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Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:07 pm
by megs229
Hey Nicki!! First time I've caught up with you in err person lol Thanks for the clear up, although you might want to be aware, I think that they are going to these new rules for terrorist reasons

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:32 pm
by NikkiBowerReport
megs229 wrote:Hey Nicki!! First time I've caught up with you in err person lol Thanks for the clear up, although you might want to be aware, I think that they are going to these new rules for terrorist reasons

And for crazed mariachi fans...
I was very impressed with Daniel's one-handed breaking and entering. He was very lucky to have found Alex mid-conversation too. I've given the audio to my lab and hopefully they'll be able to determine exactly what Alex said. I can tell you that using my keen eye and investigating skills that Alex was definitely making an alcholic drink. It's Mexico, she's chopping limes, and obviously having a tough day. I think that calls for a margarita!
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:42 pm
by megs229
Find it any coincidence that you also spyed on Lucy from the balcony and she was making alcoholic drinks as well? lol Maybe the Order people are all drunks! OMG that would explain Beast's recent drinking problems!!! lol j/k unless someone thinks otherwise.
Sooo Nikki, planning any investigative trips to Mexico anytime soon?
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:08 pm
by bethy
I just checked the State Department website. Megs is right that the new passport requirement for Mexico and Canada currently applies only to air travel. State and "Homeland Security" are deciding whether or not to extend that requirement to "land and sea travel," but the extension wouldn't go into effect until January 1, 2008. So the TAAG are okay -- for now -- if they just have birth certificates.
If they check at best friend and I went into TJ a few weeks ago. Her daughter was with us and she wanted to "walk" across the border and get a photo.

So, our ride dropped us off at crossing and we went into the Customs building.
The guy asked my friend for her ID, and she used her military ID (her husband is in the Air Force). The guy barely looked at, made some joke about the Air Force and waved them through. I had my ID, too but he just waved me through...didn't even bother to look.
I did have to put my bag through an x-ray machine just like at the airport, but that's it.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:02 pm
by PinkRanger
Alex cutting the limes reminded me of when Bree cut lemon's in one of her videos. Hahaha that was wayyyy back.
Good video!!
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:07 pm
by Misty
Languorous Lass wrote:Misty wrote:if you listen to Daniel's tone of voice, when he mentioned the fish taco, it sounded like sarcasm, or like he didn't really believe that's what they were up to.
Or maybe . . . the term "fish taco" was meant as an obscene reference.
Think about it.
I don't have to think about it, every lesbian knows,"Having a fish taco" is a eupemism for oral sex, but the question is does the Beast know that.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:24 pm
by TommyIsCancer
This was a fun video but this thread has sort of made it a downer with people needing the Mexico/ho joke explained and all the discussion about the fish taco. Come on peeps, you need to chillax. Yeah, it's an obvious euphamism but Daniel didn't mean it that way and obviously neither did Bree/Jonas.
As far as the video goes it's nice to see a conflicted Alex. I don't think she saw Daniel so I don't think she's staging the video. Although I DO think she knows that they're following her. If not before she knows now with this public video posting. She's probably just supposed to keep their attention on her while the Order closes in. I wouldn't be surprised if she gets so conflicted about it that she just turns around and says, "Yeah, I know you guys are there. The Order is coming. Run!" That'd be cool.
Alex is making margaritas fairly early in the day? Geez, could she be more perfect for Daniel?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:45 pm
by kisselle
TommyIsCancer wrote: Alex is making margaritas fairly early in the day? Geez, could she be more perfect for Daniel?

Ohhh, I believe you are truly on to something there.
I predict the next video will have Daniel sharing drinks with Alex -- after she catches him spying on her, of course.
And perhaps this is the reason they need to be in Mexico in the first place: so Daniel will be of age whilst drinking with Alex. Keeps The Creators out of hot water for depicting the corruption of a minor, lol.
Yes, & we all know what DB's drinking leads to. Ack!
Edit: Because I forgot to say that I don't for a nano-second believe there was any doubt regarding the meaning of
fish taco in the mind of anyone involved in it being included in this video. C'mon, only complete dolts wouldn't know exactly what they were writing & saying here!
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:07 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
EdWont wrote:Typically when somebody says, "You put the X in Y," it's done in such a manner that the spelling of word X is found within word Y. For example...
"You put the 'pal' in 'principal.'"
The word, "pal" is found withing the word "principal."
Jonas commented, that Mr.Beast put the, "ho" in "Mexico." However, take note that the word, "ho" is not found in "Mexico."
Bree saw this and called Jonas on it, giving us, "There's no 'ho' in 'Mexico." That's the point where the music abruptly cut out making me laugh.
I hope this cleared things up. I'm happy that I can finally be of use on these forums instead of shelling out crappy theories. Haha.
Good vid. Peace!
why the crap did it take 3 pages for someone to get the joke??

it's common knowledge that the Beast is America's favorite man-ho! get 'im drunk and he's all yours!
btw, i don't remember alex outrightly denying the Order. technically, all she said was "The what Order?" (i remember because I posted a huge theory on how that's not typical grammer, making her suspicious.)
i'm just on page 4, so if these things were talked about,

keep it to yaself!!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:11 pm
by megs229
Anyone else think that we need a Jonas video?? Or even another order video?
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:12 pm
by nicole_x
Good Vid. Loved the part about MexiHO. I was cracking up.
Anyways, I do think that Alex was acting at the end. She seemed a little too upset to be mixing a margarita. And at the end, I swear I saw her smirk/smile. BTW, does anyone have software that makes the audio clearer? I would love to know what she really said, since most of it was fuzzy.
Oh and about the "Fish Tacos" thing. I do believe that it meant more than just fish tacos. Come on, most people know what this means. And everybody knows that Jonas is dying to get in Bree's pants. Daniel seemed like he knew, but didn't really care. Is he finally getting over Bree?
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:25 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
Languorous Lass wrote:megs229 wrote:Just to clear somethings up.... When driving into Mexico you do not need passports only when flying right now. You just need a picture ID and your birth certificate.
I also noticed this on the vid transcript in the notes section. So I just thought I would let everyone know
Megs, how recently have you been to Mexico? The State Department announced late in 2006 that the rules re: Mexico and Canada were changing and that passports would be required for everyone -- I forget the effective date, but I'm pretty sure the date is past by now.
The last time I drove to Mexico the photo-ID-birth-certificate rule was in effect, and that was several years ago.
Oh, and the Hollywood-teeth thing is that some of us think Yousef needs to get his teeth fixed -- straightened and whitened -- in order to make himself more marketable as an actor. He doesn't appear to have done it yet (at least not to the degree I think Hollywood demands these days).
about the IDs: I don't get it; when my sisters and their friend drove to Canada, they had to have passports. i dunno; maybe like at any other place, there are sometimes lax employees and other times uptight employees.
and the other thing about the teeth, i'll just give you two words and leave it at that.
Julia Roberts.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:02 pm
by spam6530
hey guys, lay off the not getting the mexico-ho joke... the video came out at 2am my time... i was tired... and i thought maybe it was a movie reference or a reference to something else that went over my head...
Yes, it was funny... and yes, I think Jonas is enjoying some fish tacos and DB is just jealous he can't enjoy fish tacos and drinks with Alex...

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:03 pm
by Marilee
Good video. hopefully they don't get arrested and put into a Mexican jail.... I only know what I've seen in movies, but it didn't look good.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:14 pm
by anniid
megs229 wrote:Anyone else think that we need a Jonas video?? Or even another order video?
I do need jonas
--er I mean a Jonas video.