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Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:06 am
by ifeelcrazybaby
wow. i can't tell if it's my imagination or just wanting to see it, but i believe y'all none the less.
i wonder what i was seeing? a toe maybe?
p.s. i always forget when i say "y'all" people can tell where i am from...
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:09 am
by mincartaugh
Maybe this will help? I have photoshop and I lightened it... a lot!
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:16 am
by longlostposter
Marbella wrote:LLP, I agree. When Alex said that, I thought she sounded like a wicked witch, just evil.
I believe Alex was emotional because she knew their plan was foiled and that they had escaped.
She could be just baiting them, Marabella, and may know that they are following her.
Sorry, really behind on this thread.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:22 am
by longlostposter
I hope someone hasn't posted this in the pages I haven't read yet.
From LGPedia:
At least one fan has pointed out that there may be a recurring theme having to do with characters wearing caps.
* In Following The Helper, Daniel is shown wearing a cap as he breaks in to Lucy's apartment.
* In I Listened To Daniel, Bree is shown wearing a cap as she makes the decision not to go through with the ceremony.
* In Trust Issues, Jonas is shown wearing a cap as he invites Bree and Daniel to stay at his house.
* In Roadtrip, Jonas again sports a cap.
* In The Unthinkable Happened, we only see Bree's father from behind, wearing a black cap.
* In Is He Out There?, Daniel is seen wearing a cap.
* In Missing Days, Jonas is wearing a brown cap.
In each of these videos, it seems the character wearing the cap is making a conscious decision to defy the will of the Order.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:28 am
by PixieSailor
Except 90% of the videos we see include people deciding to defy the order. I see what you mean for most of them, but "is he out there" isn't unique in they're order defying decisions I don't think.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:28 am
by Aithne
longlostposter wrote:Marbella wrote:LLP, I agree. When Alex said that, I thought she sounded like a wicked witch, just evil.
I believe Alex was emotional because she knew their plan was foiled and that they had escaped.
She could be just baiting them, Marabella, and may know that they are following her.
Sorry, really behind on this thread.
I think there is certainly a possibility that she knew they were coming. It's possible that the idea of going to see Alex may have been a "suggestion" that they got while hypnotized. Bree usually balks at anything that hints at danger, and yet none of them seemed to have any hesitancy about going to see Alex. I just think that in itself is weird.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:51 am
by longlostposter
mincartaugh wrote:I think I've finally figured out what's wrong. Daniel says "that crazy guy that grabbed us." 1. One guy? Weren't there a bunch of guys out looking for the trio? We know there were (was? Damn syntax!) more than 1 grabbing them at the gas station.
That is the thinking (my theory), but it hasn't been confirmed in any vid that I remember.
mincartaugh wrote:2. Who's funding these kids? Fresh clothes, new camera, cleaned up, in a car... I'm just sayin'
Jonas' parents were "lost at sea" (at least that is what Jonas has told B&D that he was told). His money was left to him by his parents. Before they went to the cabin, they were staying in Jonas' huge house.
mincartaugh wrote: 3. Alex wanted to say something to Daniel? That sounds like she was part of the Order, saw the videos, and is having a change of heart. I really do think that definitively places Alex's affiliations.
Go watch the video "Aunt Alex is..." and I think you will get a clearer picture of Alex.
Also, it's imperative that you watch all of BDJ's videos if you want to stay on top of what's going on; and almost imperative that you watch OpAphid and Tachyon's vids. What you don't find here or on Revver, you can find on You Tube. I suggest searching both Revver and You Tube.
PixieSailor wrote:Except 90% of the videos we see include people deciding to defy the order. I see what you mean for most of them, but "is he out there" isn't unique in they're order defying decisions I don't think.
I only quoed LGPedia, Pixie.
EDIT: Spelling
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:55 am
by longlostposter
Aithne wrote: It's possible that the idea of going to see Alex may have been a "suggestion" that they got while hypnotized. Bree usually balks at anything that hints at danger, at yet none of them seemed to have any hesitancy about going to see Alex. I just think that in itself is weird.
Great point, Aithne!
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:31 am
by mincartaugh
Poster, How many times would you like me to watch these?! I have seen them all at least 3 times each. Yes, that's more than 200 videos more than 3 times. I have also read ALL of the comments on ALL of the videos. That includes OpAphid, DanielBeast, CassieisWatching, Tachyon, Gemmers19, 10033, Jonastko... It is not axiomatic that because I have low posts I have no experience.
I have a different opinion, not necessarily a wrong or uninformed opinion.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:43 am
by anniid
"It's hot so turn it off"
you know, someone literally had to make that up.
Well, I like this video, but I don't think the Order's brainwashing has any far...because it's not working! and I think they should be able to remember...I mean this just stinks.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:57 am
by Marilee
mellie3204 wrote:Good call on to those who said a watcher was the one who shot down the other Order guy!

I feel pretty special haha
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:13 am
by Biglancer01
Who said the order kidnapped them? Maybe that is why a watcher ree to do the ceremony and Daniel and Jonas to stop the ceremony. That way they'd have Bree think thigns are going fine and whamo it gets interrupted big showdown style and the ceremony and it's secret meaning are ruined.
Hence why a watcher shot the dude crypts style in the eye.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:32 am
by raigne
Aithne wrote:I think there is certainly a possibility that she knew they were coming. It's possible that the idea of going to see Alex may have been a "suggestion" that they got while hypnotized. Bree usually balks at anything that hints at danger, and yet none of them seemed to have any hesitancy about going to see Alex. I just think that in itself is weird.
Going up to the door and saying Hi would be reckless. Following her in the car to see where her true alliegences lie? Seems pretty cautious to me. At least, cautious for these three.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:10 am
robtomorrow wrote:Watcher or Cowboy?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:12 am
by imogene2004
ifeelcrazybaby wrote:i hope you can see it here, but i knew Bree was there because you can see an ear in the back seat....
edited to ask: OK! I saw an ear on the left hand side and someone sees hair on the right?! weird... something doesn't match up.
That does look like an ear. And I rewatched the video and I didn't see anything that looked like hair, but I did see the ear.