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Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:39 pm
by Ziola
Nevermind...I found it...I'm going to be a flaming jerk for a while...

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:47 pm
by itsreallyreal
Flaming jerk
Flaming jerk...
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:48 pm
by Ziola
itsreallyreal wrote:Flaming jerk
Flaming jerk...
Duh!! Wrong thread!!!
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:55 pm
by Breester
Glad to see the story is progressing again.
Based on the clues revealed in this video, we know what the prank Jonas pulled on Daniel was. What will Daniel's retaliation be? We also know Daniel had a fake ID and used it to purchase the alcohol. That certainly put a lot of speculation to rest. We also know Daniel is getting tired of Bree and is interested in Random Encounter Girl (some more hot hooking up perhaps?). He also gave the Order, assuming they are even a part of the story anymore, a great clue as to where Jonas lives.
I also like how the Creators are bulding the suspense concerning Bree's virginity. Or, maybe not. They may plan to drop this storyline altogether so both sides (the she did it vs. the she didn't do it sides) can assume their theory was right (win/win for everyone).
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:07 pm
by Breester
Interesting question for everyone.
Without the alcohol, would Daniel have had the courage to take Random Encounter Girl home? Or, did the alcohol impede his ability to score once again?
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:11 pm
by Kasdeja
Without the alcohol would Daniel have told a complete stranger all about the Order?
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:12 pm
by impulse
Breester wrote:Interesting question for everyone.
Without the alcohol, would Daniel have had the courage to take Random Encounter Girl home? Or, did the alcohol impede his ability to score once again?
He didn't. SHE took HIM home, and he passed out. Way to score!
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:16 pm
by betz28
Marbella wrote:My guess is this:
When OpAphid or the Order finds Daniel's ID, they will discover two things.
(1) It is a REAL ID, not a fake one.
(2) Daniel is really older than he's said.
(3) Daniel has a secret identity and he has been living under an alias.
i like the way you think!!
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:27 pm
by sthrnbelle
here are my thoughts:
1.) randomgirl was going home with jonas, not daniel. daniel was pretty much passed out anyways. jonas is cute, and is a charmer -- living in such a small town, she probably goes to pins & pints every weekend. going to his house would seem new and exciting to her... but how did she get home? or did she sleep over? jonas said that he had already been asleep when daniel called, implying that it was already pretty late. the whole "i wonder if she's still here" comment made me think that she could have slept over and then left the next morning. when i'm hungover, i usually don't wake up for a while. that would have been plenty of time for her to sneak out and have her little "walk of shame" w/o anyone finding out.
2.) i really doubt that daniel will be getting in trouble with the law. the whole "i-lost-my-fake-id" bit probably foreshadows op's (or whoever, i don't really keep up with ARG too much) next post. which will show to the audience that they're not as much in hiding as they thought... i doubt that the police are combing the pins & pints parking lots anyways.
3.) why would daniel have a fake identity then mention it on his video? if his id really WASN'T fake (ie: he's over 21), wouldn't he want to keep it a secret? advertising it on the web that he lost it wouldn't be such a good idea... maybe i just don't understand the theory though...
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:55 pm
by itsreallyreal
sthrnbelle wrote:
3.) why would daniel have a fake identity then mention it on his video? if his id really WASN'T fake (ie: he's over 21), wouldn't he want to keep it a secret? advertising it on the web that he lost it wouldn't be such a good idea... maybe i just don't understand the theory though...
In a nutshell...
"Oh crap... I lost my ID with all my real info on it because I am like 25 and stuff.... OMGZERS What will I do??? WAIT! If I tell everyonme it was a fake ID then no one will ask about the name or address on the ID 'cause it's not 'REAL'... yeah that's it!"
Make sense now?
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:02 pm
by Kasdeja
Yeah but...nobody even would know about him losing his ID if he didn't say so.
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:04 pm
by Wisi Girl
Well, this was an interesting video to follow "Truth or Dare" I like how we were given the chance to see the dare portion.
The only two important things to remember: The date 2/4/07, which was first noticed in the card game and was reinforced by the tags with this video. I don't think the superbowl has anything to do with it. The creators are using the names of those players to direct us towards the date. That is all. Secondly, the fake ID will be found. It may not be of much use to whoever will find it but we will hear of it again.
I think "random girl" is not so random after all. She may have ties to the order. It would make her willingness to join Jonas and Daniel more logical. I thought it was interesting that she mentioned how strange it is to record everything! I loved her for saying that! However, I doubt she will ever blog. I just don't think her character is random. Perhaps Daniel told her a lot in his drunken state, and she has reason to be interested?
This video may have not served much of a purpose for the progression of the plot, but it was excellent for character development. We learned a lot about Daniel and Bree. I know that this has been pointed out a million times but I want to make a comment about it as well: Daniel is the most oblivious guy ever! It is beyond sympathy. I just don't get it.
I am itchy for an OpAphid video right now. I think it is interesting how no one misses Gemma. She dissappeared and that is it. I wonder if she is dead? Did she run into an "ex" or not? I may have not liked her, but I realize the necessity of her role. I would like to know what happened to her.....Creators?
I'm looking forward to 2/4/07.....Perhaps, if we make a huge deal over the date, the creators will incorporate it. It wouldn't be the first time they did something like that.
One last unrelated thought: The creators should eventually make some sort of DVD with all the blogs or "episodes" and include the OpAphid, Tachyon ones....Make a DVD with the whole LG15 experience! I don't know about you but I would buy it in a heartbeat. Forget t-shirts creators!
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:24 pm
by kristin
Maybe Jonas and Daniel will throw a Superbowl party and randomgirl will come back.
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:53 pm
by JerseyJohnny
betz28 wrote:Marbella wrote:My guess is this:
When OpAphid or the Order finds Daniel's ID, they will discover two things.
(1) It is a REAL ID, not a fake one.
(2) Daniel is really older than he's said.
(3) Daniel has a secret identity and he has been living under an alias.
i like the way you think!!
So do I!
In fact, that lines up with my "Daniel is a Robot" theory.
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:18 pm
by Ruberic
I was thinking about the ID...
Knowing Jonas, he probably made it for Beast! Who knows what info that guy would put on that thing. LOL
However, depending on how real the Fake ID was, it may be a problem. Most people who really want to get away with a fake ID put some true information on there so that, if they are asked a question concerning the ID, they can answer it correctly. I have seen some that actually have used the person's actual address, the ony change was the date of birth.
If Jonas made it for him so he could get out for a while and "drown away" his sorrows...then it could be sticky!
I have no doubts that the Beast will ask Jonas to go back to the alley to A. Find the chick...but B. to supposedly find his ID again.
Bing, Bang, Boom...oppy hell time if he does.