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Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:41 am
by CriticalThinking
Wow.. I've just been sitting here in shock for about twenty minutes. I know I suggested that her parents may not be her real parents awhile back.. Yeah what I think is happening here, these are people bent on taking over, the whole "religion" thing was just a front, the ceremony was a ploy to either get some blood or impregnate her with the perfect child...
And I remember someone saying Bree may be short for Breeder?
Lol, wouldn't it be cool if Jonas and Bree were brother and sister? Wierd, but awesome.
And kudos to Jess for the awesome acting in this one.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:34 am
by LadyBugGirl
As everyone else said...good acting! Wow!
lookinginonyou wrote:I don't really see why "mom" would want "dad" dead. If they're together, it's probably safe to assume they are married. I don't see why someone who made a life-commitment would want the other partner killed. It doesn't make sense to me. I said the same thing in another thead in the Plot Discussion about "mom" and "dad". My cents..
About this, my feelings on it are that if the Order is willing to go out and track/hunt people down and possibly even kill people and steal children (if that's why Bree wasn't with her real parents), why wouldn't they be willing to set up fake marriages in order to have the child raised in an environment where they would be sheltered from everything? Just because they were "married" doesn't meant that they weren't supposed to do everything in their power to make sure that Bree didn't get away. If it was her "dad" that warned her, then mom would have had to help get rid of him.
I'm just trying to basically say, the Order seems to have no bounds on what they will and will not do.
Also, someone was wondering if Jonas would have had to have known that Bree was his sister (if they are) in order to contact her via YouTube. I don't think that's the case. I think that Jonas had enough reason because he lived in California and he had a similar story (his parents were missing and Brees "parents" were missing at the time). So he figured why not help out someone who is going through something similar. So it's not necessarily true that he would have to know whether or not Bree was related to him in order to offer help.
Great video once again! (I hope all my ideas made sense...Its bed time for me!)
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:28 am
by iamcool
awww every1's already said about good acting
i think ermmm.... i dnt have a clue what i think
but i've seen people say that why would her mam want her dad dead if they were married... maybe they werent married, her dad never did wear a ring
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:46 am
by curiousGeorge
Jess hits it out of the park. Witness the compelling power of the vlog, she nailed this perfectly... Seems like old times!
Simply outstanding job by Cast and Creative Team. As for the plot developments... Certainly a wild twist.
Oh, and I got the message. Loud and clear.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:52 am
by angie78gg
iamcool wrote:
maybe they werent married, her dad never did wear a ring
In all reality, not everyone who is married always wears their wedding rings. It could also be that either his job doesnt allow him to wear one , or that the "order" doesnt allow them to wear such jewelry.
they could really have been married, or worse. They could have been siblings posing as parents!
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 7:45 am
by iamcool
angie78gg wrote:iamcool wrote:
maybe they werent married, her dad never did wear a ring
In all reality, not everyone who is married always wears their wedding rings. It could also be that either his job doesnt allow him to wear one , or that the "order" doesnt allow them to wear such jewelry.
they could really have been married, or worse. They could have been siblings posing as parents!
yeh theres a lot of reasons why, but them not being the real parents... and possibly only there to get her ready for the ceremony
i think its more likely that they were never married at all
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 7:49 am
by nobackspacebutton
UpbeatMarshWiggle wrote:TheFatLady wrote:I had that same question about what does "this" mean when Bree says, "My dad went through this recently." It could be that HE thought he was her father all along, too, and somehow just now found out he wasn't.
If that's the case, it raises all kinds of interesting questions about how he could not have known. Perhaps it was Mom who pulled the fast one on her husband and Bree, and that's why Bree isn't planning to speak to her?
Another thought: She says dad decided to get in touch, as though he had the option to just casually see her around. Are her parents kidnap victims, or not? Surely Dad would have "decided" to try to find his kid from the very beginning of their separation, knowing Bree would be losing her mind with worry.
This is a really good theory! It explains Bree's dad not being Bree's "dad", the "crisis" he just went through (finding out Bree really wasn't his) and certainly explains Bree not wanting to talk to her mother, either.
EDIT:Whoops. Maybe not. I just re-watched the video, and Bree said her mom wasn't her real mom, either. So I guess this might not work after all.
Great stuff!
First off, Great video!!
And YES! I knew it! I knew her parents couldn't be her real parents!!
Okay, but to what you guys were saying....
unless Bree's "mom" stole her from her real parents..and just told her "dad" that it was her daughter....perhaps, Bree's "parents" didn't get together until after Bree's "mom" already "had" (stolen) Bree.
I can definately understand what she is feeling...its tough to find out that your whole life might have been a lie. Think about this...her name might not even be her real name. And very curious what happened to her parents....reminds me of the Face on the Milk Carton..if they are alive, maybe they would still be looking for her?
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 7:54 am
by bubbleteagirl
nakita wrote:lookinginonyou wrote:I don't really see why "mom" would want "dad" dead. If they're together, it's probably safe to assume they are married. I don't see why someone who made a life-commitment would want the other partner killed. It doesn't make sense to me. I said the same thing in another thead in the Plot Discussion about "mom" and "dad". My cents..
Some people don't see marriage as a life-commitment. As well, in this day and age, it's actually just as safe to assume that they are (were?) NOT married. Did Bree actually ever talk about them getting married?
Maybe they just let people assume they were married so as not to 'blow thier cover'
If Bree's dad was gunna blow the mom's cover or ruin the experiement or religious experience or cover-up or whatever is going on then it's possible that the religion/cult is more important to the mother than her husband is.
Now since a lot of people have mentioned the theory that the mom knew but the dad didn't... If you found out that your wife had lied to you and that the child you'd raised as your daughter wasn't really your daughter and something horrible was going to happen to her... it's most likely you'd pick your kid, even after finding out it wasn't really your kid, over the woman who lied to you.
As for the women who lied to you... it's possible that she'd kill you... even if she liked you and thought you were hot and shared a bank account with you. Heck... according to some of these theories she kidnapped a baby to sacrafice! Anything is possible!
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:04 am
by bubbleteagirl
looking4answers wrote:OMG!
This is totally star Wars!
Luke: Jonas
Laia: Bree
Han: Danial
p Monkey: Chewbakka
Owan: R2D2
Thor: C3PO
-Bree is wanted by the Order
-Laia is wanted by the Empire
-Jonas's parent's died
-Luke's parent's died
-Han ran the ship
-Daniel runs the camera
-bree finds out that her parents are not her real parents
-Laia finds out her parents are not her real parents
-Thor is hairy and cute
-chewbacca is hairy and cute
-Owan is the quiet one
-R2D2 is the quiet one
-P monkey always has something to say
-C3PO always has something to say
Bree will find out that her father is indeed the head of the Order and that Jonas is her Brother. They will also find out that their mother was a head speaker for a major religion who tried to save her husband and he wound up going to "the dark side". Jonas will then have to confront his real father and him and Daniel will save Bree and Daniel and Bree will fall in love and get married. Jonas will go on to establish the one true order that his mother died to protect. And daniel and Bree's childen will go on to one day save the world!
Oh yeah! lol
Starwars followed the Monomyth archetype (on purpose). I wouldn't be suprised at all if this story did too (on purpose as well). Using the monomyth is an easy way to make a hit. Everyone loves a hero's quest!
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:10 am
by Beckers
nobackspacebutton wrote:UpbeatMarshWiggle wrote:TheFatLady wrote:I had that same question about what does "this" mean when Bree says, "My dad went through this recently." It could be that HE thought he was her father all along, too, and somehow just now found out he wasn't.
If that's the case, it raises all kinds of interesting questions about how he could not have known. Perhaps it was Mom who pulled the fast one on her husband and Bree, and that's why Bree isn't planning to speak to her?
Another thought: She says dad decided to get in touch, as though he had the option to just casually see her around. Are her parents kidnap victims, or not? Surely Dad would have "decided" to try to find his kid from the very beginning of their separation, knowing Bree would be losing her mind with worry.
This is a really good theory! It explains Bree's dad not being Bree's "dad", the "crisis" he just went through (finding out Bree really wasn't his) and certainly explains Bree not wanting to talk to her mother, either.
EDIT:Whoops. Maybe not. I just re-watched the video, and Bree said her mom wasn't her real mom, either. So I guess this might not work after all.
Great stuff!
First off, Great video!!
And YES! I knew it! I knew her parents couldn't be her real parents!!
Okay, but to what you guys were saying....
unless Bree's "mom" stole her from her real parents..and just told her "dad" that it was her daughter....perhaps, Bree's "parents" didn't get together until after Bree's "mom" already "had" (stolen) Bree.
I can definately understand what she is feeling...its tough to find out that your whole life might have been a lie. Think about this...her name might not even be her real name. And very curious what happened to her parents....reminds me of the Face on the Milk Carton..if they are alive, maybe they would still be
I remember reading that book...the face on the milk was a long tme ago but from what I can remember it was a good story. looking for her?
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:13 am
by Joyleaf
Do we want to mention the foreshadowing?
In the "Unthinkable" vid--Jonas: "Are you sure that's her dad?"
I thought that was reasonable enough to say in a heightened situation where they were fearing for Bree's safety, but Jonas also has an uncanny ability to drop phrases (and the occasional video clip) that have further significance.
So did Jonas a) recognize Bree's dad, b) expect Bree's dad to look different than the man he was seeing, c) know more about Bree's past than she did, or d) just say something eerily coincedental?
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:15 am
by bubbleteagirl
Joyleaf wrote:Do we want to mention the foreshadowing?
In the "Unthinkable" vid--Jonas: "Are you sure that's her dad?"
I thought that was reasonable enough to say in a heightened situation where they were fearing for Bree's safety, but Jonas also has an uncanny ability to drop phrases (and the occasional video clip) that have further significance.
So did Jonas a) recognize Bree's dad, b) expect Bree's dad to look different than the man he was seeing, c) know more about Bree's past than she did, or d) just say something eerily coincedental?
ooo that would make sense if he was bree's long lost biological brother! if he expected her dad to look different or something i mean... because, he knows what her real biological father looks like, because it's HIS real biological father too. interesting...
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:22 am
by bubbleteagirl
bubbleteagirl wrote:looking4answers wrote:OMG!
This is totally star Wars!
Luke: Jonas
Laia: Bree
Han: Danial
p Monkey: Chewbakka
Owan: R2D2
Thor: C3PO
-Bree is wanted by the Order
-Laia is wanted by the Empire
-Jonas's parent's died
-Luke's parent's died
-Han ran the ship
-Daniel runs the camera
-bree finds out that her parents are not her real parents
-Laia finds out her parents are not her real parents
-Thor is hairy and cute
-chewbacca is hairy and cute
-Owan is the quiet one
-R2D2 is the quiet one
-P monkey always has something to say
-C3PO always has something to say
Bree will find out that her father is indeed the head of the Order and that Jonas is her Brother. They will also find out that their mother was a head speaker for a major religion who tried to save her husband and he wound up going to "the dark side". Jonas will then have to confront his real father and him and Daniel will save Bree and Daniel and Bree will fall in love and get married. Jonas will go on to establish the one true order that his mother died to protect. And daniel and Bree's childen will go on to one day save the world!
Oh yeah! lol
Starwars followed the Monomyth archetype (on purpose). I wouldn't be suprised at all if this story did too (on purpose as well). Using the monomyth is an easy way to make a hit. Everyone loves a hero's quest!
oh yes yes yes! it has basically everything!
Call to Adventure - Being chosen for the ceremony
Refusal of Call - Doubting ceremony... finally not going through with it.
Supernatural Aid - Her imaginary friends? DanielBEAST?
The Crossing of the First Threshold - Leaving home. Living out of a car/in an abandoned warehouse. Not showering/bathing/eating properly.
... I'm not sure if we've got to the next stages yet... but, the next thing would be rebirth. Then initiation. Then obstacles.
Oh, wait, we might have got to that already... because somewhere after that comes the atonement with the Father... although, maybe that happens later, because, I'm not sure we've had the atonement yet, but at least we're on the right track.
Edit: yes yes yes and more yes. So... as well as the stages, we've got a lot of the elements too:
Failed Hero: Cassie???
The Prophecy: The ceremony?
Shapeshifter: Gemma!! or, actually, maybe Jonas? We don't know if we can trust him yet... and sometimes, one CAN trust the shapeshifter, one just is not sure! And none of us were sure about Jonas at first!
Animal familiar: her toys! P-monkey! Oh yah!
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:28 am
by Joyleaf
Bree and Jonas don't strike me as having much in the way of sibling resemblance.
However, I'm willing to bet that we find out that Jonas has some very interesting links, and that there are pretty specific reasons why he has information that the rest of us don't seem to have. I'm very curious.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:51 am
by jenlight
I read through and hope I didn't miss someone already saying this:
Have we thought of the possibility that she doesn't want to see her mother because she doesn't want to put her in danger too? Like maybe she thinks her mother will also get shot?
Also, I'm trying to make this fit Buffy The Vampire Slayer but there's no Giles!