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Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:00 am
by DoktorBob
The drinking may come to a head since DB has mentioned how his family had a problem with it in the "Drinking Problems" vid. Maybe they are setting up a vid concerning it in the future.
To influence the creators: maybe send out a poll or make a thread in the suggestions or concerns/complaints forum to see if they can tone the drinking down. But with the messages building up, they may be taking it under consideration already.
Epiphany time!
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:24 am
by house
I know I was all down on this video... but, I think I owe the creators an apology.
Do you think... do you think that this video was supposed to, possibly, show us how one GIRL (a small girl at that), could lead two, fully grown men into the back of an SUV? We were all wondering about the person who kidnapped the trio and I remember people, me included, saying, "How would one person get all three of them in the SUV?" Well... here we have it. Bree got Daniel and Jonas, in all of their stumbly, inebriated-ness, into a car...and no one questioned it.
I hope that's the reason for this video. I hope that this is all part of the bigger plot and this will be the explanation for how Alex sacks all three of them and loads em' up.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:34 am
by voyboy
voyboy wrote:Well! I had no idea that there were so many senior citizens who post on here...
Just for the record. This was not intended to insult anyone. I am very protective of seniors, more so than most. (and no im not being scarcastic.)
Lurker - You know, ericksi managed to suggest it might be older folks who found fault with all that without being insulting in doing it. This particular way of suggesting it insults not just us but senior citizens too. Good job with that.
I am 38 years old. On these boards, I am a senior citizen
voyboy wrote:I hope they keep the trio together. All three actors have become so natural around each-other. This was so enjoyable to watch.
Lurker - Well here's something we can completely agree on.
janesalteredstates wrote:voyboy wrote:Well! I had no idea that there were so many senior citizens who post on here. Do you honestly believe that two 19yr old boys will go to Mexico and not drink?
What do you suggest? Croquette, Lawn Bowling, or shuffle board?
Yeah, uhm, they aren't there on vacation. They're running from crazy-religious-Illuminati-brainwashing psychopaths.
This is true!! LOL
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:27 am
by HisGirl
Hooray, another video!
Boo, more teen drunks.
Hooray, Bree is adorable!
Boo, being out in the open with no care for being kidnapped AGAIN.
Hooray, boys are okay anyway!
Boo, not watching to see what Alex is up to.
Hooray, Bree putting drunks in trunk.
Boo, .... alright, this is getting old...
why the random mention of pregnancy?
also, appears the Brainwashing didn't work very well. Bree doesn't seem to care about doing the ceremony and Daniel doesn't seem to care about going home.
I realize it's been said, but put my name on the list who thinks drunk teenagers are boring entertainment-wise, stupid storyline-wise, and asking for trouble 'being chased by badguys'-wise. I blame all you guys who thought drunk daniel was charming and cute and funny. I think he's sad.
finally, it's funny how they went from, "we can't post more videos cause that's how they found us in Vegas" to, "let's post that we're outside of Alex's house in Mexico cause surely they don't know where THAT is"
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:18 am
by mincartaugh
I am 38 years old. On these boards, I am a senior citizen
Shit! That makes me dead, buried, dug up and made into an altar in the catacombs of Paris!
Oh. And about all this male/female stuff. Have you ever watched a mother of eight kids under the age of 6 hold a conversation with their neighbor? Women are a different species.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:44 am
by dopefiend
bethy wrote:What's next? Them singing, I'll never smoke weed with Willie Again at Carhenge?
Hope so!
Funniest video EVER! All the alco-haters should chill out! I like a bit of comic relief between all the escape and espionage. And, as a couple of you have already said, I don't think it's THAT unrealistic- If I was in Mexico during Spring Break, I'd sieze the opportunity to large it. Especially after all that stress.
Seems to me that the Creators knew you guys would think the drinking wasn't an appropriate response to all they've been through, which is why they had Bree give a psychological reason for their activities.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:39 am
by Huuney
lmao great vid, god i wish i was that pole that jonas kissed

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:59 am
by Luminous
janesalteredstates wrote:voyboy wrote:Well! I had no idea that there were so many senior citizens who post on here. Do you honestly believe that two 19yr old boys will go to Mexico and not drink?
What do you suggest? Croquette, Lawn Bowling, or shuffle board?
Yeah, uhm, they aren't there on vacation. They're running from crazy-religious-Illuminati-brainwashing psychopaths.
Well said, jane, well said!
Love ya Voy, but I've gotta agree with Jane on this one

Proving Cloak and Dagger Redundant
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:26 am
by curiousGeorge
Mesh and Jess just nailed this one. Smart, witty, well shot and edited. Good job all.
Smart Bree is Back. Yeah Mesh!
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:35 am
by Emmie
The last couple of weeks' worth of videos seems kind of bizarre in terms of focus. We're kidnapped, we're being hypnotized, then suddenly we're chasing Alex, then suddenly we're doing tequila shots?
I wonder about the effects of the hypnosis. We saw Daniel being persuaded to go home and Bree being persuaded to do the ceremony. What happens if, as a result of all this drinking, Daniel decides to go home... and Bree decides to try the ceremony?
I know the story is being told in a naturalistic format, but it still needs to have an arc. Here's hoping that's what's going on.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:04 am
by megs229
Okay I am going to jump on the banwagon..... I wish I were the pole too

Except I would prefer that he wasn't drunk.
I am not really for or against the drinking. I have some thoughts on both sides, one being that I am sure the creators are doing it for a reason.....
I kind of got ignored with this suggestion in the last video thread, but does anyone else notice that the order seems to really be into drinking too? Nikki B's video of Lucy in the apartment (fixing drinks), the party (everyone drinking) and Alex in Mexico( cutting limes, assumingly to use in an alcoholic beverage).... This makes me curious as to the whole brainwashing or suggestive psycology with Beast and Jonas... Do you think it could all be connected? If it isn't I am sure the creators still have a good reason for it.
I loved Bree in this video, she is becoming soo real again.

Her actions, expressions, and just her personality in general. The faces she made would soo be something I would do to the camera lol.
I also love how she not only protected the boys we sort of by getting them off the street, but she took it very calmly and actually laughed at them. But then again she also sort of got back at them too but putting them in the back together. Almost like payback for being such puds and getting so drunk.
Because of the boys current situation, I definately think the next video is going to be funny ( unless in the situation that they get caught again) with the boys waking up next to (well actually on top of) each other like that.
Daniel and the hat... simply great
The end was soo random and completely hilarious that I almost fell out of my chair because I was laughing so hard.
This makes me wonder if they actually sampled some tequila during the making of this video to make it seems more "real"
P.S. - Anyone notice that Bree is wearing makeup ( not that she doesn't normally, I'm sure she does for the camera) but like mascara and blush I dunno like pretty makeup..... She doesn't normally do this, I don't think anyways, correct me if I'm wrong.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:28 am
by silvermoon
Wow, a video where Bree is completely adorable. Thank you, Creators for getting Bree back to the person that we can like!
I think Bree can be cute, quirky and adorable and still kick some Order ass. She doesn't have to turn into a cynical, bitchy brat to do it.
Not loving how often the boys seem to be drinking, though.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:53 am
by sidewalkflight
I know they were in Mexico so it may have been a predictable prop... but all I could think was that this was a little shout out to Lad. Which would be very cool of them.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:27 am
by estellerox
There has been much talk about the whole drinking aspect in the videos. I was just thinking the connection may be that alcoholics and cult members share some of the same personality and dependency traits. Perhaps the creators are trying to play that angle and show that Jonas and DB may be becoming susceptible to
the persuasion of the order. Following text is from:
Cults attract addictive and codependent members who share the traits of workaholics. They work to blot out their feelings, they are perfectionists who push themselves too much, expect too much of themselves and others, and fall into patterns of self-denial for a cause. Often, group members carry unresolved situations from childhood and shadow material for their families. They are often the "mystical children" who feel like they're from another world and easily become estranged. They may feel themselves to be the black sheep of the family. Unfortunately, due to lack of self-esteem, these special people are vulnerable to addictive behaviors, including cult participation.
People who want to break through the addiction of cult involvement may substitute "cult addiction" or something to symbolize their experience instead of "alcohol." After we leave our group we realize that our own addictive processes led us to join and be abused in the first place. It's different for people who were born into a cult because their parents joined. Through no fault of their own, these people were abused in childhood because of their parents' mistakes. In general, however, any group survivor can substitute the world "cult" for "alcohol" and do something about what happened. To prevent similar situations from happening to us again, we must root out our addictive tendencies..
Sorry such a long post just found it interesting and sort of relevant to the topic.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:44 am
by mellie3204
Ok, first time in a long time (you guys know I don't normally do this) but I'm posting without reading the thread first (mainly to post without getting all caught up in the dissection

That video was AWESOME.
Seriously, best acting in ages, funniest in ages, most interesting in ages, I want them to be at this level always!
Not that I ever bag a lg15 vid.
But I particularly enjoyed that on a level of just
watching it, rather than the info I was getting from it (or being annoyed at a lack of info!)
Ok... now I'll go back and pick you guys's brains (mmm, braaaaains)