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Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:22 pm
by essie
SharpI wrote:house wrote:When Jonas said, "there was a blonde woman." I automatically thought it might've been Bree's mother. It would certainly explain Bree's comment about "not talking to her mother for a long time."
We've seen Bree's non-biological mom, with her non-bio dad in the video "On The Run." She wasn't blonde then.
I thought... Lucy!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:32 pm
by AM
essie wrote:
Stories heating up, I wish we hear from Gemma though =(
Go to Gemma's account on YouTube if you haven't already. I don't think we'll be hearing from her any time soon.
Here's what it says:
[ Gemma ]
Age: 19
City: London
Channel Views: 652,391
Subscribers: 14744
Greetings and salutations!
It's time you all knew the truth about Gemma.
P.S. I assume it'll take him awhile, but if you're reading this then my "brother" 10033 has successfully taken control of this account on my behalf.
P.P.S. For more information about the Order and OpAphid, check out our videos here under Tachyon and 10033. (more) (less)
About Me
Name: Gemma
Member Since: 2 months ago
Videos Watched: 1,064
Last Login: 2 hours ago
And they've added a few of Tachyon's videos, slightly altered, to her account as well. Regardless of where she is now, alive or dead, she no longer has access to her YouTube account.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:34 pm
by iamcool
she seems to be posting them every 8 hours
why 8?
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:50 pm
by random lurker
I just watched 45 Seconds again, and dang if I can understand why people are suspicious of Jonas. Really, I think this is some of hte better writing so far, and it's certainly the actor's best performance. The way his voices drops, and the look on his face, when he talks about the body being loaded in the trunk - he captured that quite well, I thought.
re: the 45 seconds reference, the way he said it, it sounded like a question. I think he is referring to the whole event - from the car pealing in to the kids driving away, taking about that long. I don't think it's a clue, but then, that's just my opinion.
I do think he really struck the "Zapruder film" line. i'm trying to figure out if it's because the actor was having trouble making it sound natural, or if we really were supposed to latch onto it. I hope the Kennedy assassination isn't going to become a part of the clues/game; if we're going to have murder and conspiracy and gore, let's keep it pleasantly fake, folks.
I wish they would address why Bree stole the money/car and left without telling anyone. That was extremely out of character. I hope they don't just ignore it but start dealing with that and other plot clues.
On with the Op Aphid puzzles!! (I never help them, because I'm puzzle-dumb, but I like reading how they're solved.)
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:54 pm
by random lurker
One more thought, if the woman in the garage were Bree's mother, wouldn't the beast have recognized her? It would only take a glimpse to know, and certainly Bree would have known at a glimpse, though she might not say anything about it.
also, did we rule out that Mr. Bree might have shot himself? I know i'm not the first to bring it up, but it might serve to explain why they're sure he's dead: if he had told Bree, "if they capture me, I am killing myself so they can't get the information [or whataever it is they want]", then Bree would have known from teh shot that he was dead, whether or not she saw any evidence.
c'mooooon, story!!! get in gear; time for action!!!
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:21 pm
by Neptune
I feel that Bree's "dad" was shot to shut him up. They were going to take him, dead or alive. They didn't get to him before he told Bree some of the truths of her life and the truth of his and her "mother's" role in her life. I don't think he told her all those truths, thus creating the motivation in the storyline to find out those truths, the meaning of her link to the Order, and how to stop being their target.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:25 pm
by Dena81
Maccaboy17 wrote:not necessarily lucy as i said we just assume blonde = lucy
and it it could de a deacon on the outside like Dr Immant and are from the anti Ops faction
i'm probaly wrong but just keeping lots of options open
I was actually thinking that earlier. Jonas had been watching her videos when he offered her to stay at his place, right? So wouldn't he have an idea of who Lucy is? Instead he referred to her as "Some blonde lady" that caught me off guard.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:45 pm
by SharpI
I think it will come out that Mr. Bree told Bree that "if they catch up to me again they will kill me." That's why she and Daniel and Jonas are so positive that Mr. Bree is dead, without much firm evidence. There may also have been reports of a dumped body found, ID of the body, etc. on the radio in the Breeniverse, just not appearing in any video.
Why was he killed? I think he was not supposed to tell her he wasn't her bio dad. I think they killed him at the earliest possible moment in hopes that he hadn't told Bree yet. And notice that they did so in a way that made sure that Bree herself was in no danger of being harmed (not in a simple drive-by, for example).
I am alarmed by the possibility that Bree unwittingly led the Order to her dad.
I am also noticing that Bree has never actually renounced her religion. She decided not to do the ceremony, and has been avoiding the Order, but the Order appears to be a separate class in the religion. Thus I am wondering (don't shoot me) if Bree's "real" parents are human. The revelation from her dad may be that she is a reincarnation, for example, a la the Dalai Lama. Note that I'm not saying that it's true, just that it may be what she believes.
If so, it would go a long way toward explaining her behavior, IMO, which I find remarkably self-centered. It's as if she knows that Really Big Things are at stake here, compared to which a few cars, some money, a credit card, a few months out of Daniel's life, etc. are nothing.
Sorry for long post... just synthesizing some things.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:49 pm
by autumneternal
random lurker wrote:I wish they would address why Bree stole the money/car and left without telling anyone. That was extremely out of character. I hope they don't just ignore it but start dealing with that and other plot clues.
I always assumed she took the car in order to go and meet her father. As for the credit cards, the idea struck me that she was thinking ahead. Perhaps she thought that, if she were to use the credit card(s) and she was caught by the Order, Daniel and Jonas would be able to track her general direction and/or location. Even if Bree wasn't thinking about being caught by the Order, maybe taking his card(s) was part of her clues to them so that they'd have a way to track her and find her. It could have been her way of leading them to where she'd be.
::EDIT:: Also, I don't think she left without telling anyone. I don't think she told anyone directly, but she left clues in her videos to let Daniel and Jonas know she'd left.
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:01 am
by emerrs11
Soo. I guess it was Lucy and the Deacon from on the run. Great. Here we go.
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:37 am
by Cherie_Sotta
Jonas has been thrown into this situation (albeit: by choice!) and he was being brutally honest to us about hesitating to grab Bree. He had to get it off his chest because he *also* felt weird about it - like we do after hearing him say it. I think it's another sign that Jonas is ok to trust. That he is not associated with the Order like some thought and the fact that he and Daniel are getting on so well is also a good sign. And we KNOW Daniel really doesn't trust anyone. Seeing something like that happening right before you can be so unreal, and so scary, that maybe Jonas froze up. Maybe he wanted to see what was going to happen. Maybe he was afraid HE was going to get hurt. And that type of behavior is perfectly normal for someone who is just a friend (at this point, a very new friend). How many times do I have to repeat this - Daniel is in LOVE with Bree. Love love love. He even almost said it once, right before all of us. "Bree, I still love you." Bam. Baboozle. Sealed deal. So of course Daniel would jump out and grab her. Who here has been in true love before? Yeah, you'd do the same thing Daniel did. Considering how thick headed our beloved Bree can be, we'll see how she responds to Daniels (yet another!) heroic efforts this time around. But Bree's thickheadedness is a completely different subject. Basically, I think it's totally normal and not that suspicious that Jonas hesitated. He's admitted this to us - and it's something we would never have noticed if he didn't point it out.
As far as Jonas being troubled seeing Bree going through all of this... don't you guys remember Jonas telling us that he cannot stand to see people hurt? That it drives him crazy? Jonas HAS to help Bree. Whether he's been through the loss of his parents or not, he is the type of character that wants to find a solution to a problem, no matter what the problem is. That's probably at the heart of his motivation - he cannot solve what has happened to his parents. No matter what Bree says, no matter what Daniel says, Jonas has to feel like he is helping or he cannot rest. It's just who he is. I have lost both of my parents and I think some of you guys are being kinda harsh on judging how he should react and what he should and shouldn't say to Bree. Losing a parent at a young age is like losing a part of who you are. But losing BOTH parents is like losing your entire universe - they are supposed to be your guides in life and when they are not there to physically help you through things and you get handed off to someone else, no matter who... certain troubles begin to evolve and so many questions about your existance arise. Look at Oliver Twist, Harry Potter, Punky Brewster, Little Orphan Annie, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. Why do you think orphans are such interesting people to write about? Because they have SO many layers. Jonas probably never had anyone to talk to about his parents. He has no siblings and was raised by a nanny that took off when he turned 18. He is probably just a teeny bit relieved to have someone around that he can talk to about grief now - that isn't being paid by the hour. A little selfish, but can you blame him? Imagine your life w/o your parents.
Just something to chew on.
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:46 am
by essie
AM wrote:essie wrote:
Stories heating up, I wish we hear from Gemma though =(
Go to Gemma's account on YouTube if you haven't already. I don't think we'll be hearing from her any time soon.
Here's what it says:
[ Gemma ]
Age: 19
City: London
Channel Views: 652,391
Subscribers: 14744
Greetings and salutations!
It's time you all knew the truth about Gemma.
P.S. I assume it'll take him awhile, but if you're reading this then my "brother" 10033 has successfully taken control of this account on my behalf.
P.P.S. For more information about the Order and OpAphid, check out our videos here under Tachyon and 10033. (more) (less)
About Me
Name: Gemma
Member Since: 2 months ago
Videos Watched: 1,064
Last Login: 2 hours ago
And they've added a few of Tachyon's videos, slightly altered, to her account as well. Regardless of where she is now, alive or dead, she no longer has access to her YouTube account.
Yeah I've seen it. It's quite sad how they are using Gemma's account to advertise. I'm waiting for Gemma to go "surprise" I'm a double agent! But she basically failed since no one trusts her. I hope the body was the father's in a way since Gemma still has a story to tell. Mr. Bree basically his message could be conveyed through Bree!!!
And. Jonas good guy. I say, we trust him =) ( If we don't already ) Unless it's going to be some plot that Jonas is going undercover as a person for the order/ opaphid to go into Tach. And Gemma is an undercover for Tach to go to Opaphid. Ooo. Scary.
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:48 am
by arammat
Cabby wrote:it really bothered me that jonas pointed out that he hesitated...
What bothered me even more, however, was that jonas blatantly says "I don't understand why they wouldn't grab her if they had the chance."
these two things together make me question Jonas again.
Also... I'm questioning that greasy hair...
As a side note, my roomate actually woke me up this morning to watch the new LG video. Best roomate ever.
I think he was just addressing the same question that many of us on the forum had. Why, after following her and Daniel for weeks, sticking cameras in both of their houses, etc. would they get that close to Bree and not try to grab her up? It's an extremely important question. I think the fact that Jonas was there and could verify first-hand that they had the chance to grab her and didn't even try, makes it seem likely that capturing Bree is not their main agenda, if it is part of their agenda at all.
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:57 am
by arammat
That's funny. I thought it was a tissue box that looks like this: ... tem=AQ5182
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:05 am
by arammat
EEVEE wrote:girlAnachronism wrote:how did Jonas know it was called the "Zapruder film"? I know it as "President Kennedy's assasination tape" or something like that. By knowing the filmer's name indicates that Jonas is either history of film buff, or that he has referenced this film occasionally. Perhaps, while alone at home, he got involved in conspiracy theorist websites?
Okay, that's probably way off the boat...
Well yeah, Because I think most people know it as the Zapruder film.
Well.......I do.....
I'm old enough that I remember Kennedy's assasination, and have seen that film a bunch of times, but I had no idea it was called the Zapruder film. My husband knew the reference right away. I think it's probably a 50/50 shot whether or not somebody would know the reference. But then again, there is a frightening percentage of people who don't know who the Vice President is, so .........