0168-"Confrontation" 4/06/07

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Post by rupaZer0 »

janesalteredstates wrote:rupa, great point.

I recall thinking at one point that Operation Aphid was actually a splinter group of The Order -- the militant fanatics. Perhaps The Order proper does not consider Op to be official. Kind of like fanatics in other religions.
That said, I do think there is more to The Order than religion.
rupaZer0 wrote: btw I guess I'm mainly a lurker who pops up her hand when she has something important to say :P
:smt039 :D
lol, ta luv.

I like the comparison. Wierd that OpAphid didn't post the videos, though. I guess it's another fanaticist cell. Like how within fanaticist islam there are many violent groups, not just one.

If this is the case then it's beautiful storytelling considering the language used: 'The Order,' 'The Hymn of One,' - as if once upon a time everyone was unified, everyone was, as they say, 'singing from the same hymn sheet,' and now they're divided.
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Post by Wisi Girl »

Questions, questions, questions!

1) Why has Alex snapped from one of zero concern to one of too much concern??!!? Both are suspicious and niether are natural.

2) Why does Bree seem so determined to be a woman of action in the description of the video but does nothing in the actual video??!? If I followed someone to a hotel and waited through the night in a parking lot and then followed them into Mexico, I wouldn't burst into their house, sit down and then whine about what happened!!! Did she ask any useful questions during that conversation we witnessed?!!? At the end, we see her ask, "What now?" Well, little girl, perhaps you can tell Alex to put down the camera and ask for some substantial information and then you can now what do next!!! Or is that someone else filming??!?! And if so, why don't we see them during the conversation??!

3)Where is Jonas??!!? Did they leave him in the back of the van and just walzted up to Alex's house??? Where are they staying anyway?? Wouldn't Jonas want to see his aunt and accompany his friends to make sure they would be okay???

4)Why are the trio posting these videos as public ones!!??? Did Bree not say as they were being chased down the strip in Las Vegas that they shouldn't post videos anymore in order to stay hidden from the Order??? If they are going to continue to post videos, shouldn't they be private or do they want to be seen?!??!

5) How many different factions of the Order are there and what are they??!? If Alex is telling the truth and disagrees against more violent force than which faction does and why are their methods so different if they are apart of the same organization/ religion??!!?

6) The super-human that Bree is referring to....Is this the man who kidnapped her, the man who was chasing her in the desert, or the man who shot the man who was chasing her in the desert??!!?! And why are we still so lost about that entire scenario??!!?

7) What is the Order if it is so diverse in methods and ideology??? And what is the ceremony??? And why do they want Bree so much for this ceremony??? And where is her fake mom??? And where are her real parents??? And why does she not seem to care nor remember any of them??? And what the hell is going on about this series??!?! This is worst than Lost or anything else!!?!? I am nearly convinced that I could coordinate this series better than the creators!!!! Do they have any idea what they are doing??!? Why do we have so many questions still???
house wrote:This series is like the Winchester House. Just keep building, but never finishing...
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Post by Wisi Girl »

I scinerely apologize for my zeal and, well,....my rage, too. I am at my wit's end, though. I may need a hug because this series is on my last nerve. However, what I really need is help. There are so many brilliant, insightful and intuitive fans in this community and I would appreciate your input! I am out of ideas!
house wrote:This series is like the Winchester House. Just keep building, but never finishing...
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Post by rupaZer0 »

Wisi Girl wrote:Questions, questions, questions!

1) Why has Alex snapped from one of zero concern to one of too much concern??!!? Both are suspicious and niether are natural.

When was there zero concern? She was concerned in Lying Bastards, and sounding an irritated note of warning in Alex is... It would appear that she doesn't like being treated like a villain by association, and in my view, a lot of her dialogue is an expression of this. Other things, such as torn allegiances between caring for Jonas and caring for the order, feature. Hope this clears things up.
2) Why does Bree seem so determined to be a woman of action in the description of the video but does nothing in the actual video??!? If I followed someone to a hotel and waited through the night in a parking lot and then followed them into Mexico, I wouldn't burst into their house, sit down and then whine about what happened!!! Did she ask any useful questions during that conversation we witnessed?!!? At the end, we see her ask, "What now?" Well, little girl, perhaps you can tell Alex to put down the camera and ask for some substantial information and then you can now what do next!!! Or is that someone else filming??!?! And if so, why don't we see them during the conversation??!
Bree doesn't have anyone else to vent on or blame. I don't blame her if emotional trauma gets in the way of constructive action. We're not meant to know who is filming, it's part of the suspense until the next video.
3)Where is Jonas??!!? Did they leave him in the back of the van and just walzted up to Alex's house??? Where are they staying anyway?? Wouldn't Jonas want to see his aunt and accompany his friends to make sure they would be okay???
They're staying in the car, remember? Jonas' aunt recently told him that his parents are still alive while simultaneously turning out to be in the order he has been harbouring fugitives of. I should think he wants to keep his distance. Yeah, they just waltzed up there. I don't think that decorum was their main concern in this situation.
4)Why are the trio posting these videos as public ones!!??? Did Bree not say as they were being chased down the strip in Las Vegas that they shouldn't post videos anymore in order to stay hidden from the Order??? If they are going to continue to post videos, shouldn't they be private or do they want to be seen?!??!
Many people are watching these videos constantly considering the possibility that they contain further attempts to 'fake out the order'. I think this seems wise while the videos are public. We just have to wait and see.
5) How many different factions of the Order are there and what are they??!? If Alex is telling the truth and disagrees against more violent force than which faction does and why are their methods so different if they are apart of the same organization/ religion??!!?
Interesting questions indeed. We'll have to wait and see. I think that factionalism and disagreement happens in all organisations and religions, though. It's not so strange.
6) The super-human that Bree is referring to....Is this the man who kidnapped her, the man who was chasing her in the desert, or the man who shot the man who was chasing her in the desert??!!?! And why are we still so lost about that entire scenario??!!?
To be honest, a lot of this has been explicitly explained. The man who shot the man who was chasing her in the desert was a watcher. Where he came from and where he went after is unknown. The man that kidnapped them and the man that was chasing them would appear to be the same man from what Bree and Daniel have said. Maybe someone disagrees with me on that but it seemed we were meant to infer that. We're lost about some things about that scenario because the scoobies are. I would recommend reading the character discussions that went on a couple of days ago for more info on this.
7) What is the Order if it is so diverse in methods and ideology???
I'm not sure we know anything about their ideology, let alone if there are divisions in it. I would guess that methods vary but the ideological principles behind the actions of the factions remain the same. I'm sure we won't find out what the order is for a long time.
And what is the ceremony??? And why do they want Bree so much for this ceremony??? And where is her fake mom??? And where are her real parents??? And why does she not seem to care nor remember any of them???
Stay tuned to find out. Remember the matrix trilogy? 90% of the fun was hypothesizing about the answers while waiting in suspense for the final film.
And what the hell is going on about this series??!?! This is worst than Lost or anything else!!?!? I am nearly convinced that I could coordinate this series better than the creators!!!! Do they have any idea what they are doing??!? Why do we have so many questions still???
Because when you're telling a story you want to keep your viewers guessing and waiting. If we knew the answers to these questions the series would almost be over.

Are you sure you could 'coordinate' this better than the creators? It takes a lot of research and time, as well as skills as a wordsmith. If you have aspirations to be a screenwriter, I would recommend learning how to express your frustration and confusion without repeating your punctuation in that startling manner.

Sorry, that was a wisecrack. Smart-arsed remarks aside, maybe you could have a go at some fanfic, and we'll tell you if it's more enjoyable than the official story.

But if you really don't enjoy the show, I'm sure you have plenty of work to do. I know I do! So farewell dear wisi!
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Post by bluegum »

I totally agree with Wisi Girl, I'm getting to my wit's end with this.

What is brees problem. Yes they got druged, yeah that's bad but come on! Ask something useful, like what she was talking about when Daniel was recording in America. I mean really "What will come after her?"
Or what she means by "They aren't part of the Order?" or "Where are Jonas' parents? What happened to them? What's going on with that?" "Why did they shoot brees dad?" Or he's a great one "What's the Ceremony intail exsactly?" or about the injections and there affects on her. BLAH!!!! ](*,)

I have to go to work now. I'll get to ponder this there
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Post by mincartaugh »

wisi Girl wrote: I may need a hug
I give great hugs! :)
quick! someone get the ajax and steel wool; I have mental images to scrub out!!
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Welcome Bluegum and Rupazero...it is nice to see new posters :).nice to get fresh perspectives....
The difference between Bree and Sarah is this ....

Bree- Classicly Beautiful/sweet/ "pure"/Vogue

Sarah-Modern Day HOT/ naughty/"dirty"/Penthouse
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Post by rupaZer0 »

bluegum wrote:I totally agree with Wisi Girl, I'm getting to my wit's end with this.

What is brees problem. Yes they got druged, yeah that's bad but come on! Ask something useful, like what she was talking about when Daniel was recording in America. I mean really "What will come after her?"
Or what she means by "They aren't part of the Order?" or "Where are Jonas' parents? What happened to them? What's going on with that?" "Why did they shoot brees dad?" Or he's a great one "What's the Ceremony intail exsactly?" or about the injections and there affects on her. BLAH!!!! ](*,)

I have to go to work now. I'll get to ponder this there
I don't often hear people in real life asking people to clarify things they have said in the past. They're more keen on spouting off about how angry and hurt they are like Bree and Daniel were doing. It takes a lot of training to be able to focus on effective communication when you're in that much pain.

Also, Bree probably knows what the ceremony entails since she did all that training for it. She just hasn't told us yet. And the injections increase the amount of protein in the blood.
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Post by ApotheosisAZ »

Wisi Girl wrote:4)Why are the trio posting these videos as public ones!!??? Did Bree not say as they were being chased down the strip in Las Vegas that they shouldn't post videos anymore in order to stay hidden from the Order??? If they are going to continue to post videos, shouldn't they be private or do they want to be seen?!??!
An excellent question, Wisi. I think these videos are made public so that we can comment to the characters on their content. In Character comments are coming alive again.

Perhaps you could use the link I included here to go in character yourself and ask Bree or Daniel why they are posting these public videos.
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Post by Lurker »

rupaZer0 wrote:Stay tuned to find out. Remember the matrix trilogy? 90% of the fun was hypothesizing about the answers while waiting in suspense for the final film.
A Matrix Trilogy comparison is probably not the best "stay tuned, it'll all become clear and it'll all payoff" metaphor. I dare say that's a movement in the other direction.

Let's hope the point behind that is right, though.
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Post by spiff5000 »

pixxi.is.dizzi wrote:
watching_watchers wrote:I'm kinda confused. Why did she look so shocked to see Daniel? =/
She let Bree in the front door. Just bree. and yet there daniel was, coming in from the back entrance without her knowing. DB is all skilled with the B&E.
I'm guessing Jonas is keeping watch outside the house. They did a similar routine when they broke into her Malibu house.
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Post by spiff5000 »

Lurker wrote:
Chelseyrl wrote:
DoktorBob wrote:Crazy Idea: A new faction appearing soon among the other factions within the Order?

Crazier: A war within the Order to fight over Bree.

Craziest: The Dallas scenario: Bree will wake up in her room and tell Daniel that she had this crazy dream about a ceremony....
I think the creators know that the fans would hate this.
I know I would probably stop watching if it lead to that.
Which one? The last one? I'd agree. The first two sound alright, though.
I can see a combination of the first two. The Order become split over the principal of Bree doing the ceremony by her own free will, versus those who cannot be inconvenienced with human rights.
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Post by spiff5000 »

Visceria wrote:I find it kinda funny how only a few videos ago, Alex was all, "Be afraid! Be very afraid! The Order will stop at NOTHING to get you to do the Ceremony, little girl!"

And now she's all, "Look, guys, I know I said, 'Stop at nothing,' but what I meant was, 'Stop at nothing . . . short of violating your own free will!'" XD

Anyway, I believe her (she seems sincere enough), but I just don't really get the sudden change of heart. Saying she didn't know that anyone would go as far as to kidnap them, when she had just threatened them that someone would go to drastic measures, seems a little weird. =/
It's more than a little wierd! There's really only one explanation for it: the Creators painted themselved into a corner, and now they are trying to change certain elements to fit the new concept of 'factions' (both among the characters and the ARG community) they are introducing. Unfortunately, it will come at the cost of continuity.
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Post by spiff5000 »

janesalteredstates wrote:
Sami wrote: I guess they are.. so wth with the "not the order" comment
I have decided for the time being to run with my old belief that OpAphid is not considered a "real" part of The Order which I posted above.
I think OpAphid and Tachyon are history. The Creators are introducing new but similar factions, and are eliminating the tainted ARG from the canon.
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Post by rupaZer0 »

spiff5000 wrote:
Visceria wrote:I find it kinda funny how only a few videos ago, Alex was all, "Be afraid! Be very afraid! The Order will stop at NOTHING to get you to do the Ceremony, little girl!"

And now she's all, "Look, guys, I know I said, 'Stop at nothing,' but what I meant was, 'Stop at nothing . . . short of violating your own free will!'" XD
It's more than a little wierd! There's really only one explanation for it: the Creators painted themselved into a corner, and now they are trying to change certain elements to fit the new concept of 'factions' (both among the characters and the ARG community) they are introducing. Unfortunately, it will come at the cost of continuity.
But she didn't say anything about making Bree do the ceremony in that earlier video. She said, 'stop at nothing to reclaim your cute little friend.' Reclaim could have more to do with getting her psychologically trapped in Hymn of One so that she is willing to do the ceremony. Although since Alex is a believer, it's more like welcoming her back in the flock from her perspective. I guess the sharp tongue there is anger because she's been treated like a villain.

You could simultaneously be right about the storyline being reworked to fit the ARG, of course. But there's usually a way of thinking these things through that creates a plausible level of continuity.
Cut scene to BDJ in a lubed-up cuddlefest.
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