0212 - "Like A Virgin" [6/13/07]

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Post by tricky-ticky-tavi »

Okay, so these past few videos have not been super-mature. However, I do feel mostly for Jonas.

I don't know why everyone is saying that Jonas is being self-centered. His problems are directly tied to Bree, his love for her, and her life/death situation. What do Sarah's problems involve? Herself and her "confusing crossroads". She seems a bit more self-involved than Jonas ever has been. His problems are at least tied to this mission of saving another human being, while Sarah's involve Sarah. (not to mention her blisters and toenails...)
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My question is this....What were we talking about??

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Post by Verity »

I don't understand why anyone would think it's cute and funny to mock someone who's girlfriend has just been brainwashed and/or kidnapped. What, you're not allowed to be a little bit "selfish" if your girlfriend just disappeared? For your "friends" to then sit around laughing at your e-mail seems very unnecessary and cruel. Friends can deal with someone whining and crying if their girlfriend just disappeared. Instead, all they seem to be interested in is somehow shifting the focus back to themselves, when actually nothing as upsetting has just happened to them. Also, these videos don't do anything for the series or help in the search for Bree. Did it occur to them that while they're making these videos complaining about Jonas not doing anything, they're actually not doing anything either? As far as we've seen, Jonas is the one who's done the most to find Bree so far. However, there's no way he'll be able to put all his feelings to one side and just look for Bree. His feelings are part of the reason he's looking for her, and they might actually help him find her.
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Post by meggamoo1 »

i thought this video was kind of funny, but also had it's maturity issues. just like the last few have...

either way, she's right. jonas is not the only one on the planet that misses bree and wants her back. and he is letting his sadness take over rather than trying to conquer it and FIND her.

glad to see the return of taylor though.

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Post by watermelonhead »

Taylor seems to understand freaky pleasure quite well-- And seems to think the 'first time' isn't a big deal... I wonder if she speaks from experience!!?!?!

*WHIPS* :shock:
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Post by Sheqinah »

Oh boy this has gotten so ugly now. Ick! :smt078 I need a bath now. I have a lot of thoughts on this video and they all go along with the idea that I would much rather not have Sarah or Taylor :smt084 :smt084 in the series anymore. :smt006

*runs tub* *extra bubbles* *soft music* (If that does not work I can go and chop wood)

Poor Jonas and the women in this life :smt075
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Post by sparkybennett »

Lurker wrote:Yes, Bree humiliated Jonas. However, Jonas was the one who chose to make that humiliation public and as intense as possible. He so did not have to reveal that they'd fucked if he didn't want that information to be revealed..
I don't recall him saying that they had sex. He was just letting the audience know that he felt he "got through" (no pun intended) to Bree. And he was responding to Sarah's video invading his privacy.
Sarah herself admitted she was "spy"ing on them. Jonas actually took that very good naturedly.

Lurker wrote: I hear "Sarah has her own agenda" at least once a day, but no one ever bothers to explain it.
If you are hearing it alot maybe there is something to it. Jonas has been fairly open about his agenda, Sarah not so much. Her motivation to be there is unclear. A crush on Daniel , sure , but if she takes relationships so lightly , why chase this boy?
It is suspicious that when her family is in crisis she would take off, leaving her sister alone to deal with their parents breaking up. She complains about trying to rescue Bree, until her last video, where she suddenly acts as if she cares? Why the sudden change? Why tape Bree and Jonas without their knowledge and post it? That may be why people are saying Sarah has her own agenda.
Lurker wrote:That doesn't mean she doesn't care about him. Even DB isn't altogether safe from critique with her. That just seems to be her attitude. She's either horny or snarky.
Yes, this is true.
Lurker wrote:After that e-mail, do you blame them? For that matter, Sarah's been rather polite about Jonas' reaction. All she's said is that it was rather childish. Taylor's the one most enraged, it would seem.

Besides, before this I can't recall Taylor ever saying anything negative about Jonas. It was only him attacking her and her sister that incited this response. It's not like she's been ragging him at every opportunity.
You're implying that they've been tearing into him since they first him, which is not the case at all..

I don't mean to imply that. I am implying that Sarah started this whole thing when she slyly and direspectfully invaded Jonas' privacy. He attempted to respond in his forthright manner. Then when Bree took off and he was vulnerable the sisters attacked.
Sparkybennett wrote:Yes, and now she has Taylor acting more and more like her derisive, impudent, and tawdry self.
Lurker wrote:She has Taylor doing it? Requested it, did she?
No, but she set the example. Younger sisters tend to emulate the big sister's behavior, especially when they are feeling abandoned by them.

(this is all good natured debate, please take it as such Lurker. I enjoy your posts and admire your devotion to the sisters 8) )
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Post by saralynn »

Haha where did Taylor get that whip? Sarah probably. ;P

She's so pretty in this video! Ugh! Hate her. Nah, love her. <3

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Post by girlnextdoor »

I do think the whip is totally unnecessary - as was Sarah's revelation about doing it on the washer, alone :shock:

But as much as I feel for Jonas I think you have to remember they're meant to be in this together, and isolating each other with stupid, immature emails and bitchy behaviour is getting them nowhere - and making me get impatient from waiting!
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Post by meggamoo1 »

Samara wrote:I have a feeling it will be Taylor telling Jonas to quit being a baby.
you are psychic. :)

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Post by girlnextdoor »

Well, it's pretty much what the majority of us want to say, anyway.
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Post by numbvox »

Wow okay, already a lot to respond to...
Dovey wrote:Why must we berate them for being young? Jonas is in love (Perhaps for the very first time), and he sees and believes what he wants to see and believe. That's part of being young. Frankly, I would have been pissed at Sarah too. She took a very private issue, and publically confirmed it. I think his biggest mistake was confronting Taylor instead of Sarah.
First off let's get the obvious out of the way - Jonas may be going through some tough stuff right now, but he isn't being a man. When you have a problem with somebody, if you have any integrity at all, you either confront them personally about it or just swallow your problems and keep them to yourself. You certainly don't go talking behind their back, whether or not you send them a copy of your bitching email as well.
As for Sarah "publicly confirming" that they had sex... Ummm... No. First off, Jonas already made a pretty clear implication to that effect in his video. Not to mention the fact that since Sarah wasn't in the bedroom with them (least I don't think she was... Ooo... I like where this train of thought is taking me...), that she frankly has no real information to offer. Her coming out and saying that they had sex holds absolutely no more weight that any one of us coming out and saying they had sex. It's all pure outsider information.
sack36 wrote:This video was way over the top. Frankly, I don't see how any of this can end well.

Bree: She's been brainwashed, faultily deprogrammed, lost in the woods for 6 days... If she's not dead, she is damaged beyond repair.

Daniel: Thrice he has weathered the humiliation of having the women he loved ridicule and leave him. Now for the fourth time he begins to unwind and the girl spends most of her time driving a wedge between him and his only other remaining friend, Jonas.

Jonas: An act of charity transforms his life into chaos and fear. Shy around girls to begin with, his foray into the world of love has ended with him being publicly humiliated not once, not twice, but three times by three different females. The wedge that Sarah has been working on looks like it's succeeding, and the attempt at a private resolution to an already humiliatingly public issue is splashed all over the forums to be endlessly discussed.

Taylor: Going from possible candidate for her religion's important ceremonies and having a unified family and successful soccer season to being the catchall for all her parents' breakup angst and all her sister's rabble rousing. It has twisted her wholesome attitude into one of trying to look and act adult. Problem is, she isn't an adult and her attempts are going to end with a backlash that'll break her.

Sarah: Screwed up to begin with, she ran away from home to seek excitement with the TAAG. Her misconceived notion that they were going to be exciting to be with has turned into a nightmare and the hotshot she has a crush on has shown himself to be more interested in finding his nut-case ex-girlfriend. She is seeing everything she touches falling into brittle shards.

Frankly, I think the Creators are writing themselves into a corner. As it is it'll take an act of God and 12 more years to extricate themselves from the problems they've already written. Even then I don't think it can be done without a paradigm shift.
I can't think of any way to say this without sounding like a dick so sack I hope you don't take this the wrong way... But I'm glad you aren't the writers. I have every confidence in them that they are not "writing themselves into a corner." Frankly, I could think of one hundred different ways this storyline could play out that doesn't fit into what you said above. I think they've given us a great story this far, why not at the very least give them the benefit of the doubt that they'll keep on with the same level of quality? Can't we at least wait until the show "jumps the shark" before we act like it already happened?

bluegum wrote:Odd thought. :idea: What if Sarah is really a virgin and is just covering that fact with a front.
curiousGeorge wrote:That's because they DID NOT... It's all a ratings stunt (designed to distract the great unwashed during Jessica's filming hiatus) and will be left hanging for a while to stimulate interest but will then, probably in quite a while, be negated.
Wow, good call. Now that I think about it, you're probably right on this one. Think about it, we all know that Bree videos get watched considerably more than the others do (hence why DB often posts his videos under her account), so they need something gossip-worthy during her absence.

I had a few more points to make, but wow this post is already way too long...
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Post by randomentity »

Yeah, Jonas did not have sex with Bree, I'm 99% sure.
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Post by girlnextdoor »

Does it really matter either way? Whatever happened with them, Jonas is hurt, and Bree took advantage of him to escape, and that's the real result we should be looking at.
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Post by numbvox »

girlnextdoor wrote:Does it really matter either way? Whatever happened with them, Jonas is hurt, and Bree took advantage of him to escape, and that's the real result we should be looking at.
Blah. Frankly, they both clearly took advantage of each other. Not to say that cancels each other's fault out - it just means that they're both bad. lol. I don't have much sympathy for Jonas right now. At least Bree had an excuse for using Jonas in that she's obviously still not all together right in her head.
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Post by girlnextdoor »

numbvox wrote:
girlnextdoor wrote:Does it really matter either way? Whatever happened with them, Jonas is hurt, and Bree took advantage of him to escape, and that's the real result we should be looking at.
Blah. Frankly, they both clearly took advantage of each other. Not to say that cancels each other's fault out - it just means that they're both bad. lol. I don't have much sympathy for Jonas right now. At least Bree had an excuse for using Jonas in that she's obviously still not all together right in her head.
No I agree, Jonas is acting like a complete idiot, and I'm frankly quite sick of him. And yeah, Bree had a reason for using him. I'm just saying that I don't think whether or not they had sex is as big a deal as the effect it's had.
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