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Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:20 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
girlAnachronism wrote:Well, personally, I like bitchy bree. V. funny and daniel deserved it.
As for the pub. stunt. Urgh, I think i'm the only american who hates A.I. Now maybe if the Order killed Simon or Paula...that would be a better twist...
whatever. whatever keeps the show going, i guess.
as long as it doesn't turn into a scripted reality-esque t.v. show where the stars periodically meet OMG! SNOOP DOG! etc. rawr.
I kind of like bitchy Bree too. At least she has a personality. It's nice to see the creators trying to develop Bree's character a little more. Before it was just "I play with my toys until bad things happen and then I cry and play with my toys again."
I like a strong female character. It's a nice change to girls crying about "not knowing what they really want or feel."
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:23 pm
by AM
Daniels vid i think was a very over excited teenager in love, i do not believe he meant it to come of the way it did. Daniel has been there for Bree for almost everything, protected her, and gave up so much for her... and while doing this he never harped on the first vid she did saying she hadn't thought of him in that way, he was just there for her. When they stayed in the hotels he was completely honorable and didn't make a move .... and the entire time Bree has been completely selfish and not once thinking about what all Daniel has done for her. Bree got his hopes up with that kiss and now basically destroyed him.
Does that mean that she owed it to him to create feelings that weren't there- No
Should she be more sensitive to someone who has abandoned their own life for her and treat him with more respect- Hell Yes!
Okay, I get that but from the POV of a girl raised in an uber religious faith and sheltered her whole life I can see where she'd be pretty pissed at his video and feel the need to set the record straight.
And at this point Daniel is not hiding out because he is being there for Bree. He is hiding out because Op may be after him and he found a camera in his room. Remember, he tried to go home and then had to go to an undisclosed location.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:26 pm
by nakita
So, to sum up: Bree could have been nicer, but Daniel could have been quieter. Moving on...
If "hooking up" doesn't always refer to sex, what did Jonas mean when he said he'd hooked up before, just never had a girlfriend? The term "hooked up" has been used in two consecutive videos
So what exactly IS the "little chicken thing"? That's the second time it's been mentioned, in those exact words too. Is it the creator's attempt at humor?
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:26 pm
by HyeMew
I don't like bitchy Bree. I guessss it has to do with her father dying, but it's a rash departure from her regular character and not very likeable.
UpbeatMarshWiggle wrote:the point here is not that he made weird little "chicken thing"
I liked the "chicken thing" line. It sounded kind of familliar though, like I had heard it in a lonelygirl thing before. So I've been thinking for about the past half hour and finally realized what it was from! I wonder if Bree learned that phrase from Paul & Andrea? (while watching wait for 1:45 in)
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:31 pm
by nakita
HyeMew wrote:I don't like bitchy Bree. I guessss it has to do with her father dying, but it's a rash departure from her regular character and not very likeable.
UpbeatMarshWiggle wrote:the point here is not that he made weird little "chicken thing"
I liked the "chicken thing" line. It sounded kind of familliar though, like I had heard it in a lonelygirl thing before. So I've been thinking for about the past half hour and finally realized what it was from! I wonder if Bree learned that phrase from Paul & Andrea? (while watching wait for 1:45 in)
Jonas used the phrase too, but I guess it's possible he saw it... odd that he (or anyone) would think of that at a time like this.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:42 pm
by Inigo
Some people have said that Bree kissed Daniel on impulse because she really has feelings for him that she doesn't know about. I couldnt agree more, and I also agree that she's trying to protect Daniel.
Daniel clearly got excited about everything. I mean if he was made to sleep on the floor how could he take it the way he did?
So Bree clearly read the speculation about that night. She must be pretty embarrassed.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:43 pm
by stuborn
AM wrote:Daniels vid i think was a very over excited teenager in love, i do not believe he meant it to come of the way it did. Daniel has been there for Bree for almost everything, protected her, and gave up so much for her... and while doing this he never harped on the first vid she did saying she hadn't thought of him in that way, he was just there for her. When they stayed in the hotels he was completely honorable and didn't make a move .... and the entire time Bree has been completely selfish and not once thinking about what all Daniel has done for her. Bree got his hopes up with that kiss and now basically destroyed him.
Does that mean that she owed it to him to create feelings that weren't there- No
Should she be more sensitive to someone who has abandoned their own life for her and treat him with more respect- Hell Yes!
Okay, I get that but from the POV of a girl raised in an uber religious faith and sheltered her whole life I can see where she'd be pretty pissed at his video and feel the need to set the record straight.
And at this point Daniel is not hiding out because he is being there for Bree. He is hiding out because Op may be after him and he found a camera in his room. Remember, he tried to go home and then had to go to an undisclosed location.
I can see where she could be quite upset with his vid and feel the need to set the record straight, i just believe she should have used more tact (and so should have daniel). The one thing i think alot of ppl are forgetting that in all this Daniel hasn't blammed Bree for his life being turned up side down.. and i don't know how many ppl who wouldn't feel (whether she caused it or not) feel resentment towards her for everything that has happened
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:47 pm
by watching_watchers
Daniel needs to come sleep in my bed. I sure won't make him sleep on the floor.

hell he can sleep on top of me if he wants. HAHA.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:48 pm
by kellylen
Ok to be honest I think D-bone had it coming. and that bree is just telling it how it is. when i saw the video i was like ouch db just got pwned.
but i do think it was bitchy with the whole we are just friends thing...
i doint know what ot think. ignore me and my bad spelling
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:15 pm
by essie
Awwww I feel so bad for Daniel. So much for super awesome plot to fool order that they wanted to wreck the purity bond thingy.
They are pulling the:
"Don't get close, I'm bad news!" for Bree's part.
Well, I say BOOO =( I wish Bree would get together with Daniel. But I'd pick Jonas for his good looks.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:16 pm
by bethy
Anyway. A lot of people here are being way too hard on Bree! Calling her "a little bitch?" Seriously?
Daniel basically implied to the whole internet community that he and Bree had mad (purple?) monkey sex.
Well, I never took it to mean they had sex. In fact, I thought it was just the opposite. Too many people think that they have to get right to sex for some reason. Why is that? It
is possible for two people to kiss and go just go to sleep.
Hell, my husband and I do it all the time.
Anyway, Daniel is totally and completely in love with the girl. He's sacrificed everything for her. Of COURSE he's going to be happy when she offers a kiss. Stupid girl. Stupid, stupid girl. Yes, I know she's only 16 and hasn't any clue what she's doing...which makes it that much more tragic. How much more does Daniel have to give of himself for her?
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:16 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
I bet the "little chicken thing" was some kind of dead rabid bird that Daniel was using to poison Bree and date-rape her.
Anyway, I think it's important to note that Bree did initiate the kiss. "Impulses" don't just happen.. there's usually a trigger.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:18 pm
by essie
I searched up some of the tags.
And the only thing that came up was.. Rocky Balboa.
Spelling error?
Rocky Balboa (2006)
enre: Drama / Sport (more)
Tagline: It ain't over 'til it's over. (more)
Plot Outline: Rocky Balboa comes out of retirement to step into the ring for the last time and face the heavyweight champ Mason 'The Line' Dixon. (more) (view trailer)
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:23 pm
by bethy
Anyway, I think it's important to note that Bree did initiate the kiss. "Impulses" don't just happen.. there's usually a trigger.
Exactly...there's no such thing as "just a kiss" -- no matter how people try to justify it to themselves. And there'sa history there of them kissing...albeit a short history. I have every reason to believe she knew what she was doing and then later regretted it...perhaps because she IS scared that if she lets Daniel close, he'll get killed too. That does make sense to me, actually. But she didn't have to be so completely bitchy about it.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:25 pm
by HazelButtercup
shaydaims wrote:Okay... here's the deal. I think that this video is DEFINITELY Bree acting on a plan that she and Daniel made the other night while Jonas was out of the house.
I feel VERY sure that she made this video for a reason.
YES! This seems very clear.
I have to think along the lines of how Bree and Daniel's characters have been portrayed so far. They are not stupid. Daniel's video was for a reason (he probably lied because he thought he could protect her from The Order.) Bree is outing Daniel's lie because she does not want Daniel to protect her- she is afraid Daniel will be in danger.