker wrote:Hippie wrote:Still not much happening though in all reality, weve been setting up for something for well over a month now...
It's funny, but I really, really am happy with these last two vids. I think I am getting faith back that things are going somewhere. That scares me, but it's happening.
I really like Taylor and Sarah as well, and their actors.
its not that Im disappointed with the videos, far from it, I see the progress, it just actually hasnt revealed itself yet... there are things to ponder in the videos but that doesnt equate to real progress, or maybe I just want a mind shattering revelation before i totally trust this series again...
Either way, addition of 2 hot girls, 1 being a FREAK and the other the girl next door type... you shouldnt be able to go wrong with this, and in addition they are sisters... I mean... Hello! The Female characters' fanboys WILL OVERTAKE THE CRAZED DBJ fangirls!! lol
I really hope both are over 18 in reality or I might seem a bit off, lol

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:42 am
by JollyHolly
how do you guys get the stills from the videos? i've tried right clicking to copy a still and it doesn't work. i'm technologically impaired

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:44 am
by Hippie
JollyHolly wrote:how do you guys get the stills from the videos? i've tried right clicking to copy a still and it doesn't work. i'm technologically impaired

printscreen button and paste to your favorite image editor, Paint works...
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:44 am
by impulse
It's good to see that the story is moving forward again, finally! However, I found Taylor relatively transparent. Sarah stole the spotlight. She's definitely not the actress we were talking about earlier though. She looks younger. But still, she's cute and fun to watch. A nice addition to the cast. Overall this last vid was packed with a lot of different elements, from character interaction to plot action. Good vid.
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:46 am
by Susan
Lurker wrote:Susan wrote:Did anyone else notice where Daniel's arm was in that last scene?
Behind Taylor?
I'm thinkin' more
around Taylor.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:46 am
by Lurker
JollyHolly wrote:how do you guys get the stills from the videos? i've tried right clicking to copy a still and it doesn't work. i'm technologically impaired

Use the "print scr" button on your keyboard to capture the entire display on your screen (the key should be beside of F12). Then open a program like MS Paint (if you have Windows XP, go to Start --> Accessories --> Paint), go to "Edit" and hit "Paste."
Then use the image tool in the top left that looks like a little dotted rectangle to take out the part of the image with the video capture (isolate the area you want to take and right-click with the mouse and hit "Copy" or "Cut"), hit "File" --> "New," and then paste again and save.
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:48 am
by JollyHolly
i have an apple mac thing. there's no print scr key... any mac users that can help?
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:48 am
by Hippie
impulse wrote:She looks younger.
im glad to hear this from another person, this is why i thought she was younger in the last video... age is hard nowadays though, damn make up and Britney Spears (but not limited to either)
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:49 am
by Susan
JollyHolly wrote:how do you guys get the stills from the videos? i've tried right clicking to copy a still and it doesn't work. i'm technologically impaired

and if it's a Mac, try apple-shift-4 then click-drag the area you want to take. (called screen capture) you can rename and upload the png file called Picture.png on your desktop.
for full screen capture it's apple-shift-3.
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:50 am
by Lurker
JollyHolly wrote:i have an apple mac thing. there's no print scr key... any mac users that can help?
If you have an F13 key, it should be that.
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:51 am
by JollyHolly
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:51 am
by Susan
Lurker wrote:JollyHolly wrote:i have an apple mac thing. there's no print scr key... any mac users that can help?
If you have an F13 key, it should be that.
only if you've preprogrammed the F keys.
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:52 am
by Hippie
since for hopefully a short time, technical info is being offered, where do most ppl use to host an image and whats the [/ blahblah commands to post it here? Ive been dying for an avatar, but a few times i wanted to up a pic... THNX you great ppls!
woot, im now a lonelygirl fan, was wondering where they cutoff line was!