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Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:41 am
by Sim7lizard
i did nt saw him!!!
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:42 am
by Marbella
NO,, but he whisked me away last night.. we had a lot of fun..
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:43 am
by Hooda17
Marbella wrote:Heather, why don't you see for yourself that poll?
(Just go into the "Getting to Know You" forum and click on "Poll: Hooda.")
Notice: How many people like her. How few negative comments there are. How less than an hour before coming here to complain, she was playing along with them.
She did PM to apologize.. but I had already PM'd 3 moderators..
Cause I take defense/moderator work very seriously. I get protective. She seemed sincerely hurt.
She did PM to apologize, which I appreciated. I just wanted to give everyone the full story, so that you can draw your own conclusions.
For the record, I DO still like Hooda.

Hi. I'm here to issue my public statement.
Marbella, I'm so sorry if I embarrassed you. I think you're so cool to stick up for me like you did, but I feel terrible if you were humiliated in doing so.
You're probably wondering why I failed to mention the positive comments.. I guess I didn't want to come off as self-congratulatory. I appreciated the nice comments very much, but I have to admit I was bewildered by the negative poll responses. It stung a little, and I found myself wondering why (and from who) I got those responses at all. I blew those few comments out of proportion, to say the least. For all I know, those responses were just a joke! I feel like a fool for publicly stating my feeling about the negative responses because I realize now that it makes me look like such a whiny brat. I hope you don't misunderstand where I'm coming from. It is hard to read tone in a post like this one.
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:46 am
by Sim7lizard
I have officially nothing to say but I officially like you all!!!
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:47 am
by Sim7lizard
Hi Heidibtw !!!
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:49 am
by Hooda17
Hi Sim
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:50 am
by Sim7lizard
She said hi to me!!!!!
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:50 am
by Hooda17
Sim7lizard wrote:She said hi to me!!!!!
What am I.. Satan? hah
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:50 am
by Marbella
I actually DO, Hooda.. and I am very sorry this occurred. I hope you don't mind the public statement, but I did it for BALANCE and so people can feel safe here. Because of your statement, some people were making comments that seemed to imply distrust of moderators, and you did not rebut them.
I wasn't humiliated in doing what I did. Trainer101 appreciated drawing his attention to the inappropriate poll (because it was!) and we mutually decided to lock it.
I just hope I didn't embarrass you with the quote statement above. That was certainly NOT my intent..
I think I DO read your tone. My advice to most people is to complain in PM form to friends or moderators.. never complain or rant on the public boards, 'cause it CAN come back to haunt you.
I understand how your feelings were hurt by parts of what happened. We weren't able to get the FULL story from your comments, and I felt some anger when I was made aware of that. You see, the majority of comments are in this forum. There are four moderators for the other half, basically. I can't read every topic thread!
We're ok now though, I hope. I forgive you. I'm glad we got it all worked out, OK?
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:51 am
by Sim7lizard
Hooda17 wrote:Sim7lizard wrote:She said hi to me!!!!!
What am I.. Satan? hah
Satan... well Satan was pkayed by Liz Hurley in Bedazzled.... but I thnk Hurley got nothing on you!!!
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:53 am
by Marbella
I think I really may need to leave you two alone. I am incredibly sleepy right now!!!
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:55 am
by Sim7lizard
i will be going very soon too
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:55 am
by Hooda17
I apologize for the post I made. I truly didn't mean for it to come off as complaining. I was hoping to just convey how I felt at the time.
The biggest problem may be (like you said) the place in which I aired my feelings. Maybe I haven't been around this forum long enough for you all to be able to read my tone. Looks like I've got my work cut out for me, haha.
I'm just really embarrassed.
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:57 am
by Hooda17
Sim7lizard wrote:Hooda17 wrote:Sim7lizard wrote:She said hi to me!!!!!
What am I.. Satan? hah
Satan... well Satan was pkayed by Liz Hurley in Bedazzled.... but I thnk Hurley got nothing on you!!!
wait. *suspicious* sim is paying attention to me? Jess must have gone to bed. hehe
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:58 am
by Marbella
We LOVE you!!
I'm like a playground monitor, though.
A kid says another kid pushed them down and I'm all over it, trying to figure out what happened and put a stop to it.
We're cool!!