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Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 9:53 am
by onsweetavenue
I didn't find the crazy emo chick to be all that crazy or all that emo.
I also think the "calling everything and everyone emo" phase had ended like 4 years ago.
But she seems pretty cool.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 9:58 am
by Inigo
Hmmm now that I think of it for some reason she reminds me of Alex from a Clockwork orange.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:07 am
by Smelltheflowers
I've been avoiding the forums for the last few videos because I was frankly getting a little tired of all the griping and complaining. Perhaps I'm in the minority, but I have faith that the Creators have a plan and that the writers have the story arc plotted out. The videos may not be exciting or earth shattering right now, but I believe they are, and will, lead somewhere big in the future.
As for this video: I absolutely loved it.
I thought the humour was great (I watched it while I was drinking my morning coffee, and anything that can make me giggle before I finish my requisite coffee definitely deserves praise in my book!) I loved how Daniel mentioned to Jonas "Why don't we get our own room next time?" (A little nod to those of you who would love a little Daniel and Jonas 'slash')
Sarah is interesting, but I’m not as taken with her as some in this forum seem to be. I liked her ‘entrance’ into their world, and think she brings an interesting dynamic to the group. Whereas Bree and the rest are more “Let’s go over our options”, Sarah definitely has a lot more moxy and attitude than the rest.
As for Sarah becoming Daniel's new 'love interest', I'm a little fed up with all the romantic speculation. I think the story should focus more on the Order and more substantial plot developments. It's pretty clear that no normal, healthy relationship could flourish under the conditions they're currently living in. C'mon now! Every new girl introduced into the series does not have to be a love interest for Daniel (Maybe I'm just being protective of my 'crush', but seriously!)
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:13 am
by krmurr87
well i guess we know who the actress was that quit
Taylor doesn't show up but her crazy sister does
Please don't make this girl a regular character, yes that was funny but i don't really like her honestly
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:17 am
by onsweetavenue
Ohhh, Taylor quit?
I thought maybe the original actress that played Sara quit because her myspace page pictures looked different.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:19 am
by GawainsChallenge
That sounds more likely. If Taylor just quit, why did they just add a "Taylor Chat" section to the forum? I assume this means we'll be seeing a lot more of Taylor.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:14 am
by saralynn
Oh, don't introduce some punky goth emo girl! Make her go away!
Don't ruin everything.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:14 am
by Slags
So, I usually just lurk on the forums but I decided to post a quick question. Now that we have established that Beast was cute with the whole boxer comment, Jonas is hot, and Bree looked cute in the video, did anyone notice the creepy white pedo van in the background when Jonas was talking about the french fry? Is it the Cowboy's van or just some random van?
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:19 am
by Kasdeja
Inigo wrote:Hmmm now that I think of it for some reason she reminds me of Alex from a Clockwork orange.
How's that??????
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:29 am
by tigerlilylynn
Just because she didn't appear doesn't mean she is the one who quit. I still think that the more likely suspect for that is Alex. Alex's departure was sudden and awkward. This is more likely explained by plot. Order grabbed her, she bakced out, other in story reasons for her to be awol.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:29 am
by Jester

It's too bad Sarah and Tyler are probably apart of Hymn of One.

I really like Sarah. Even though I would really like The Creators to give us a brown/black haired girl instead of these blond, or dirty blonds. Mix it up a little bit! Sheesh. Give us a puerto rican or african american girl! We need some variety.
And, I think Sarah would be way more of a better match for Daniel then for Jonas. (gets pelted with oranges from the Alex/Daniel shippers)
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:31 am
by Just Will Lite
I resisted posting as well. The negativity, sound effect noises, and artificial ranking put me off comepletely. Then along comes Sarah...
I read here blogs after Taylor's video. I thought she would make a cute character. I didn't realize she was the >older< sister. Like crazy college kid kind of older. THANK YOU!!!
And if you haven't noticed, sometimes all the talent can't be at the same place at the same time. Or even need to be in the same place at the same time. So this video was particular nice because there were so many characters.
LG15 has never been about sexual tension. Goodness know we get enough of that on TV.
A shirtless Jonas shows the producers ARE respecting their audience. This seems like a proactive gesture on the producers part!
The Daniel and Jonas friendship is the best thing ever. It's good to see this being portrayed. I'll take the natural everyday character interaction over the fake quick-wit script of six writers working all week. Yes, you too can be as cool as those people on TV if you have six writers and a week to figure out what to say and do. Being a guy, I know how I joke around (fart), relate (chicks), communicate (bad humor), and bond (beer) with my friends. It's a guy thing. If you're a chick, you won't get it.
I think "Crazy Emo Chick" is a fun label. It's not that accuurate. But it's a really fun label! It's deffinately the best off-the-cuff nickname to be branded on the Sarah character.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:44 am
by impulse
Just Will Lite wrote:I resisted posting as well. The negativity, sound effect noises, and artificial ranking put me off comepletely. Then along comes Sarah...
I read here blogs after Taylor's video. I thought she would make a cute character. I didn't realize she was the >older< sister. Like crazy college kid kind of older. THANK YOU!!!
And if you haven't noticed, sometimes all the talent can't be at the same place at the same time. Or even need to be in the same place at the same time. So this video was particular nice because there were so many characters.
LG15 has never been about sexual tension. Goodness know we get enough of that on TV.
A shirtless Jonas shows the producers ARE respecting their audience. This seems like a proactive gesture on the producers part!
The Daniel and Jonas friendship is the best thing ever. It's good to see this being portrayed. I'll take the natural everyday character interaction over the fake quick-wit script of six writers working all week. Yes, you too can be as cool as those people on TV if you have six writers and a week to figure out what to say and do. Being a guy, I know how I joke around (fart), relate (chicks), communicate (bad humor), and bond (beer) with my friends. It's a guy thing. If you're a chick, you won't get it.
I think "Crazy Emo Chick" is a fun label. It's not that accuurate. But it's a really fun label! It's deffinately the best off-the-cuff nickname to be branded on the Sarah character.
I'm trying really hard, but there isn't a single sentence in your post I understand. What are you talking about exactly? Would you care to explain?
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:51 am
by WriterGirl
I loved this video too. Great humor and interaction. Loved "I found a Happy Meal. The fries are still good."
I like Sarah, and hope she and Taylor show up at least a few more times. But please don't make her Daniel's new love interest. The boy's just getting over Alex. Give him some time.
And I'm also not sure how accurate a description "Crazy Emo Chick" is. Crazy, yes. Emo? I don't know.
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:59 am
by Crooked Angel
funny video! I kinda like that crazy chic! finally no shirt on Jonas!!! very nice!