0157-"Alex Is..."[3-17-07]
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Languorous Lass, I am most intrigued by the Wonder Bread connection. Maybe they'll go for the whole shooting match and promote cheese sandwiches. *..rushes off to Google to search for something along the lines of the National Cheese Sandwich Association before heading to bed for the evening...*

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- JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
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Marilee wrote:ok... soooo i can't process a lot cause I am overloaded, but is the dialog in the beginning important??
-the picture being too sentimental
- things changing in her mid 20's (26 i think?)
-money involved
-giving up things you loved
and what could Jonas' parents have been busy doing?? were they brainwashed by the order??
Much like those stories a long time ago? When Daniel went home and Bree went to Jonas's house. Daniel met a man on the train and.. I think it was jonas? who met a baker. Both of them had to give up what they loved for money, but they ended up hating it and went back to the "FREE" life they desired.
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- Huuney
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hey guys i duno if u have mentioned it yet but some ppls comments on the video have pointed out jonas in the reflection of the windows when daniel goes bak into the house.. so heres a pic

Last edited by Huuney on Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
- janesalteredstates
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Granted this is a lazy writer's tool, but nevertheless, it's useful. Perhaps the breeniverse is a fatalistic one, meaning Jonas was meant to find Bree and Daniel. It was his destinyimmortal1 wrote:gogo funny you should bring this up. I just spent an hour looking at the transcripts of Jonas' vids prior to the test. He never claimed to not have knowldege of the Order. I don't think it was an accident that Jonas stumbled onto Bree's vids. He might have suspected something was not right with his parents disappearance and made some kind of connection with the Order, then when he saw Bree's vids had something to do with the Order he decided to go uncover.gogo wrote:There was a reference to Kraft Singles. Will there be some sort of cheese-related promotion in the near future?
Interesting twist with Evil Aunt Alex, but how is Jonas involved? It seems too coincidental that of all the people on all the internets, Bree just happened to accept the help of a young man whose parents were not killed in a boating accident and are somehow involved with the order, and who has a young long-lost aunt who just happens to be part of this sinister organization...Help me understand...I do like Evil Aunt Alex, though. Evil is swell, sometimes.

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- tenshiakui
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- janesalteredstates
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Huuney wrote:hey guys i duno if u have mentioned it yet but some ppls comments on the video has pointed out jonas in the reflection of the windows when daniel goes bak into the house.. so heres a pic
Those don't look like Jonas. They look like one of the creators haha
“It takes a thousand voices to tell a single story. ”
- janesalteredstates
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tenshiakui wrote:*slinkies*janesalteredstates wrote:(I need a Darth Vader smiley)
You are my new hero. Thanks! (looks around for a leia smiley

“It takes a thousand voices to tell a single story. ”
Ok, pages are popping up so fast I can't keep up, so if someone said this... sorry!
I don't think this clears Jonas. It's still possible that he's their "in" guy, and after Bree and Tachyon saw the picture, he has to play along. I don't want it to be like this, because it would simply be yet another endless plot circle, but it's possible.
I don't think this clears Jonas. It's still possible that he's their "in" guy, and after Bree and Tachyon saw the picture, he has to play along. I don't want it to be like this, because it would simply be yet another endless plot circle, but it's possible.
- janesalteredstates
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AHHHHHHH What does Jonas have to do to prove himself to you people?
“It takes a thousand voices to tell a single story. ”
- tenshiakui
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*slinkies from the shadows*janesalteredstates wrote: You are my new hero. Thanks! (looks around for a leia smiley)
Your wish is my command... well closest I could find

*fades to black*
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Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
The Shadow of the LG15 Defense Force.
The Mackerel Sushi Chef
Mistress of Nick-Names
Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
The Shadow of the LG15 Defense Force.
The Mackerel Sushi Chef
Mistress of Nick-Names
I agree w/you about the giving up something you love. I think it's really important. I got all excited when she said it because I thought it was the closest that we were going to get to a confession from her. Obviously not, though.Lurker wrote:Props to Languorous Lass, by the way. She totally called the scrapbook thing from day one (memories of people she screwed over).
How'd Jonas post this anyway? Did she let Daniel go?
By the way, I think the whole "How can you just give up something you love?"/"It's easier than you'd think" thing was supposed to be symbolic. Nice touch.

- thelogicpuzzler
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I don't know if this will matter as quickly as these pages pop up. I pointed out earlier that Jonas didn't have a bandage on in "Uncle Dan", but I was thinking his jacket sleeve might've covered it up. This vid proves that his hand is healed, if not completely.
I'm here hoping to work on my Mystery Solving Skills!