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Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:34 pm
by senoritablanca
yes yes yes. i missed the first five minutes though :(

it was definately greeeeat. i loved hiro at the end, he's srsly the cutest azn evr. haha "i come in peace!"

i'm just sad because there wasn't any milo action, unless i missed it all in the beginning :(

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:37 pm
by Mirage
senoritablanca wrote:yes yes yes. i missed the first five minutes though :(

it was definately greeeeat. i loved hiro at the end, he's srsly the cutest azn evr. haha "i come in peace!"

i'm just sad because there wasn't any milo action, unless i missed it all in the beginning :(
Nope, no Peter action. Just what you saw. Where did you start at?

Wasn't this awesome though? They are definately setting up someone to die next week.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:40 pm
by senoritablanca
umm trying to remember the exact scene.. i came in right after the first commercial break, when they show the cast at the bottom of the screen while the show goes on.

personally, i think it's going to be ando that bites the dust, although i'm ready to kill off the writers right about now for not filling my peter quota for the day :x

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:42 pm
by cosmicdancer
Bahhh Heroes. I watched the first few episodes then missed a TON even though I really wanted to keep up with it. I know they have the episodes on the site. I just have to convince myself that watching an episode a day may eventually get me caught up with what the heck is going on.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:42 pm
by Mirage
senoritablanca wrote:umm trying to remember the exact scene.. i came in right after the first commercial break, when they show the cast at the bottom of the screen while the show goes on.

personally, i think it's going to be ando that bites the dust, although i'm ready to kill off the writers right about now for not filling my peter quota for the day :x
Uhm..lets see. Lemme try to remember. :D I think it was Ando and Hiro walking across the roof of the hotel talking about why they're back in Las Vegas, and then I believe it goes to Matt getting ready for his new job. OR it was Jessica putting makeup on the evil tattoo on her shoulder and talking to Niki in the mirror. Remember any of those?

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:43 pm
by Mirage
cosmicdancer wrote:Bahhh Heroes. I watched the first few episodes then missed a TON even though I really wanted to keep up with it. I know they have the episodes on the site. I just have to convince myself that watching an episode a day may eventually get me caught up with what the heck is going on.
That's the problem with shows like these. It's something were you gotta be a dedicated couch potato or else you get fustrated with not knowing what's going on. :D

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:44 pm
by senoritablanca
cosmicdancer wrote:Bahhh Heroes. I watched the first few episodes then missed a TON even though I really wanted to keep up with it. I know they have the episodes on the site. I just have to convince myself that watching an episode a day may eventually get me caught up with what the heck is going on.
i implore you to do so! you definately will not regret it.

mirage - i definately don't remember jessica putting on the makeup, but i think i saw hiro and ando at the hotel. i'm gonna re-watch the episode tomorrow night if i have time, so we shall see!

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:45 pm
by cosmicdancer
It was like I missed one episode and that lead to me missing a ton due to the fact the episode after the one I missed didn't make sense! One episode! So I just kind of gave up.

I'm such a quitter D:

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:45 pm
by Mirage
senoritablanca wrote:
cosmicdancer wrote:Bahhh Heroes. I watched the first few episodes then missed a TON even though I really wanted to keep up with it. I know they have the episodes on the site. I just have to convince myself that watching an episode a day may eventually get me caught up with what the heck is going on.
i implore you to do so! you definately will not regret it.

mirage - i definately don't remember jessica putting on the makeup, but i think i saw hiro and ando at the hotel. i'm gonna re-watch the episode tomorrow night if i have time, so we shall see!
Well it was still awesome.

Felt SO sorry for Mr. Muggles, loosing his mommy like that. :( Oh yeah, and Claire too. I did get kinda teary eyed when she watched her FauxMommy loose it. Her BioMom is a bitch, huh?

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:46 pm
by Mirage
cosmicdancer wrote:It was like I missed one episode and that lead to me missing a ton due to the fact the episode after the one I missed didn't make sense! One episode! So I just kind of gave up.

I'm such a quitter D:
Dedication to watching t.v is a skill, not an art. Practice and it will come to you, grasshopper. :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:47 pm
by senoritablanca
cosmicdancer wrote:It was like I missed one episode and that lead to me missing a ton due to the fact the episode after the one I missed didn't make sense! One episode! So I just kind of gave up.

I'm such a quitter D:
story of my life :lol:

mirage - forrealz, claire's family is unbelievably screwed up. is FM losing her long-term memory due to all the short-term memory erasure, or is she just psycho? and BM is a little on the bitchy side, but i like her. i wanted to cry for claire when she overheard that one conversation!

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:50 pm
by Mirage
senoritablanca wrote:
mirage - forrealz, claire's family is unbelievably screwed up. is FM losing her long-term memory due to all the short-term memory erasure, or is she just psycho? and BM is a little on the bitchy side, but i like her. i wanted to cry for claire when she overheard that one conversation!
It's gotta be from all the erasing. She was never like this at the start of the season and I don't think it's been that long. I dunno, she was playing it really well though. Pretty freaky.

Speaking of freaky, how about Sylar and Mohinder!?!

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:54 pm
by senoritablanca
SYLAR IS SO SKETCH. he has mohinder in the palm of his creepy little hand... i'm freaking out about it really. my poor indian man is doomed :(

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:58 pm
by Mirage
senoritablanca wrote:SYLAR IS SO SKETCH. he has mohinder in the palm of his creepy little hand... i'm freaking out about it really. my poor indian man is doomed :(
Dude, seriously. Did you notice he put on the dead guy's t-shirt!! Creepy!! I dunno, he could be the one to bite it. (Kinky!) Thing is, they set up a lot of characters. Claire's RM, Nathan, who knows whats going on w/ Peter or Isaac. And what about Hiro/Ando? We got lots of choices for Deathwatch. As much as I love the exrremely hot Mohinder (check his smile when he's watching Sylar! ;))..if it's Nathan, I'll cry. :cry:

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:03 pm
by senoritablanca
i'm thinking the character that gets the axe next week isn't a major character, because i read that one of the main heroes gets killed off in march. man i would be seriously ticked if they did something stupid like just killing off mr. muggles. i'm definately loving the term "deathwatch" btw!

i was seriously not impressed with the guy they picked to play linderman. granted, he didn't exactly have many lines or a chance to act much, but it was a let down in my opinion