nakita wrote:
lol, I used to think so too, until I realized that his only hobby seems to be following a girl who told him to stop following her.
And he needs a haircut. Compare him now to one of his first videos.

I could help him over that particular obsession!
rachelalexis wrote:
Don't make me get the hose young lady... *sternface, finger wagging*
*sigh* OH fine. I'll lock up the hormones..for now.
spaciegirl wrote:
Personally, I enjoyed the rather OCD nearly perfect spaces between each identical hanger..just imperfect enought to be "natural"...but then again, not really. Her whole apartment was like that. Very impersonal and un lived-in. Maybe they keep these little generic pads all over the place in major cities for various "helpers" to stay at on assignment.
I noticed that too. Heck, at first I was thinking that it didn't looked lived in at all! Then I noticed the one, lone soda can.

Makes sense that the helpers would have their own little "safe houses".
Ok, now that we got the locations....what are they for? What purpose do they serve to us, the viewers, other than stuff to debate about? Is this going to be an "interactive" element to the game?