0115 "Bree and I Hooked Up" (1/15/2007)

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Post by canadas_baby »

autumneternal wrote:
autumneternal wrote:
autumneternal wrote:Video is up on YouTube, but it's private right now, (probably so that Bree doesn't see it). I'm not a friend of Daniel's on YouTube, so I can't see it, or the tags. :(

Here's the link anyways: http://youtube.com/watch?v=f2rzlLBxGNY
Nevermind...it was taken down. Hmm...strange... :-k
And it's back up as a private video, (even though I was just able to pull it up publicly...when I refreshed, it was private again). Are YouTube's servers wonky? What's going on here?
You want tags, I deliver.
YouTube :: Videos by danielbeast
Bree And I Hooked Up

I had an amazing night with Bree over the weekend.

Author: Danielbeast
Keywords: LG15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko bree kiss night movie long time talk forever
Added: January 15, 2007
There you go.
Whatever happened to that girl Tachy?

Oh dear.
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Post by parakeet100 »

I think they're setting it up for Daniel to leave the house. Any "good" girl with privacy issues like Bree has would be pissed if her friend announced on the internet that they hooked up. If they didn't have sex, he just implied that they did, and if they DID have sex, he just told everyone!

My theory is this: she's going to see this, get super-upset (more upset than she probably already is) and then they're going to fight and he's going to leave.
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

parakeet100 wrote:I think they're setting it up for Daniel to leave the house. Any "good" girl with privacy issues like Bree has would be pissed if her friend announced on the internet that they hooked up. If they didn't have sex, he just implied that they did, and if they DID have sex, he just told everyone!

My theory is this: she's going to see this, get super-upset (more upset than she probably already is) and then they're going to fight and he's going to leave.
A. If she gets mad IT happened......and he leaves
B. If she doesn't get mad, IT didn't happen.
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Post by autumneternal »

canadas_baby wrote:You want tags, I deliver.
YouTube :: Videos by danielbeast
Bree And I Hooked Up

I had an amazing night with Bree over the weekend.

Author: Danielbeast
Keywords: LG15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko bree kiss night movie long time talk forever
Added: January 15, 2007
There you go.
Thank you!! :D

Now I can stop quoting myself in circles. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anything special or out of place in the tags. Oh well.
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Post by TheFatLady »

omegawoman wrote:Something is very, very wrong here.

Bree kissed Daniel? She wasn't too into it before. Did they have sex after her reaction to the first kiss?

Daniel also does not seem like the type of guy to take advantage of a girl who is in so much emotional pain.

Something is not right at all.
I'm with you on this; doesn't seem in-character for Daniel.

My first response to the vid was to fall dead on the floor. When I resurrected myself, the comments were already up to page 9, and as I read through them I read a lot of "go, Beast!" comments and then some that mirrored what I felt--that Bree should kill this guy for web posting their comfort sex.

Then I thought, what if they agreed to *pretend* Bree was no longer a virgin so as to see what the Order does about that? A scheme like this seems more like the DB I know and love.
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Post by laurenesque »


Although the term "hooked up" is so vague. It could mean ANYTHING.
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Post by Steph1636 »

awwww!!!! I am glad that he was there for her, but I don't think that it was anything more than that. They are just 2 best friends who needed someone to talk to. So they talked all night, nothing more.

and Daniel doens't seem like a person who would just take advantage of someone just cuz they are in a depressed state. And Bree would never go along with it
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Post by kristin »

Here's my theory, a blend of my first reaction to the video and the ideas here that I've agreed with:

Daniel, desperate as always to make Bree open up and talk about her loss, went to her room that night to try and have a conversation. Bree, having been given a while for the initial shock of the new information and of seeing her dad die to subside, is finally ready to reveal some things to Daniel, and perhaps she's even impressed by his stubbornness when it came to helping her.

Daniel comes in and sits down, Bree discusses things her dad told her -- possibly more information about the "purity bond" and how it relates to the ceremony's requirements. We here have given purity bond a pretty broad definition -- it could be anything from actually having a sexual relationship with another person to developing a healthy sex drive -- and because she trusts Daniel at this point because of his persistence in trying to make her feel better, she's willing to break the purity bond with him (whatever that might involve). This may or may not be at her dad's request - it'd be a bit weird for a dad, adoptive or not, to say to his 16 year old girl, "Honey, I know you're not completely comfortable with your sexuality, but you should know that only sex can save you," but perhaps his ambivalence about the actual sex acts was trumped by a desire to save Bree.

We've also theorized that the injections were a form of birth control that would have the effect of halting/preventing menstruation and killing the libido. Maybe the reason she didn't break the purity bond immediately, just to eliminate risks of the Order coming to snatch her for the ceremony, was because she still had enough of these hormones in her to make her frigid and eliminate the possibility of sex. Maybe she was just PMS'ing. Who knows?

So back to Bree and Daniel that night -- he hears her out, naturally she's a bit upset by all of this, and overwhelmed because she's got zero sexual experience and might feel obligated to go from 0 to 60 in one night now, so she cries and he holds her, and that makes her feel better about it, since he's not freaking out about her being emotional. So she decides to go for it and kisses him; of course he kisses her back, not just because he likes her but because he knows there's a good reason for it.

We don't know if sex was required to break the purity bond or not, but certainly this is a good start if destroying purity was the goal. The walk of shame, a phrase commonly reserved for sex, might not necessarily mean that here. I'm going to take a guess and say Daniel is/was a virgin too, so to him, this is somewhat of a momentous occasion regardless. Also, since Jonas now has a record of drilling Daniel on his relationship with Bree, Daniel may also have felt shameful having to sneak around so Jonas wouldn't catch him. The phrase "hookup" also has broad meanings -- I'm close to Bree's and Daniel's ages, and I don't reserve it for only situations in which sexual intercourse was involved. Even something like making out could fall into that category, to me.

I think Daniel's video was intentionally unclear about the nature of their hookup. Of course, we have California law, which apparently states that the age of sexual consent is 18, so Daniel may or may not have committed statutory rape. Since Bree noted the Order has agents in the law enforcement system, this could potentially be something to use against him if he's too obvious about what happened. Perhaps the lack of clarity was also to avoid setting Jonas off with another round of dead-fish questioning -- I suppose he'll do it anyway, but at least he's got less ammo since there's less info available.

If I'm wrong about the purity bond, Daniel did a super-boneheaded thing posting a video that amounts to a locker-room bragfest when he knows Bree will eventually see it. He's certainly demonstrated a lack of wisdom when it comes to interacting with Bree on occasion, but I'm tempted to say this is beyond even him in terms of screwing it up. So there must be some other reason, besides bragging about getting some, he's putting this out there.

And even if their night together was solely to break the purity bond, he still luuuuves her, so that'd explain all the romantic gestures afterward. Assuming she at least enjoyed it on some level, he's probably encouraged and thinking that he can turn it into something more.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

I go away to actually do homework. The one time I decide to do this, something happens. Kill me. :evil:

Anyway, I'm only up to page 3. But something stinks about this. Bree has motives we don't know about, I suspect.

Poor Daniel. :(
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Post by kayokosaeki »

honestly, when it comes to a teenage couple, no one really pays attention to the sagatory rape business. police won't knock on your door and say "come out! you're under arrest! we hear you've had sex with your 16 year old girlfriend! you perv..." it's like jaywalking.

daniel would only really get arrested if bree's parents press charges or if the two of them got caught in public having sex or if bree got pregnant.

at least that's my understanding of the law. so maybe we shouldn't have too much concern for the law playing a part in this story.
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Post by iamcool »

kayokosaeki wrote:honestly, when it comes to a teenage couple, no one really pays attention to the sagatory rape business. police won't knock on your door and say "come out! you're under arrest! we hear you've had sex with your 16 year old girlfriend! you perv..." it's like jaywalking.

daniel would only really get arrested if bree's parents press charges or if the two of them got caught in public having sex or if bree got pregnant.

at least that's my understanding of the law. so maybe we shouldn't have too much concern for the law playing a part in this story.
bree is 17 btw
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Post by Maccaboy17 »

by the way guys, did any wone notice the really interesitn thing about this video, it is video 0115 and the date is 01.15 (well it is if you are an american where you pu the numbers the wrong way round) just a nice corrolation in my mind
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Post by iamcool »

Maccaboy17 wrote:by the way guys, did any wone notice the really interesitn thing about this video, it is video 0115 and the date is 01.15 (well it is if you are an american where you pu the numbers the wrong way round) just a nice corrolation in my mind
its not for me so i am unimpressed ;) :P
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Post by kayokosaeki »

iamcool wrote:
kayokosaeki wrote:honestly, when it comes to a teenage couple, no one really pays attention to the sagatory rape business. police won't knock on your door and say "come out! you're under arrest! we hear you've had sex with your 16 year old girlfriend! you perv..." it's like jaywalking.

daniel would only really get arrested if bree's parents press charges or if the two of them got caught in public having sex or if bree got pregnant.

at least that's my understanding of the law. so maybe we shouldn't have too much concern for the law playing a part in this story.
bree is 17 btw
oops :lol: but still applies
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Post by betz28 »

Absynth wrote:this isnt relevant, but just reading the comments about this vid on youtube cracks me up.

edited: Nyquil makes me bad speller
that is funny!
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