0114 "Hiding in the Bathroom" [1/13/07]

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Book/Movie similar to storyline that was revealed today...

Post by CandyCoated »

Hello. First time poster here so go easy on me please. Thanks.

Interesting book I read many years ago/Movie also seen...

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Post by aideen »

Not only does that movie sound good, but it does have very similar qualities to LG15
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Post by AM »

ApotheosisAZ wrote:I know I'll likely be ostracized for saying this, but...


She can't get any privacy? How did she get private time to film her video? No, this makes no sense at all.

Interesting information she passed on about the order. If it can be trusted.
Ostracized? no but I would like to point out to you that the entire time she thought she had privacy OPAPHID had cameras hidden in her room. Maybe she knows about that now, perhaps from her dad who told her a lot about the Order right before he died.
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Post by Ziola »

AM wrote:Ostracized? no but I would like to point out to you that the entire time she thought she had privacy OPAPHID had cameras hidden in her room. Maybe she knows about that now, perhaps from her dad who told her a lot about the Order right before he died.
We are not sure when the cameras were placed. They may have been put in place before she ran away, but they may not. We do not know.
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Post by impulse »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote: Thinking about the characteristics that make her eligible, what makes Bree different from Gemma? I can't imagine Gemma isn't "moldable" enough, after all.. look what she's done for the Order. Could it have to do with eyes?
Brilliant theory! It has something to do with eyes! I noticed Bree never blinks in her last video.

And this video:


is featured today on Youtube, with the comment:

"Unflinching Triumph" provides an illuminating look at a man we never knew and a competitive sport we never knew existed.

It's obviously secret stuff: "we never knew existed"..... I bet the Order is secretly breeding a squad of staring contest champions! In which case, the "Unflinching Triumph" video has to be canon!

Am I being cynical again? :-s
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Post by Ziola »


My daughter (she's four) could totally win a staring contest. Maybe I should keep a close eye on her in case they want to snatch her?
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Post by impulse »

Ziola wrote:OOOOHHHH!!!!

My daughter (she's four) could totally win a staring contest. Maybe I should keep a close eye on her in case they want to snatch her?

:shock: <- staring emoticon
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Post by kayokosaeki »

around puberty the girls are weeded out....hmmm, bree is a little underdeveloped for a 16 year old. but anyway... i agree with the whole uninterested in sex thing. she's kept herself pure. and daniel could have been just a test, thus the reason why he's the only boy allowed in her bedroom with the door closed. yes, i think the cameras were there before bree and daniel ran away to keep an experimental eye on them. but i think daniel is more than just a test.

her parents let them out of the house together, to go hiking and swimming and stuff. daniel is special to her parents. he was even allowed to their religious summer camp to tape their play. he's been let into the world of the order. there must be something very very special about him. also, remember her parents told her to stay at daniel's house after the order and her parents argued about the ceremony? in the same conversation, bree also mentioned her mother was speaking monotonously, like a robot, repeating over and over that bree should stay at daniels. was she being coerced to say that? is mind control in play here? could it have been the order that really wanted the two to not split apart?

maybe bree and daniel were raised to breed.....

last point: all those times bree snuck out....i think the main problem her parents had with that was not that if she snuck out they couldn't keep an eye on bree and daniel (e.g. like i said above, they let bree and daniel out of the bedroom to go hiking and swimming, and thus couldn't keep an eye on them during those times either) but they were pissed cause she was sneaking out to see people other than daniel. people who did not subscribe to their way of thinking (yes, i stole the phrase from gemma) and who could sway her opinions.

Post by covedweller »

RE: Her parents freaking out about them sneaking off.

Maybe they were afraid something would happen to her? She's of no value to anyone dead!
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Post by Jeninlb »

I am starting to wonder if the situation Bree is in now isn't part of the ceremony itself. I agree that the characteristics the Order is looking for include both purity and the ability to act independently and to support and enhance the position of the Order of one's own free will. What greater test (or ceremony) could the order give her to determine her willingness and ability to lead the Order than to put her into the situation she finds herself in? If she goes back to the Order (or worse yet, goes back and leads the boys to come in with her) they'll know that she's both loyal to them and a leader and will at that point be able to give her additional responsibility.

Genius level IQ may also be a sought-after characteristic. Studies have been done that show that teenage girls often hide or abandon their academic intelligence due to the pressures of society. (Reviving Ophelia by Mary Pipher, Phd) Perhaps this is something else the Order is watching in its candidates?
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Post by lonelygirl »

I was thinking maybe the fraction of females who are able to do the ceremony, instead of being fertile, are infertile. That would make sense because the majority of females can have babies when they reach puberty. That means that perhaps, Bree can't and that is why she is so important to the order. Then during the ceremony, they can summon an evil child up for her. It's kind of like Mary. She didn't give birth to Jesus but he was conceived and Mary still remained a virgin.
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Re: Book/Movie similar to storyline that was revealed today.

Post by Luv2Skydive »

CandyCoated wrote:Hello. First time poster here so go easy on me please. Thanks.

Interesting book I read many years ago/Movie also seen...

That's one of my fav movies cuz the actress is also in a soap opera I've watched for about 20 years. :D
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Post by ex mechanic »

Denial is a wonderful thing. "Completely alone" could mean exactly the opposite. Cassie is really beginning to make efforts to get out and take over, and Bree is still denying her existence.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

I kind of like the idea that Jonas was an "order baby" too.

But about Daniel. He mentioned Pointbreak, a movie which OpAphid has mentioned several times. This, to me, seems to imply a connection between the two. Is it possible that Daniel was a chosen one as well? Chosen to be Bree's only connection to the outside world? Is it possible that he, too, is an "order baby" who was brought up with the intention to breed more "order babies" with Bree? Maybe he doesn't know this yet, but maybe OpAphid abducted the two of them as babies and threw them together for the ceremony.
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Post by oleandereyes »

maybe she's not only as asexual as a 16 year old girl can get but she's also TABLESEXUAL...therefore linking her and jonas once again!! dum dum dummmm....
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