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Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:15 am
by Marbella
Lizard, I miss them, too.. but I had to take a break from posting because of reasons that should not be discussed here. Sad. Very. I miss so many of them. I'm always happy when GF crosses over to say Hi. I'm thrilled when you drop in.
I love your insights on the story line.
Thanks.. I'll check your link, OK?
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:16 am
by Marbella
Good Night, Sim..
I've decided I MUST get off this website by 1:30 (10 mins from now!!)
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:18 am
by ApotheosisAZ
Ok, Lizard I watched the vid.
You should add some music, and attempt an upload to Revver. This information is too vital not to added to the fan video section.
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:20 am
by Jess4298
Lizard219 wrote: ... h_0001.flv
All right, here's the link. Please don't report me for animal cruelty for dressing my dog up like that. It doesn't happen often.
Thanks, Marbella! I worked pretty hard last semester. This semester... Well, I'm still recovering from last semester, so I'm not busting my butt like I did before. But I will. I will NOT let my grades fall.
I loved it!!! Especially the Hilary part...TOO FUNNY!!!
I have no idea how to add music, but if you find out then it would be just right

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:21 am
by Marbella
Lizard, the Vid was hilarious.. awesome..
I think you might be right about copyright infringement, with all those logos..
I will still link to it from my orange slurpee account on MySpace though, ok?
May the Meep be with you too!!
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:21 am
by Lizard219
ApotheosisAZ wrote:Ok, Lizard I watched the vid.
You should add some music, and attempt an upload to Revver. This information is too vital not to added to the fan video section.
LOL, thanks. Well, the thing I worry about is using images and trademarks in a vid and making money off of it. I haven't studied enough of the law yet to know if that's cool.
I think I'm going to take that link down in a bit, though, at least until I upload it to another site. I just realized that one can look through all of my photobucket account via that link. I trust you guys, but a lot of random people drift through here.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:21 am
by Jess4298
Night Sim!!
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:22 am
by stuart2004
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:22 am
by Lizard219
Jess4298 wrote:Lizard219 wrote: ... h_0001.flv
All right, here's the link. Please don't report me for animal cruelty for dressing my dog up like that. It doesn't happen often.
Thanks, Marbella! I worked pretty hard last semester. This semester... Well, I'm still recovering from last semester, so I'm not busting my butt like I did before. But I will. I will NOT let my grades fall.
I loved it!!! Especially the Hilary part...TOO FUNNY!!!
I have no idea how to add music, but if you find out then it would be just right


I just tried to come up with the scariest person I could think of. Hillary Clinton, possible presidential candidate, came immediately to mind.
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:24 am
by Lizard219
Marbella wrote:OK..
Lizard, the Vid was hilarious.. awesome..
I think you might be right about copyright infringement, with all those logos..
I will still link to it from my orange slurpee account on MySpace though, ok?
May the Meep be with you too!!
Cool beans! Actually, i do have a youtube account. I'll upload it there for now and post the link, if you'll post that.

Like I said, I forgot you can sneak into a photobucket account through a link like that.
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:24 am
by Jess4298
Lizard219 wrote:Jess4298 wrote:Lizard219 wrote: ... h_0001.flv
All right, here's the link. Please don't report me for animal cruelty for dressing my dog up like that. It doesn't happen often.
Thanks, Marbella! I worked pretty hard last semester. This semester... Well, I'm still recovering from last semester, so I'm not busting my butt like I did before. But I will. I will NOT let my grades fall.
I loved it!!! Especially the Hilary part...TOO FUNNY!!!
I have no idea how to add music, but if you find out then it would be just right


I just tried to come up with the scariest person I could think of. Hillary Clinton, possible presidential candidate, came immediately to mind.
I couldn't agree more!! That "woman" (and I use the term loosely) scares the heck out of me!!! I really really hope she doesn't get the nomination...
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:25 am
by Marbella
Lizard.. I will have to stay out of politics, being an ambassador and all.
I will say that there are certain political ladies and first ladies that I can imagine having a relaxing, enjoyable lunch with. Others, I cannot. Still, regardless of personality, sometimes the right percentage of views and perspectives matches with mine. I offer NO opinion on Hillary Clinton.
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:25 am
by Lizard219
stuart, just right click and save away!

I love to share my many emoticons.
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:27 am
by Jess4298
Politics should definitely be avoided on this forum for me because I love all of you but I'm afraid I am just about the complete opposite of 90% of the people who post here

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:27 am
by Lizard219
Jess, once, while drunk, I decided to go on about why I hate Hillary Clinton. Unfortunately, let's just say I picked the wrong audience. I don't talk politics with other law students anymore. It's too painful.
That's a very wise and diplomatic position to take, Marbella.

I understand completely.