[20:58] <blahblablee> Lysine_Asparagine_Threonine_Lysine_Lysine_Threonine_Asparagine
[20:58] <AlteredJane> oh jees
[20:58] <AlteredJane> lol
[20:58] <@ShardinsKitten> I'll use MPs thing to get the letters
[20:59] <AlteredJane> ok
[20:59] <blahblablee> that doesn't look like it'll work
[20:59] <blahblablee> but yeah go for it
[20:59] <blahblablee> it looks too repetitive..
[20:59] <AlteredJane> yeah that looks weird
[20:59] <blahblablee> but i double checked it...
[20:59] <AlteredJane> yeah
[20:59] <blahblablee> so ...
[20:59] <blahblablee> its right..
[20:59] <blahblablee> take out the _'s
[21:00] <@ShardinsKitten> HHECURE
[21:00] <AlteredJane> lol
[21:00] <@ShardinsKitten> yea I did
[21:00] <Luminous> THECURE
[21:00] <AlteredJane> Maybe The Cure?
[21:00] <blahblablee> yes!
[21:00] <blahblablee> lol
[21:00] <blahblablee> success...
[21:00] <Musique> so we're destroying the cure?
[21:00] <Luminous> Yes, I did it in McP's software

[21:00] <blahblablee> i did something!
[21:00] <AlteredJane> the band? LOL
[21:00] <blahblablee> yay
[21:00] <Luminous> lol
[21:00] <@ShardinsKitten> where did you get the T
[21:00] <blahblablee> we're destroying the cure though?
[21:00] <AlteredJane> that is my question
[21:00] <blahblablee> the cure for what?!
[21:01] <Musique> Rickets?
[21:01] <Luminous> I just ran the words through the j translator McP built
[21:01] <AlteredJane> HEY
[21:01] <blahblablee> cancer?
[21:01] <AlteredJane> oh
[21:01] <Luminous> lol
[21:01] <AlteredJane> hahahahahahaha
so the answer is "The Cure" we are destroying "The Cure"