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Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:06 pm
by rachelalexis
Mirage wrote:Broken Kid wrote:Was anyone else getting seasick when he was jumping fences and climbing into balconies? Whoa!!!

Daniel is such a stud.

Mirage, hormones in control. There's a mystery afoot! Your corruption of a fictional character can wait.

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:07 pm
by Mirage
rachelalexis wrote:Mirage wrote:Broken Kid wrote:Was anyone else getting seasick when he was jumping fences and climbing into balconies? Whoa!!!

Daniel is such a stud.

Mirage, hormones in control. There's a mystery afoot! Your corruption of a fictional character can wait.


Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:08 pm
by rachelalexis
Mirage wrote:rachelalexis wrote:Mirage wrote:
Daniel is such a stud.

Mirage, hormones in control. There's a mystery afoot! Your corruption of a fictional character can wait.


Don't make me get the hose young lady... *sternface, finger wagging*
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:08 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
Broken Kid wrote:When Daniel opens the closet and goes through the clothes, it looks to me like a bunch of them are lumpy at the top. It's way too dark to see anything clearly, but I immediately though cloaks or robes with hoods.

If so, that's a nice touch...
Personally, I enjoyed the rather OCD nearly perfect spaces between each identical hanger..just imperfect enought to be "natural"...but then again, not really. Her whole apartment was like that. Very impersonal and un lived-in. Maybe they keep these little generic pads all over the place in major cities for various "helpers" to stay at on assignment.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:08 pm
by betz28
curiousGeorge wrote:Amanda is playing the role of Lucy.
MY thoughts on another thread somewhere awhile back and remembered someone mentioning it...which thread is it? it menetioned her myspace account? anyone?
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:09 pm
by Kimmi-Chan
nakita wrote:Mirage wrote:Broken Kid wrote:Was anyone else getting seasick when he was jumping fences and climbing into balconies? Whoa!!!

Daniel is such a stud.

lol, I used to think so too, until I realized that his only hobby seems to be following a girl who told him to stop following her.
And he needs a haircut. Compare him now to one of his first videos.

his looks have gone to hell since he lost the girl of his dreams

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:09 pm
by GimmeYourForever
Broken Kid wrote:Was anyone else getting seasick when he was jumping fences and climbing into balconies? Whoa!!!

haha totally...
but it was worth it! much better vid this time

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:12 pm
by Solstice
The first image on google maps when Daniel sits down at the computer appears to be Adak Island, the southermost point in Alaska ... 8,0.106258
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:13 pm
by Mirage
nakita wrote:
lol, I used to think so too, until I realized that his only hobby seems to be following a girl who told him to stop following her.
And he needs a haircut. Compare him now to one of his first videos.

I could help him over that particular obsession!
rachelalexis wrote:
Don't make me get the hose young lady... *sternface, finger wagging*
*sigh* OH fine. I'll lock up the hormones..for now.
spaciegirl wrote:
Personally, I enjoyed the rather OCD nearly perfect spaces between each identical hanger..just imperfect enought to be "natural"...but then again, not really. Her whole apartment was like that. Very impersonal and un lived-in. Maybe they keep these little generic pads all over the place in major cities for various "helpers" to stay at on assignment.
I noticed that too. Heck, at first I was thinking that it didn't looked lived in at all! Then I noticed the one, lone soda can.

Makes sense that the helpers would have their own little "safe houses".
Ok, now that we got the locations....what are they for? What purpose do they serve to us, the viewers, other than stuff to debate about? Is this going to be an "interactive" element to the game?
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:14 pm
by rachelalexis
Broken Kid wrote:Ok, so we have the maps, which is great. I compared them to the video, and it's pretty clear we're not looking at any particular place on the maps. We're just looking at the towns.
So the question is, what do we do with these maps? There has to be some connection we should be able to find online. They're all connected to the ceremony somehow... any theories?
So far all I've found searching stuff is Zavalla Texas has the Zavalla Eagle as their mascot, and apparently there's a Crowley Eagle mascot in Texas too... searching those two together isn't leading to a lot of promising stuff, but i'm still trying random stuff.
edit: Oh and there's substance abuse centers in both Crowley & Zavalla... *sigh* this might take a while to figure out
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:17 pm
by prudence
Lizzy wrote:It's not ALWAYS cold in Canada
yeah.. i was actually getting a kick out of that too.. i live in ontario but have 4 brothers in alberta.. 1. its not always cold, 2. there are a lot of mennonite communities, but theres a lot more than that!
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:19 pm
by Broken Kid
Solstice wrote:The first image on google maps when Daniel sits down at the computer appears to be Adak Island, the southermost point in Alaska does...... matches exactly.....
how the hell could you possibly find that, i wonder?

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:31 pm
by curriguy
okay here's the painting on the wall
I swear that this very painting has come up in discussion before, but I forget where.
oh and also,
the "October 12th,2006" that is on the screen when daniel first starts using the computer...was NOT an accident.
The mouse has to be hovering over the time in the bottom right hand corner for it to show up like that. They'd have to have specifically positioned it there.
with all the care they put into doing the other stuff on the computer, why would they let something like that slip?
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:34 pm
by tigerlilylynn
thejyav wrote:i like that daneil is talking about the forum and using the people on the forum...tho that takes this all into a weird fiction reality rehelm where its a story but they are able to read the forum on the site that hosts fictionally videos which are really to them
Yup that's why UnForums has a rule that the whole board is OOG (out of game) so that the puppet masters can read it but the characters can't. If PMs want the characters and players to interact they generally create a seperate site (AV did just that yesterday). I think the PMs may wish to have an in game board or boards (we can suspend disbelief and have them on the same site) so we can feed the characters some info and not other bits of info.
Example: in AV (or looking for AV whichever seems to be the proper name) they have an in game board and site so they can talk with the doctor who is "in hiding". They also use UF as OOG and have discovered that the doctor is in Houston. This info will not go on the IG board in order to keep the enemy from discovering it.
Similarly in Sammeeeees there are many different characters that communicate with players through different channels in order to elude one another.
Point being, after all that ramble, clear in game and out of game areas would be helpful. However, we have a ton of n00bs, myself included. Some of us will keep that line clear and others will try to talk to Daniel about how annoying it was that Jessica said been as bean. The PMs will have a tough go at running an ARG in something this mainstream.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:34 pm
by sungurl
Okay, so after the last week of lackluster events here at LG15, I wasn't going to post, but DANIEL...breaking and entering!?! Eeeeek. But I have to give you kudos for having the hat for the job, roflmao!!!!
So, a little confused about things as far as what we are really supposed to get from all of this other than that it sort of confirms indirectly that Bree was given a little cocktail that gives her that all over goody goody feelign about the cermony....
So the things that stuck out in my mind about this video is
* The cleanliness of the apartment (are they all neat freaks or what!?! I mean, Bree was pretty neat, had a little lapse, and is back to being neat again).
* Looked like robes or gowns hanging in the closet to me...
* Maybe the Greg Goodfried is in on it (ROFLOL) - okay, so that was me attempting to be funny since he is one of the creators, ha ha.
* Oh, and the other thing that came to mind is about the piccies of Daniel on the computer - the people could have used night vision to take the pics no???
Well all I can say is I sure hope Daniel knows what he's doing!!!! And I'm glad this helped get the curiosity juices flowing again....