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Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:35 pm
by covedweller
We've had puzzles that didn't impact things very much, but took a long time to solve.
This took awhile to find, but it sounds like it will have a HUGE impact.
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:55 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
imagin wrote:
Not meta: All the sample ID's for Illinois I saw have a social security number on them. This one Op has directed us to does not.
in TN, there's the option of whether or not to have your SS# idsplayed. i say it's a stupid thing to have it displayed, so most people go with the option for it to say "SSN on record".
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:00 pm
by Damoreve
A bit of background for ya before I sugesst an idea. I am a Police Officer. Recently I arrested a guy with 2 kilo's of cocaine in his vehicle and on his post arrest interview he snitched out and gave names and such. Now this has nothing to do with this game except for when we asked him for some sort of solid proof he pulled out an ID card that had been laminated and had us cut it open. the paper/pic inside unfolded and on the underside were account numbers for various deposits for when he got the money for the dope.
You may not want to open it on DB's ID card but while reading this thread it sprung into my mind and I thought I would pass it along to the more apt players.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:03 pm
by Killthesmiley
Damoreve wrote:A bit of background for ya before I sugesst an idea. I am a Police Officer. Recently I arrested a guy with 2 kilo's of cocaine in his vehicle and on his post arrest interview he snitched out and gave names and such. Now this has nothing to do with this game except for when we asked him for some sort of solid proof he pulled out an ID card that had been laminated and had us cut it open. the paper/pic inside unfolded and on the underside were account numbers for various deposits for when he got the money for the dope.
You may not want to open it on DB's ID card but while reading this thread it sprung into my mind and I thought I would pass it along to the more apt players.

now that is interesting. Do you think there is a way to deterine if there is something idden without cutting it open. Just so we don't damage the ID for no purpose.
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:16 pm
by Damoreve
if it was a crappy lamination job from the way people described it, you should be able to just peal it back and if you see there is a fold in it then go from's especially interesting since the other guy (can't remember the name) said he was from IL and they do not laminate their cards.
I actually ran the DL number just a min ago (Don't tell anyone

) and the number was rejected (as I figured) saying it was the wrong format. I could probably run an ally check for there and see if that address is an actual address tho.
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:59 pm
by covedweller
Has anyone checked the movie Weird Science to see what info matches to Wyatt's ID in the movie? (providing its shown)
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:08 pm
by tiltingwindward
That's a good idea, covedweller. Does anyone have access to this movie?
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:19 pm
by sphinx
tiltingwindward wrote:That's a good idea, covedweller. Does anyone have access to this movie?
I actually have this movie on demand right now.
I'll ff thru it to the I.D. part and post what I see.
ALAN J. DIXON Sec. of State
Number: P142-5955-1770
Issued: 1-23-84
Eyes: BLUE
Ht: 5 08
Wt: 120
Sex: M
Birth: 11-8-63
Class: "A"
Expires: 11-8-88
Restriction: NONE
Along with the goofy pic with excess facial hair, that's it.
Comparing to Daniel's fake I.D.:
On the top is the name Jesse White, Illinois Secretary of State.
License # - P142-5955-1770
Issued - 11-23-04
Expires - 11-08-2008
Address - 1401 Lucille Ave.
Shermer IL, 60007
BDay - 11-08-1983
Sex - Male
Height - 6'1
Weight - 190
Eyes - Brown
Restrictions: ** *** *** (No I don't know what that means)
Type: COR (Corrective Lenses)
Class: D License
At the right of the picture, there is 2 sets of numbers and letters:
First set - 137
Second Set - SD2146
- Physical characteristics are different for obvious reasons
- The Secretary of State name is different to be up to date, and also, this line was sideways along the side of the photo, which was on the left hand side of the W.S. i.d.
- License # is the same, dates are the same except for the years to be up to date
- Class of the licenses are different.
- The W.S. i.d. does not include the 2 sets of numbers 137 and SD2146 or anything like them
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:46 pm
by tiltingwindward
So, here's what I discovered about the two classes of licenses, according to the Illinois DMV:
CLASS A: Any combination of motor vehicles with a GCWR of 26,001 lbs. or more, providing that the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 lbs. Does not include motorcycles or motor-driven cycles. (A CDL is generally required.)
Basically, for driving semis.
CLASS D: Any motor vehicle with a GVWR of 16,000 lbs. or less, except those vehicles requiring a class A, B, C, L or M license.
This is the license everybody gets.
To conclude, I don't think the difference in class is relevant--it was updated and made more appropriate, just as the dates and physical features were.
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:53 pm
by girlAnachronism
Damoreve wrote:if it was a crappy lamination job from the way people described it, you should be able to just peal it back and if you see there is a fold in it then go from's especially interesting since the other guy (can't remember the name) said he was from IL and they do not laminate their cards.
I actually ran the DL number just a min ago (Don't tell anyone

) and the number was rejected (as I figured) saying it was the wrong format. I could probably run an ally check for there and see if that address is an actual address tho.
That's really intriguing. Where's Lad? I think the lamination bears looking into...
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 6:09 pm
by Skunkwaffle
sphinx wrote:
- License # is the same
Guess that rules it out as part of a clue... unless John Huges is part of the order...
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 6:18 pm
by tiltingwindward
I really don't think we'll find anything hidden in the license, despite the good idea from Damoreve. My opinion is based on the OpA communications Lad posted earlier today, which seem to indicate that OpA is just happy we recovered the license at all. If there were something hidden in it, I think OpA would have prodded us to look at it again. After all, they haven't been shy in the past about telling us we're missing something. Nancy Drew, anyone?
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 6:25 pm
by ladron121
I examined the license throughly and completely, including holding it up to bright light, soaking it in lemon juice, running it thru UV light, applying heat, vaporizing super glue, freezing, fingerprinting, DNA scrub, micro-cellular inspection for microscopic tagging, ran my cell phone all over it, and then I tied it to a string on a pole and followed where Daniel's picture pointed for an hour or two.
There is nothing remarkable about the ID

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 6:25 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
edit - lad, u psycho psychic, doin my suggestion...
ya gotta admit, doing info like that 80s movie, it smacks of tach.
double edit - ::smt046 @ the things lad did, including the one involving the pole:
helping the order
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 7:33 pm
by chevalier
My concern, amplified after reading Op's last email, is that we've just helped the Order quite a bit. I understand the PMs didn't really give us a choice, but...