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Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:26 am
by Yoga Bear
yay thats the first time I have gotten a reply for one of my thoughts
*happy dance*
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:28 am
by chevyfudd
You are right, a good amount of money will convence a lot of people into breaking the law.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:33 am
by kellylen
Lurker wrote:chevyfudd wrote:This video was good until the vet part, NO vet would see him.
Perhaps Jonas flashed some Benjamins.
its all about the benjamins
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:34 am
by Scrawnyfish
ewww bloody!
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:34 am
by michiev
Scrawnyfish wrote:ewww bloody!
I know x_X i have a phobia of blood.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:36 am
Bree can seem harsh sometimes but I just think how much more of a meltdown I would have if
My 'dad' died in front of me
My friend was brainwashed because of me
Someone I thought was my friend was actually against me
Im constanly watching my back and moving.
Tension! paranoia!
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:45 am
by bethy
A vet is still a doctor with basic medical training...including mammals. Humans are mammals, too, ya know. As the article I posted earlier noted:
Given that tissue is tissue and bleeding is bleeding, I would think that a veterinarian facing a laceration emergency with a human could be morally expected — and permitted — to treat the emergency.
Fixing a laceration on a human hand isn't going to be much different than a dog's leg. The probably use the exact same kind of numbing medication and sutures.
Is it legal for a vet to treat a human? Probably not...but who is going to really be bothered by it? It's a's not like it's a brain tumor or something.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:47 am
by MintyBeast
Oh Mah Gawd.
I think this needed to happen to further the dialogue between Jonas and bree.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:51 am
by chevyfudd
I thought she was going to fix him up and then he would forgive her, but nope, it ended up being a bad wound and she didn't want to get caught, so fought about taking him to the hospital. She is digging her own grave here with JOnas. LOL
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:52 am
by arammat
HisGirl wrote:hate to sound like a prude, but i wish we'd get a warning about the obscenities... so i could at least turn my computer volume down...
or should we just assume that all the vids will be foul from now on???
I didn't even notice any obscenities. (Guess I am used to hearing that kind of language:) IF you say there were, I trust you, but I think they were used because of the urgency of the situation. It's not like they swear in every episode.
Bree w/ Healing Powers?
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:54 am
by Ineda
I think whoever brought up the idea of Bree having some kind of powers was bang on. I got the immediate impression from watching this video that they're setting it up to reveal that Bree has some kind of latent "healing" ability. She was WAY too insistent that she thought she could "fix" it. The way the camera would cut to her face and her demeanor about the whole situation... I dunno. It would explain what makes her so special to The Order and why she's been one of the "chosen" ones. It's almost like she's been "bred" like a lab experiment from day one. Would also be a nice tie in for the Epogen angle, etc... The whole genetic alteration/experimentation controversy in recent years and the possibilities that go along with it would be a perfect storyline. Conceivably, she could be a human who's been completely lab created.
Call me crazy - that vid. reeks of "Bree the Healer" to me.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:00 am
by Onewen
arammat wrote:HisGirl wrote:hate to sound like a prude, but i wish we'd get a warning about the obscenities... so i could at least turn my computer volume down...
or should we just assume that all the vids will be foul from now on???
I didn't even notice any obscenities. (Guess I am used to hearing that kind of language:) IF you say there were, I trust you, but I think they were used because of the urgency of the situation. It's not like they swear in every episode.
Several "F-Bombs" were dropped...and YES, the situation might have called for it. Someone mentioned that there was a 13+ rating on the revver site...that probably indicates that there is strong language. So, in addition to hiding our LG addiction, we can also now know ahead of time when to kick the kids out of the room.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:11 am
Ok. First, I'm laughing my ass off becuase my computer paused dramatically right after bree said "We took jonas to the vet. We had him put down....." And then it stopped long enough for me to think "Ok, if he was pissed about you tying him to a chair, imagine the reaction to 'hey, Jonas, we're gonna go for a car ride! yeah you like car rides... Oh look let's go visit the vet, hop on the table, in a moment you wont feel a thing. Miss you boy' " (cant wait for that ram upgrade next week.. long pause huh?)
Screwdrivers are really easy to put thru your hand. especially a philipshead. Dull instument requires more force to puncture what you're aiming for, if you miss... you're not moving your fingers for a while.
Also, when 3 people show up freaking out, acting kinda shady, insisting that a vet stitch up their bleeding shady person... chances are they aren't going to sue you in the long run. They stand more to loose by drawing legal attention to themselves.
Also, it's harder to get into vet school than med school. I'd trust my vet over my family doc anyway, and not just becuase I like the plushie pillows in the waiting room. (but it really does have a lot to do with the plushie pillows)
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:13 am
by MintyBeast
Onewen wrote:arammat wrote:HisGirl wrote:hate to sound like a prude, but i wish we'd get a warning about the obscenities... so i could at least turn my computer volume down...
or should we just assume that all the vids will be foul from now on???
I didn't even notice any obscenities. (Guess I am used to hearing that kind of language:) IF you say there were, I trust you, but I think they were used because of the urgency of the situation. It's not like they swear in every episode.
Several "F-Bombs" were dropped...and YES, the situation might have called for it. Someone mentioned that there was a 13+ rating on the revver site...that probably indicates that there is strong language. So, in addition to hiding our LG addiction, we can also now know ahead of time when to kick the kids out of the room.

For me, lately when they use the F-word Before they actually use it I think to myself "Now if they don't have the F-word or another curse word in here, this is NOT real life to me at all." It just is not reality to not use some strong curse word in a situation of such.
But yes, it would be nice to know before hand when kids are present. haha.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:17 am
by blessedmercy1018
MintyBeast wrote:Onewen wrote:arammat wrote:
I didn't even notice any obscenities. (Guess I am used to hearing that kind of language:) IF you say there were, I trust you, but I think they were used because of the urgency of the situation. It's not like they swear in every episode.
Several "F-Bombs" were dropped...and YES, the situation might have called for it. Someone mentioned that there was a 13+ rating on the revver site...that probably indicates that there is strong language. So, in addition to hiding our LG addiction, we can also now know ahead of time when to kick the kids out of the room.

For me, lately when they use the F-word Before they actually use it I think to myself "Now if they don't have the F-word or another curse word in here, this is NOT real life to me at all." It just is not reality to not use some strong curse word in a situation of such.
But yes, it would be nice to know before hand when kids are present. haha.
I agree about the swears

Such bad words comming from such purty mouths.
As far as paying off the vet I think that is an awesome idea to go along with this really far from believable plot twist. But they have done something like this before and come out ok:)