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Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:38 pm
by kalika
Holy hell!!!!
Eyes and mouth open wide video!! what suspense! Jonas is so hot when he's angry (did I hear them bleep out one of angry-jonas' favorite words?)
poor daniel.
alex is way hotter when she's evil.
But why is everybody wondering how Daniel got out of there? Even if Alex put up a fight, I dont' think she'd be able to overpower 19 year old DBeast unless she has mad ninja order skillz. or all those party people dropped in all Order SWAT style and tied Dbone up?
right? somebody back me up on this, usually 19 year old boy beats out late twenty something lady, right?
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:43 pm
by immortal1
gogo wrote:There was a reference to Kraft Singles. Will there be some sort of cheese-related promotion in the near future?
Interesting twist with Evil Aunt Alex, but how is Jonas involved? It seems too coincidental that of all the people on all the internets, Bree just happened to accept the help of a young man whose parents were not killed in a boating accident and are somehow involved with the order, and who has a young long-lost aunt who just happens to be part of this sinister organization...Help me understand...I do like Evil Aunt Alex, though. Evil is swell, sometimes.
gogo funny you should bring this up. I just spent an hour looking at the transcripts of Jonas' vids prior to the test. He never claimed to not have knowldege of the Order. I don't think it was an accident that Jonas stumbled onto Bree's vids. He might have suspected something was not right with his parents disappearance and made some kind of connection with the Order, then when he saw Bree's vids had something to do with the Order he decided to go uncover.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:43 pm
by nancymakuhari
Alex is a bitch, zomg!
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:43 pm
by Misty
The thing that gets me though, is how could Jonas recognized Alex with Lucy in the video from Bree, but not recognize her in the photo when they were at the party, or when he edited his video. He must have known what Lucy looked like from tachyons video outing Gemma, so if he saw the Pic he would have known that lucy and Alex were together. And Bree only caught Lucy and not Alex, so It's not like you could really tell it was Alex from the Video.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:46 pm
by Lurker
Misty wrote:The thing that gets me though, is how could Jonas recognized Alex with Lucy in the video from Bree, but not recognize her in the photo when they were at the party, or when he edited his video.
He may have just not noticed it. I have to admit I watched the thing a couple of times and didn't see it until bethy pointed it out.
Languorous Lass wrote:Thanks, Lurker.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:46 pm
by gogo
consideration wrote:That's what makes it a fun story! It's a lot more interesting than Bree eating garbage.
Well, I would really disagree that stories are fun because of coincidences. In addition, I suppose that many people have a problem with this for a reason. I hope that Jonas's part in this story really has a deeper meaning than would be implied by a coincidence.
And about the garbage, I can't recall that homeless-Bree eating garbage was something that I brought up. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else, friend.
I did bring up the possibility of Kraft-Singles playing a significant, perhaps even life-changing role in this story. But not garbage. Cheese. Even coincidental, promotional cheese. I would feel compelled to buy name brand cheese-food slices to support this series.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:47 pm
by immortal1
Misty wrote:The thing that gets me though, is how could Jonas recognized Alex with Lucy in the video from Bree, but not recognize her in the photo when they were at the party, or when he edited his video. He must have known what Lucy looked like from tachyons video outing Gemma, so if he saw the Pic he would have known that lucy and Alex were together. And Bree only caught Lucy and not Alex, so It's not like you could really tell it was Alex from the Video.
OR how were they so stupid as to leave the picture out where either Daniel or Jonas could easily have seen it?
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:49 pm
by Languorous Lass
gogo wrote:There was a reference to Kraft Singles. Will there be some sort of cheese-related promotion in the near future?
(chuckle) I wondered the same thing. Or maybe one for Wonder Bread.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:50 pm
by gogo
Immortal wrote:gogo funny you should bring this up. I just spent an hour looking at the transcripts of Jonas' vids prior to the test. He never claimed to not have knowldege of the Order. I don't think it was an accident that Jonas stumbled onto Bree's vids. He might have suspected something was not right with his parents disappearance and made some kind of connection with the Order, then when he saw Bree's vids had something to do with the Order he decided to go uncover.
I would agree that it was no accident. I guess I am just impatiently wanting the truth about Jonas to be uncovered. I would assume it wasn't coincidental either.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:51 pm
by consideration
gogo wrote:consideration wrote:That's what makes it a fun story! It's a lot more interesting than Bree eating garbage.
Well, I would really disagree that stories are fun because of coincidences. In addition, I suppose that many people have a problem with this for a reason. I hope that Jonas's part in this story really has a deeper meaning than would be implied by a coincidence.
And about the garbage, I can't recall that homeless-Bree eating garbage was something that I brought up. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else, friend.
I did bring up the possibility of Kraft-Singles playing a significant, perhaps even life-changing role in this story. But not garbage. Cheese. Even coincidental, promotional cheese. I would feel compelled to buy name brand cheese-food slices to support this series.
Haha, nah, I was just saying that Bree eating garbage because she isn't with Jonas is less interesting than big coincidences and Jonas having Order connections.
If we still thought that all of this was real, yeah, that would be a bit too much for me. But since we know this to just be a story, I can suspend disbelief for it.
It would be neat if Jonas had actually sought her out. Or anything that goes into a deeper connection.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:51 pm
by michiev
Great video, its so creepy how Alex turns from "I dont know what your talking about" To cold hearted bitch in like..10 seconds or whatever.
Crazy mad props to Bitsie for being able to pull that off xD
Okay so i KNEW this video was coming up. I kind of had a feeling from the start of the video [when daniel is talking to alex] that jonas was going to come in there and tell daniel to get the heck out.
I love the acting, the music, the camera skills. everything was great.
I feel bad for Daniel though about this happening, im sure he'll get over it though, after all he wasn't in love with her.
And about daniel being brainwashed by the order, It could be possible but he doesnt talk like a creepy robotic gangster anymore so its hard telling.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:52 pm
by Onewen
immortal1 wrote:OR how were they so stupid as to leave the picture out where either Daniel or Jonas could easily have seen it?
THAT is my question! What was the value of that "party"...? Alex must have known that was risky! Why would she want to risk blowing her cover??
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:53 pm
by frogflute2
Ok wow, and freaky at the same time. I am not sure I believe that Jonas;s parents are alive. If they were wouldn't the Order have killed them by now. If they are alive I think that the Order probadly has them locked up somewhere are brain washed to the point where they dont ever know who they are. Well that is what I think.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:54 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
I haven't read everything yet but OH EM EFF GEE.
adslfjsldfjsdafs dfjs the end is so good.
this made me love jonas SO MUCH MORE. i am totally in love with him. like wow. aahhhh.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:55 pm
by Languorous Lass
R1kk1 wrote:And I also heard about sometime in March, the twentieth of something there is a big ceremony held for a certain religion. Sorry to be as vague as possible, but I can't remember much of what I read. Maybe someone should look into it... someone who isn't still awake at 3am...

March 20 is the spring equinox. It's a holy day for
many earth-based religions.