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Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:51 pm
by yarvin
In Buddhism (and Crowley was a Buddhist at one point), 8 has a significance of perfection. Eight leaves of the lotus, eight-fold path of enlightenment.

On an almost-completely-separate-for-our-purposes-but-otherwise-very-much-related tangent, in analytical psychology (Carl Jung's school of thought), 8 is important number representing wholeness, both because of the Buddhist/lotus connection, and because it is twice 4, which was Jung's pet (four cognitive functions, four stages of development, four cardinal directions, etc.).

I'm not sure how important Jung or Joseph Campbell is to the series, but having listened to some of Tannhaus' "A Thelemite Speaks" series, I find that Crowley's most important concept translates directly into Jung's most important: Holy Guardian Angel == the Self.

Then again, anyone who knows anything about Crowley is likely to have read Jung at some point.

UPDATE: Just realized: Since theta is the 8th letter, there's another connotation. Theta is like the sun, and the Sun is another symbol of the Self (wholeness).

UPDATE, Again: And if we really want to get esoteric, might not the never-seen Tachyon be a kind of Holy Guardian Angel (Self) to Bree?

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:21 pm
by diastres
yarvin wrote:On an almost-completely-separate-for-our-purposes-but-otherwise-very-much-related tangent, in analytical psychology (Carl Jung's school of thought), 8 is important number representing wholeness, both because of the Buddhist/lotus connection, and because it is twice 4, which was Jung's pet (four cognitive functions, four stages of development, four cardinal directions, etc.).
And then you talk to the Japanese and 4 is a very unlucky number, since it's pronounced the same way as "death"...

The point of that was to say we probably need to keep it in the realm of Crowley or Egypt or whatever else has been mentioned. I'm sure every number could have good and bad meanings if we looked hard enough, you know? That's not to say it shouldn't be kept in mind...just that if we stretch too much, we might not get anywhere rather than...not far.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:25 pm
by janesalteredstates
The Theta is similar to an Egyptian symbol that represents the Sun, and the Mu was derived from the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for water. So the Sun equals Ra...and the water equals Naunet? Or maybe Poseidon? When combined this "watcher" symbol establishes that the Order rules and watches over all that exists in between.

Theta is the 8th letter, Mu is the 12th. So that's one more 12, but the 8 = ?.

Theta was also used as an abbreviation for "Thanatos," and considered a warning of death.
This notes was written by Tachyon, right? She is saying what she believes about what she found at OpAphid?
She isn't sure:
"So the Sun equals Ra...and the water equals Naunet? Or maybe Poseidon?"
Interesting. Could be something else entirely.

So, 12 is a reference to something Op or The Order did/said/whatever, not Tachyon. Especially is the 8 is the same symbol as on the boxes and I am so down with the 8 on the box from the warehouse. Awesome catch whoever it was that caught that (sorry I'm tired and ill and just don't feel like looking right this second).

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:15 pm
by janesalteredstates
Sorry if this has been brought up, I read through but my head hurts.

"Theta (uppercase Θ, lowercase θ) is the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet, derived from the Phoenician letter Teth. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 9"

Oh and since the Phoenician was used in another symbol I'll bring up that "Teth is the ninth letter of many Semitic abjads, including Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew ט‎, Syriac ܛ and Arabic ṭāʼ ﻁ‎ (9th in abjadi order; 16th in modern order)"

OK I am really confused so I am posting this in both threads. Delete it if you want. I don't care.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:17 pm
by yarvin
diastres wrote:The point of that was to say we probably need to keep it in the realm of Crowley or Egypt or whatever else has been mentioned. I'm sure every number could have good and bad meanings if we looked hard enough, you know? That's not to say it shouldn't be kept in mind...just that if we stretch too much, we might not get anywhere rather than...not far.
True, and I don't want to push down that road either, except to note some connections to look out for.

The thing about Jung, though, is that his school of psychology seems to be a not-uncommon way of understanding the mythology and symbolism of religions, and of adhering to occult ideas without regarding them as literally true.

Anyway, I'm curious as to whether or not the 8->Buddhism->Crowley connection is meaningful.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:47 pm
by staticmorning
im really not sure if this is at all relevent.. or helpful. but i was checking out the number eight and found the eight-circuit model of conciousness, which is a model of the brain proposed by thomas leary. He proposed that the mind was subdivided into eight 'mini-brains' each one representing a higher level of evolution then the one before it. the eighth level, imprinted by shock or near-death experience, allows contact with conciousness that predates life in the universe (ie.. god.. a creator..).

LSD can also provoke an eighth-level like state.

so.. maybe they pump kids full of LSD, in hopes that they'll be able to talk to a higher being of some sort..

haha. everyone can just ignore this post.. and even delete it if youd like. but its late. and im stretching. and, after writing this all, i realise how stupid it sounds haha. sorry.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:53 am
by Thamus
I been watching for a while – I have some observations that might be of use:

The picture Crowley on the altar of Bree’s room would indicate the Order had connections with, or was derivative of The Order of the Golden Dawn. The numerical attributions employed by this order were those of the Hebrew alphabet which were the same as those of the Greek, Phoenician, (and somewhat removed) Egyptian alphabets.

The eighth letter in our alphabet is H. In the Hebrew it is Heth. In the Greek: Eta. Also:

The planet Mercury revolves around the sun in 88 days.
Mercury was the messenger of the gods and Mercury has the swiftest orbital velocity.

The Greek name for the Roman god Mercury is Hermes.
(The Egyptian god Thoth.)

The liquid metal Mercury occupies the 80th place in the periodic table of elements. Its chemical symbol is Hg.

A container of Mercury becomes a Horizontal mirror reflecting below what is above.

The Hermetic axiom is; "As above, so below".

The figure eight is composed of a circle above and a circle below. It has the same horizontal geometrical symmetry as the letter H.

Hermes was also the physician to the gods. His symbol and the symbol for medicine is the caduceus; two serpents coiled about a winged staff form the figure eight. This is the symbol for Healing. Even today the Hippocratic oath is taken by physicians.

The twin serpents coiled about the staff also echo the twin Helical structure of DNA.

The musical alphabet is composed of seven notes: A B C D E F G.

The 8th place where H would be is an octave higher. The same sequence of notes below is repeated above: the axiom “As above, so below” is repeated again.

The octave is the purest Harmonic interval.

The frequency of the note A (below middle C on the piano) is 880 cycles per second. The A an octave above has the pitch of 440 cycles per second. This is the tuning standard.

The musical tone A, 440 Hz raised 40 octaves into the octave that is the visible light spectrum becomes the color orange, 483,785,116,221,440 Hz. (Hz = cycles per second).

In the Judaic Tree of Life, the Kabbalists assign the planet Mercury to the 8th sephirah (divine emanation). The name given this sephirah is Hod. Its color is orange.

The shakuhatchi is a Japanese flute named after its length (1.8’) which is one and eight tenths foot (shaku=foot, Hatchi=eighth).

Sound comes to us through Hearing.

In the Hindu system of chakras, the throat chakra. where sound and communication originate, has the seed mantra Ha.

The object of communication is to achieve Harmony. And, when you finally get it…

Ah Ha!

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:15 am
by tristan

i think that was the most indepth analysis of anything i've ever seen, phenomenal researching

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:25 am
by longlostposter
I wish they had a smiley for sticking your lips out and moving your index finger up and down across them vertically while being cross-eyed.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:07 am
by islandlove
that was amazing

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:27 am
by autumneternal
longlostposter wrote:I wish they had a smiley for sticking your lips out and moving your index finger up and down across them vertically while being cross-eyed.
I found one for you!

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:00 am
by tiltingwindward
If I could have your attention for a moment...

...I have split the posts regarding magical dancing leopards from this thread and given them their own, which you can find here:


You may now return to your regularly scheduled puzzle.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:22 am
by Balmung
wow that was a strangely specific smiley lol

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:38 am
by longlostposter
autumneternal wrote:
longlostposter wrote:I wish they had a smiley for sticking your lips out and moving your index finger up and down across them vertically while being cross-eyed.
I found one for you!
Thanks, you sure did, autu.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:58 pm
by Lurker
Thamus wrote:[Entire post]
Nice. So maybe the 8 has something to do with perfection, completeness, or reaching a higher realm.