Okay, about the vibrator....great JOKE...it was most likely just a joke...it doesn't actually mean she has one.
So many funny lines in this.
I also believe Jules was just a plant.....which means we should really really be worried about Bree! They need to stop flirting and start finding (Bree). It's obvious she was a plant...once the boys realize that....well they just need to find Bree. Pronto.
*Not that I think there's anything wrong with harmless flirting
I wonder what Bree's file would say? Would it elaborate more on the "negative" trait? Maybe they should steal that one as well.
watch the sun
as it crawls across a final time
and it feels like
like it was a friend
if its watching us
and the world we set on fire
do you wonder
if it feels the same?
I want to know why Sarah said "You're really clever" and looked annoyed. I wonder what Jonas said to irritate her
I think he used a pickup line on her or hit on her or something. =P I forget now...
She is officially my favorite.
Wanna know what's sad?
I was explaining the LG15 plot to a friend. I told her the list of characters, and guess who I almost forgot?
We didn't get to hear what he said...
That makes two of us
OMG WTH? Everyone on here is like, my identical twin or summat. I was describing LG15 to my group of friends and I completely forgot about Bree. One of my friends was like, but why is it called lonelygirl15? And I was like, oh yeah, woops
MintyBeast wrote:
aideen wrote:
amybagofdonuts wrote:
Ahahaha, I thought the same thing. I wouldn't think I would be like 'YES! High five! Criminal Activity'
LOL! Exactly! Jonas was like, "Ahaha, we're running from security right now"
I know a lot of people (myself included) who do and would laugh after such a thing taking place. It's hilarius and adenalin is pumping.
Adrenalin was the only reason I could come up with, yeah. But it still made me laugh when I chose to blot that out. You could tell from the way Jonas was puffing that it probably was adrenalin
"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
Daniel speak good English lots
"Hi! We're here to take you to Six Flags, little girl. But first we wanna tie you up".
~Jonas [My Lover]
Another good one, I think the new blood may indeed be helping the writers get their act together. My guess is that they will monitor phorum posts for reactions to potential pairings and pursue the most popular options. Perhaps if they have enough actors around at any given time, they can stop writing around Jess' scheduling issues and this thing will start making some semblance of sense again. Hope springs eternal in monkey land.
I wouldn't mind if they do Phorum Based Pairings (sans Bree and DB!) as long as they start filling in more of all the absurd plot holes. I hope they have a big white-board (a la the bunker) and have listed all the pink herrings and major plot points. It's time to start knocking them off!
As for the batteries and sexual innuendos that Sarah has brought to the series, I would much prefer this kind of thing to senseless murder, torture, and child kidnapping. This thing has always been strongest when it mimics reality and kids this age are much more interested in sex than in silly cloak and dagger nonsense.
curiousGeorge wrote:
As for the batteries and sexual innuendos that Sarah has brought to the series, I would much prefer this kind of thing to senseless murder, torture, and child kidnapping. This thing has always been strongest when it mimics reality and kids this age are much more interested in sex than in silly cloak and dagger nonsense.
curiousGeorge wrote:...This thing has always been strongest when it mimics reality and kids this age are much more interested in sex than in silly cloak and dagger nonsense.
...Where did you get that idea?
i don't know about CG, but i'd say from high school ....
curiousGeorge wrote:...This thing has always been strongest when it mimics reality and kids this age are much more interested in sex than in silly cloak and dagger nonsense.
...Where did you get that idea?
i don't know about CG, but i'd say from high school ....
Well, kids like a lot of things. Oh, which do happen to be violent things.
It isn't ideal, and sure as hell isn't right some of the time, but it's still true.
Young people have different tastes. Not all of them will like the same things, however much you might try to pretend otherwise.
Wait a minute; if Julia tested negative for "the trait", and presumably was tested at an early age...WHY is she still undergoing the special training, diet, languages, etc?
For all we know the Order could have given her a script or told her to say those types of things, her family must be involved with it and volunteered for her to lure Bree in. It just bothers me that Alex is behind a lot of it, well, making them go through the process of looking for the new girl and therefore being lured in. I liked Alex. Oh well off the subject of her.
Nice video though. Sarah is awesome. I like Taylor too, she needs to say more though in the ACTUAL videos and not just her own. :<
chevalier wrote:Wait a minute; if Julia tested negative for "the trait", and presumably was tested at an early age...WHY is she still undergoing the special training, diet, languages, etc?