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Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:54 am
by Chelseyrl
I just watched it again, and it sounds and looks like Jonas jumps in there and shuts the door. It also sounds like he hits his leg or something on a bed frame...

Edit: bed frame... well because i saw a mattress (matress... mattress.... :oops: idk) or it could just be some other metal...

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:17 pm
by trainer101
I blew up the image as much as possible without completely losing all resolution. The patterns on the boxes don't appear to be anything more than decoration. I can't tell if the object is P. Monkey or not.

P. Monkey

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:26 pm
by paigeb25
Okay so what are the real reasons of why P.Monkey would even be here.

Did Bree leave P. Monkey in somewhat of a jab, saying "i've been here and I know what all is in here?"

Or is it possible that P.Monkey stirred up some long lost memories for Jonas. Is it possible he saw a P. Gargoyle (that what it looks like all blown up) and realized that all kids in the order got a purple stuffed animal?

Or could it be that he was just yelling "what is that" because he heard Daniels footsteps....


Video please!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:26 pm
by joygasm
Emersion wrote:
saralynn wrote:This doesn't look good for Jonas.. this is just gonna make him look more suspicious. He should've just tapped gently on the glass and made a 'shh' face and hoped Daniel would just come outside quietly to talk.
We still don't know if he was caught...
Like.. maybe DB fell asleep on the way up and Jonas jumped over him ran down the stairs and out the door...
it explains if Daniel was posting the "Is He Out There Video"
But I'm not sure how he didn't find him....

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:35 pm
by joygasm
Luv2Skydive wrote:Image

The other thing looks like a nautical compass, which would make sense with the parent's boating.

Good Job! Thank you very much for this. It makes sense why it would be there. He obviously wasn't saying, "What is that?" about the box with an "A" on it, since it wasn't an "A", it doesn't represent the A in Aphid... it is just some of his parents stuff that makes perfect sense being there.

I am really curious about how they are going to reveal that Jonas and Bree are siblings. I know it's coming out. I know it! I agree with some others that maybe while going through the boxes, he find pictures of a baby girl. Or pictures of his mother at a young age that are spitting images of Bree.

Also, I think Daniel posted his video to throw Bree off. I think probably the last couple of days, Daniel has been helping Jonas go through the stuff. He already made it clear that he thought Bree was crazy for handling the situation the way she did. The only way they were going to get to the bottom of everything is to help Jonas find out everything he could. We know if Bree found out Jonas was there she would go psycho on him again. Then again... maybe Daniel is still under his hypnosis and is just trying to find out what Jonas really knows?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:38 pm
by joygasm
trainer101 wrote:I blew up the image as much as possible without completely losing all resolution. The patterns on the boxes don't appear to be anything more than decoration. I can't tell if the object is P. Monkey or not.
Well, because you can see... or I can clearly see, 4 straight edge sides, I want to agree that is a photograph or a book.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:50 pm
by PinkoLady
Luv2Skydive wrote:I think this is a photo, like a headshot or something.



I think you may be right! and I think it looks like a young

woman ...MAYBE it is his mom and there is a resemblance to BREE!!
Interesting that definitely does look like it could be a photograph.

Either way, I don't think it looks anything like P. Monkey. :P

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:00 pm
by betz28
voyboy wrote:Wouldn't that be creepy if it were baby pictures of bree and a birth certificate and baby book etc...
i think that WOULD be creepy but i LOVE the idea!!!!

I think the object looks like a photograph

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:01 pm
by joygasm

Ok... I played with the brightness, contrast, sharpness, all that good stuff to see mostly if I could get the shape of P. Monkey to come out a little more. DEFINITELY a photograph. You can almost see two figures in the photograph. One of them looks a lot like a little boy. I know I see a boy, the other figure is questionable. I think it is interesting that like most attics, this one seems a litte disorganized but there is this photograph that seems to be propped up against the wall like it is on displayed and it was meant to be noticed.

edit: I realize you really can't make out the two figures now that I have it posted. I guess I was zoomed in a little closer when I had the image opened in Photoshop. I'll see if I can get a good image that shows what I see...

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:13 pm
by R1kk1
joygasm wrote:Image

Ok... I played with the brightness, contrast, sharpness, all that good stuff to see mostly if I could get the shape of P. Monkey to come out a little more. DEFINITELY a photograph. You can almost see two figures in the photograph. One of them looks a lot like a little boy. I know I see a boy, the other figure is questionable. I think it is interesting that like most attics, this one seems a litte disorganized but there is this photograph that seems to be propped up against the wall like it is on displayed and it was meant to be noticed.

edit: I realize you really can't make out the two figures now that I have it posted. I guess I was zoomed in a little closer when I had the image opened in Photoshop. I'll see if I can get a good image that shows what I see...
NOW I'm seeing the picture side of things!!! I really wouldn't see it before but this is really obvious, and its true about it being randomly propped up. Obviously it has some importance.

Do you ever get the feeling the creators search the forums, find these posts and be like "NO YOU IDIOTS!!! THATS MEANS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!" I think it would be funny...

Anywho, I'm glad Jonas is trying to proove himself innocent, but I still reckon running away just yell's guilty...

PS: Did anyone else besides me re-watch 'Is He Out There' to see if they could spot Jonas in the background now knowing he was watching daniel film his video? Or am I just sad?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:14 pm
by bluejay
aideen wrote: Anyway, what I don't get is the Is he Out there? video. The description and everything leads us to believe daniel still doesn't know where Jonas is, but he could have easily edited in OMG I JUST CAUGHT JONAS UPSTAIRS SCREAMING SOMETHING ABOUT P.MONKEY KILLING HIS PARENTS

Coz we know he knows that Jonas knows he knows where Jonas is

Stinkin Daniel, how dare he lie to me! :O
I thought about this and then realized that Daniel posted his video relatively early - before 2am - probably before this whole thing went down with Jonas.

What I'm wondering about is where Jonas is now, and why Daniel was yelling so loud when going up the stairs. He is NOT cut out for this spy stuff!!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:19 pm
by sweetie55
joygasm wrote:Image

Ok... I played with the brightness, contrast, sharpness, all that good stuff to see mostly if I could get the shape of P. Monkey to come out a little more. DEFINITELY a photograph. You can almost see two figures in the photograph. One of them looks a lot like a little boy. I know I see a boy, the other figure is questionable. I think it is interesting that like most attics, this one seems a litte disorganized but there is this photograph that seems to be propped up against the wall like it is on displayed and it was meant to be noticed.

edit: I realize you really can't make out the two figures now that I have it posted. I guess I was zoomed in a little closer when I had the image opened in Photoshop. I'll see if I can get a good image that shows what I see...
Good try with the photoshop editing. Probably right that whatever this thing is, it's propped up. Debatable on what we are supposed to be investigating, but I still think the object is a p monkey! :smt081

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:19 pm
by Sami
betz28 wrote:
voyboy wrote:Wouldn't that be creepy if it were baby pictures of bree and a birth certificate and baby book etc...
i think that WOULD be creepy but i LOVE the idea!!!!

I think the object looks like a photograph
Pictures of a little baby girl holding a purple monkey puppet :D

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:25 pm
by Sami
The patterns on the boxes looks like waffen ss symbols

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:26 pm
by joygasm
Ok... this is really the best I can do to try to show people what I see... after this, I give up!!!
