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Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:16 pm
by Supa Mario
why does everyone randomly think its brother? what tells us that the black shoes were brothers?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:17 pm
by longlostposter
saralynn wrote:7. Really weird shot of what looks like a dog to me.
Looks like a cactus to me.

At first I thought maybe Bree escaping and having to spend some time in the desert was part of the ceremony or another way of breaking her.

Ending leaves many questions.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:18 pm
by epogen
saralynn wrote: 7. Really weird shot of what looks like a dog to me.
thanks for screencap of this shot, it was weird for me too. it looks like it could be backpack or something to me. also what's the weird thing in top right? almost like hands being held.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:19 pm
by Shaneener
Chelseyrl wrote:Image
Check that out.
That looks like two people falling into a pool while embracing and kissing to me.


Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:21 pm
by SapereAudeo
My theory on why the video is edited and posted with cuts and music and such:

The videos are for internal information within the Order. The raw footage is sent to some version of a processing place where the videos we see are cut and put to music to make understanding easier for the rest of the Order.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:25 pm
by longlostposter
Hippie wrote:And assuming the feet at the end are Watchers (order), then how come no one has thought this guy was hired by the order to brainwash the crew, and once they were in the last video, there really was no use for him/her as his/her purpose was served, they kill this new character so there are no loose ends....
Brainwashing doesn't add up. The summary says the subjects "escaped". I don't think a brainwashed person would attempt an escape.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:26 pm
by voyboy
i am going to take the chance at saying something thats already been said cause the site is so damn slow i cant read the comments fast enough.

it looked like bree kicked the shit out of whoever went after her.

(ducks for cover)

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:26 pm
by DoktorBob
epogen wrote:
saralynn wrote: 7. Really weird shot of what looks like a dog to me.
thanks for screencap of this shot, it was weird for me too. it looks like it could be backpack or something to me. also what's the weird thing in top right? almost like hands being held.
That is just cactus. Plain old cactus. Yup. Or desert plant... thingie......

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:28 pm
by Lurker
epogen wrote:thanks for screencap of this shot, it was weird for me too. it looks like it could be backpack or something to me. also what's the weird thing in top right? almost like hands being held.
Juli was right. It's just a cactus. I brightened the image up. That stuff in the top right is just a couple of small trees, by the way:

SapereAudeo wrote:My theory on why the video is edited and posted with cuts and music and such:

The videos are for internal information within the Order. The raw footage is sent to some version of a processing place where the videos we see are cut and put to music to make understanding easier for the rest of the Order.
Why would that stuff make it easier to understand? Isn't all that's important here is that the golden child escaped, her pursuer was shot and she's apparently still free (and the footage wouldn't need music to convey that)? Why show random shots of scenery and then throw in unnecessary music? This is a time critical situation, no? They'd need to get on the ball in tracking her down, not edit a video for dramatic effect.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:28 pm
by HenrySugar
I think Brother was the sharp shooter. I think he shot whoever was following Bree, took her with him and left the guy/camera behind.
One of the Order (the guy with the shoes) found the fallen camera guy, watched the footage for clues and posted it to the Order for speculation.
I have no idea where Daniel and Jonas are.

I also have this theory that involves a tracking device hidden inside Bree (hench the scar). This is how the Order, Watchers, Op,Tach and Brother are able to keep finding her.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:30 pm
by Shaneener
Maybe Mr. Shiny Shoes uploaded it?

He must be part of the Order then, because it says Faction: THE ORDER, and the Creators don't lie about things like that...

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:30 pm
by Hippie
longlostposter wrote:
Hippie wrote:And assuming the feet at the end are Watchers (order), then how come no one has thought this guy was hired by the order to brainwash the crew, and once they were in the last video, there really was no use for him/her as his/her purpose was served, they kill this new character so there are no loose ends....
Brainwashing doesn't add up. The summary says the subjects "escaped". I don't think a brainwashed person would attempt an escape.
Yes this is true, and i thought about it before this question came up, but didnt post in my comment...

The message is 1/2 coded, most of the video is explainable, and conforms to what you can understand in the video summary, the problem is 1/2 IS coded, and the end is just as mysterious... the description of the video almost matches the video itself...

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:32 pm
by janesalteredstates
Hippie you could be right, but then the kiddies didn't get away. Also, the Watcher was not successful since The TAAG were trying to escape and not walking like zombies to some "ceremony."

If you read nothing else, READ THIS:

The cameras are in their sunglasses.

Also, not everyone thinks Brother was the shooter. I, for one, do not.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:38 pm
by Shaneener
Some people are saying the shot cameraman uploaded it and was slowing dying so he typed crap that can be translated when looked at thoroughly. If that's true, the guy typed 'watcher' and 'watchers' at least two times.

By the way, are the Watchers good or bad? Gemma said they were part of the Order, but she turned out to be a lying little skank, so I wouldn't trust her opinion.

If a Watcher did shoot the Order cameraman, he must be part of the Resistence.

I think the white car was what Bree, DB, and Jonas were living in.


In movies, fairytales, etc. the bad guys have black horses and the good guys have white horses.

Maybe the car color is sort of important?

Bree and possibly the boys (if they made it) were probably driving the white car until it broke down/ran out of gas/etc.

The Order is stalking them with black cars.

Bree's parents were taken away with a black car.

Jonas's car is weird because it's some sort of dark green.

I am now going to go sell my dad's black Volvo. xD

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:39 pm
by imagin
OK... nobody has put together what I think I saw in quite the same way... so I'll add my two cents.

Daniel was very "with it" at the end of the last vid, trying to get Jonas to get up and be the same. In this vid, we see him getting up, and taking care of the indoor camera.

Then we hear an alarm go off. Sounds like a typical perimeter alarm. And the camera, to me, looks like we're looking through a gun scope. Might be binocs (doens't look like it to me) or a telescope. Anyways, it's a DIFFERENT camera. Cameras don't just suddenly start looking like magnification lenses.

We follow as the person with the camera search for them, sees a vehicle, and then spots Bree. Sneaks up on Bree. But Bree's stopped instead of running at this point... almost as if she's being a decoy.

As Bree turns, we hear what sounds like a shot, and the camera person falls to the ground. We see their hand as they fall. Then we see Bree with her back to us, running away. (The light color someone thought was blonde hair was her shoulder- those tank tops, you know.)

Then someone else walks up to the person/camera on the ground. Someone else who was ALSO looking for Bree, and discovered his overcome comrade. The camera (and probably the person) are retrieved, and the video is posted to let whoever know what the current status is.

That still begs a couple questions...

Who does that backpack belong to? And where'd the vehicle come from? Who shot the gun? Did Daniel and Jonas make it out?

I don't think there is anything there to tell us.