Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:28 pm
Mmmmm... pastrami.
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
I'm happy to admit that I'm an atheist, but that doesn't mean that I have no beliefs. I just happen to believe in real things, like science, and philosophy, and art.popopo wrote: If you are a spiritual or religious person, as has been amply established for her in the videos, then that faith is important to you. That you would even ask this question shows that you have no beliefs of your own.
I was wondering that, too. It is a great possiblity that Bree's parents view Daniel as some sort of threat to Bree's success in her religion and the ceremony she is preparing for. Since it's such an honor, her parents obviously wouldn't want anyone to deter her from this great opportunity. Perhaps it also allows the adults something to brag about. For instance: "My daughter was chosen to be the centerpiece for an occultic ritual. And how is Suzy?" I still am not exactly sure about the purity bond (although, as many of you have pointed out, it's probably alluding to cleanliness [dirty feet, kissing, disrespect]).sungurl wrote:All this talk of Bree picking religion over a boy makes me wonder why Bree's dad is sooooo concerned about Daniel....I mean, obviously he felt comfortable enough for the longest time to allow him up in her room, on her bed, with the door closed. So now that this religious ceremony is coming up, he bans him from the house and Bree from seeing him...could be he is concerned that Daniel really COULD convince Bree to choose him over their religion.....and maybe he is scared for Daniel to find out what is really going on as Bree seems (key word seems) to confide in daniel about tons of stuff....
just thinking aloud here
Mostly it's that they love the attention.Nora Volkova wrote:It's very common for young girl bloggers and vloggers to make huge "THIS WILL BE MY LAST EVER, GOODBYE CRUEL VIRTUAL WORLD" statements. And then, like YouTube's Bravesgirl5, they realize that they don't want to stifle themselves, and they have tougher skins than they gave themseves credit for, and they come back.
I think that a lot of this is designed to be a bunch of swerves and that characters are not really what they appear to be and that Bree's parents allowed Daniel in their lion's den because he is in on all of it. Somehow the things Daniel has said and done are with the full consent of Bree's parents and that they are all working to have Bree continue on with the ceremony even though it is not in her best interest.sungurl wrote:All this talk of Bree picking religion over a boy makes me wonder why Bree's dad is sooooo concerned about Daniel....I mean, obviously he felt comfortable enough for the longest time to allow him up in her room, on her bed, with the door closed. So now that this religious ceremony is coming up, he bans him from the house and Bree from seeing him...could be he is concerned that Daniel really COULD convince Bree to choose him over their religion.....and maybe he is scared for Daniel to find out what is really going on as Bree seems (key word seems) to confide in daniel about tons of stuff....
just thinking aloud here
Oh, thought you got some new info from your reading other than what has already been posted.Oh geez..ummm NO I can't elaborate on what I have been head exploded yesterday and I am still cleaning up the mess...but generally read the basics..wikipedia on thelema and crowley..Ummm gosh..I've read so many...but this was my general take based on the weeklong experience. I recall having read some basics of the best candidates for sacrifice..of which blood of an innocent male child makes the best(didn't say ALL of it)...and goes on from there...I cant recall that site..but should be basics of thelema. Then Bree being a virgin...and crowley being VERY into sex just follows..then..against that..she is still a her parents aren't allowed to go...and her dads a top dog it seems...awwww crap.... **BABOOM**..there went my friggin head again..
No, I don't think it's strange. I think it's a really good reason and I'm sure she has very strong beliefs in her religion too. It's hard to just dismiss it when that's the religion you've followed your entire life. For some people, it can just become a habit and even if they found some things wrong with it, it might be that there are certain beliefs within the religion that they still feel strongly about and want to adhere to. I don't think that all people who follow a certain religion necessarily agree with every single aspect of that religion. The thing is within religions, people can still make up things along the way. Sorry, I just have a different view on this because I'm the opposite of you. I'm still following the religion of my birth and I have analyzed my beliefs and still continue to follow the religion even though I may not agree with every aspect of it, probably because people can just make things up along the way. However, I agree with the very core of it strongly. Don't know if that makes any sense.Mortal Wombat wrote:Does anyone else think it's kind of weak that when Daniel asks her to choose between their relationship and her religion, the reason she comes up with is that she's only known him for 2 years, versus her being religious her whole life?
Bree has shown herself to be quite the intelligent and thoughtful girl in the past. This whole deal with Daniel and teenage rebellion has presumably made her examine why her religion is important to her.
You'd think she would give us a better reason than "this is the way it's always been", which is an answer for those too stupid or timid to examine themselves and their beliefs. It's a kids answer, not that of someone who has come to terms with their faith in a mature or critical manner.
Maybe I'm being harsh on her because I rejected the religion of my birth in my teenage years, and want her to do the same, but I don't think The Creators are giving the character the depth they'd so carefully built up over previous months.