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Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:23 am
by bethy
I don't understand, in "The Human Ransom" video, what exactly was Lucy gonna do if she actually caught up with them? She was chasing them as if she wanted to capture them, yet here is a dude from the Order just standing there doing nothing...not trying to capture them or anything... I've tried telling people a bazillion and two times....
OpAPHID is only a
part of The Order. Bree herself confirmed this in
Rescuing Daniel, when referring to Tachyon and Brother's way of communicating with each other:
They use lots of codes because they're working together to investigate the Order, and a part of the Order called "OpAphid".
OpAPHID clearly wanted Bree to do the ceremony...and clearly Lucy and the elevator dudes were OpAPHIDs. Just as Gemma was OpAPHID.
Remember, Gemma told Bree about the Watchers...she encouraged them to "flee the Watchers". Everyone assumed the Watchers were somehow a bad thing. Why? Now that we know Gemma was working for OpAPHID, it seems odd that she'd encourage Bree to get away from one of her own, doesn't it?
That's why I'm thinking that The Watchers are part of The Order...but not part of OpAPHID. Sort of how Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker were both Jedi..both had "The Force" --- one using it the way it was intended, the other, not so much. Also, note the Watchers wear dark suits. The Oppies in the elevator were wearing dark leather jackets (and jeans/slacks). Not the same "uniform" if you will. Plus, add that the guy in this video made no attempt to run after Bree/Jonas...or even hit Jonas back. In fact, he threw his hands up in a "I'm not here to hurt you" kind of way, whereas Lucy was chasing them. Seems to me to be two different factions. It's all in how you look at it...
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:31 am
by aideen
imogene2004 wrote:Steph1636 wrote: is kinda a wierd title. I was thinking because of the watchers, they made it a play on words. Did we miss something important that we really had to watch?
I think that it is a play on words, like they were telling the watchers "Hey, WATCH this!"
I reckon that's what it is
Chococat wrote:Lol somehow it looks like theres someone with a cowboy hat sitting in the car ;p i zoomed in but nothing clear to see hehe just looks like a white hat;)
Holy Moly! You nearly gave me a heart attack there, I was thinking, WHAT? HOW COULD I MISS SEEING THE COWBOY SITTING IN THE CAR!!?
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:44 am
by Magesa
bethy wrote:Well, I'm still of the opinion that the Watchers are actually possibly non-OpAphid. Remember, Bree confirmed that OpAphid was a part of the order...not the entire thing. Could there be people within the order that actually want to protect her? This guy didn't hit Jonas fact, he seemed seemed very non-confrontational in a Secret Service, Witness Protection kind of way.
Okay, I'm way behind on pages again...
But I think that this might actually be true. Remember how Gemma was always trying to get Bree to fear the Watchers? She introduced them to us as something sinister, and then kept pointing them out and getting Bree freaked out about them. She turned out to be associated with Lucy, so why would she keep pointing out the Watchers if they weren't good?
EDIT: Bethy's post at the top of this page illustrates exactly what I'm saying!

EDIT AGAIN: lol, Bethy, I didn't even know you'd posted "That's what I'm sayin'" when I made that edit!
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:46 am
by bethy
Magesa wrote:But I think that this might actually be true. Remember how Gemma was always trying to get Bree to fear the Watchers? She introduced them to us as something sinister, and then kept pointing them out and getting Bree freaked out about them. She turned out to be associated with Lucy, so why would she keep pointing out the Watchers if they weren't good?
That's what I'm sayin'!!!
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:49 am
by Missa ChoCho
im not sure if anyone noticed it yet but there were white flowers again
this time it was in a painting
here are some screen shots:
this one is a bit clearer
but yea the white flowers show up again....
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:50 am
by robtomorrow
bethy wrote:I don't understand, in "The Human Ransom" video, what exactly was Lucy gonna do if she actually caught up with them? She was chasing them as if she wanted to capture them, yet here is a dude from the Order just standing there doing nothing...not trying to capture them or anything... I've tried telling people a bazillion and two times....
OpAPHID is only a
part of The Order. Bree herself confirmed this in
Rescuing Daniel, when referring to Tachyon and Brother's way of communicating with each other: can say it
kazillion times, that doesn't mean the distinction you are making makes any sense as to why one would want to capture them and the other not. Besides I would say that all the
evil characters we have actually seen in the LG15 videos named or not, are part of the Order, Lucy, Watchers, Deacons, etc.
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:51 am
by luzdzus
It looked like the suit was about to clobber Jonas with a straight right, but when Bree ran between them he lifted his elbow and threw the punch wide to avoid hitting her. His stance as Jonas was coming across the road is commonly used by martial artists at rest, usually with the thumbs tucked under the knot of the belt.
Jonas's punch was a classic boxer's straight left from a southpaw stance. It's a power punch but takes a bit of time to land, so it's fairly easy to block. It looked like the suit got his right arm up in time to deflect it. Jonas should have started with a couple of right jabs.
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:52 am
by bethy
robtomorrow wrote:bethy wrote:I don't understand, in "The Human Ransom" video, what exactly was Lucy gonna do if she actually caught up with them? She was chasing them as if she wanted to capture them, yet here is a dude from the Order just standing there doing nothing...not trying to capture them or anything... I've tried telling people a bazillion and two times....
OpAPHID is only a
part of The Order. Bree herself confirmed this in
Rescuing Daniel, when referring to Tachyon and Brother's way of communicating with each other: can say it
kazillion times, that doesn't mean the distinction you are making makes any sense as to why one would want to capture them and the other not. Besides I would say that all the
evil characters we have actually seen in the LG15 videos named or not, are part of the Order, Lucy, Watchers, Deacons, etc.
Uhm...did you happen to read the
rest of what I wrote?
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:57 am
by robtomorrow
Yea I did, I just didn't want to quote all of it
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:57 am
by bethy least somebody else picked up on it, too! Of course it's all part of The Order....but I think there are divisions within the order...and while people have just assumed The Watchers are part of OpAPHID, there really isn't anything concrete to prove that. In fact, everything we've seen has proven otherwise.
It reminds me of Pride and Prejudice on some levels...
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:58 am
by bethy
robtomorrow wrote:Yea I did, I just didn't want to quote all of it
Well, you clearly didn't understand what I was saying, then.
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:00 am
by Balmung
Ok, I definitely think everyone is overestimating this guy's strength. He's a fairly big guy, not huge, but he definitely outweighs Jonas. You can hear the smack when Jonas hits the guy's hand, but it looks like the goon definitely leans into it. Also, you can see from Jonas' windup that he pulls back kinda down and inside, for a straight punch from the hip. He punches with his left hand, whereas the Goon catches with his right. Not an incredibly strong punch, and the goon is in a position for a potentially very strong catch.
^ that's all from just watching it a few times. i'm capturing the video and watching it frame-by-frame right now..
also, instead of being amazed with his strength, let's try and figure out what we can know for sure by this video, i.e. why he stayed put before and after jonas attacked, why he's there, why he didn't grap bree.. etc. i think a lot of information can be gleaned from this video
p.s. i'll edit/repost with an update on the frame-by-frame.
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:00 am
by robtomorrow
No I didn't, you were saying this charater is part of this because of this and that charater is part of that because of this other thing. Sorry it made no sense to me.
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:02 am
by aideen
Magesa wrote:But I think that this might actually be true. Remember how Gemma was always trying to get Bree to fear the Watchers? She introduced them to us as something sinister, and then kept pointing them out and getting Bree freaked out about them. She turned out to be associated with Lucy, so why would she keep pointing out the Watchers if they weren't good?
I think the Watchers are actually there to sortof look after Bree, seperate from the Order or OpAphid
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:07 am
by bethy
robtomorrow wrote:No I didn't, you were saying this charater is part of this because of this and that charater is part of that because of this other thing. Sorry it made no sense to me.
I don't know how much more clear I could be?
Bree said OpA is
part of the Order. That indicated that there is more than one part.
Gemma was working for OpA.
Gemma introduced The Watchers and encouraged Bree/Daniel to get away from them.
Why would she do that?
Lucy (also part of OpA) chased them. The Watcher in this video did not. The Watchers wear suits...OpA's have not.
As I seems they're presenting two different factions of The Order to us. And since on faction has never actually tried to chase or harm would seem they are trying to protect her perhaps. Especially since OpA hasn't been able to actually find Jonas' house. If the Watchers are protecting Bree...and since Tachy now knows where Jonas seems logical that a "protector" would show up.
I never said they were good or evil, or that they weren't all part of the Order. In fact, I said it seems that there is a division within The Order...a war of sorts.