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Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:26 pm
by islandlove
chevyfudd wrote:I don't know what to think anymore. I still think Jonas is good, but hiding information. I think Daniel is still ok, even though he might be brainwashed still. And well bree is just a crazy person.
my thoughts exactly
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:31 pm
by longlostposter
I just hope Daniel continues to protect her no matter how crazy she gets.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:56 pm
by sparrow
Sorry for the obvious question, but what piece of art was that that Bree was holding? Just some knick knack that was lying around with a watcheresque symbol on it?
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:05 am
by HisGirl
I am still not convinced. I can't imagine the purpose of Jonas working for the order and then participating in the bree switch/daniel rescue. it just doesn't stand to reason.
It also doesn't stand up to why Op would encourage "us" to go looking for the fake id to localize where Jonas' house is if he's working for them.
Nope, nope, there's gotta be a better explanation...

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:14 am
by robtomorrow
We have a classic good cop bad cop senerio playing out here.
Bree is the bad cop, yelling and screaming at Jonas and whipping him with a wet noodle. Whereas Daniel is the good cop, sweet talking him and planting soft wet cherry kisses on his forehead.
How long will it be before he breaks under the pressure?
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:19 am
by Lurker
robtomorrow wrote:We have a classic good cop bad cop senerio playing out here.
Bree is the bad cop, yelling and screaming at Jonas and whipping him with a wet noodle. Whereas Daniel is the good cop, sweet talking him and planting soft wet cherry kisses on his forehead.
How long will it be before he breaks under the pressure?
Depends on how badly Jonas wants the soft, wet cherry kisses to continue.
Yes, I took it there again. Please forgive me, everyone, but I just couldn't resist. It was too easy and it was just begging for somebody to do it.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:24 am
by lookyz
silvermoon wrote:On the brother/sister about the possibility that there was another set of parents, and Jonas and Bree were both taken away to be raised by foster Order parents?
This might also explain why Jonas doesn't know anything about his parents being in the Order. Maybe he found his original birth certificate, went searching for his parents and found Bree online instead. So he's been trying to help her, but still has no idea that his parents were not his real parents or that they were part of the Order.
I've been backing the brother/sister angle since Jonas came on the scene. I'd love to see this one turn out to be true!
I also thought it was of note that Jonas said "Like a brother" during his interview with Bree. If he know, he'd be dying to tell her right? Maybe he's doing the subtle dance. LIke teh old school "somebody likes you (ps its me)" thang.
If it was purposeful, it was a nice piece of forshadowing, if not, then I'll continue drooling on myself.
Jonas and Tachyon
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:58 am
by OwenIsCool
I know this has been discussed to death already: is he, isn't he with the Order? I'll put my two cents in anyway...
One of my problems with Jonas having been "in on it" all along is that he helped Bree in The Human Ransom. I don't know if he was in on Bree and Tachy's plan, but he probably could have sabotaged it one way or another.
Then I thought perhaps the Human Ransom was not just a ploy to get Bree to do the ceremony, but also an elaborate plan to get info on Tachyon. Think, if Jonas knew Tachy was going to help, he could have alerted the Order, and them being so crafty, could have decided to let them escape (since they supposedly can't force Bree anyway) and take the opportunity to learn some of Tachyon's tricks, how she operates, maybe get some footage of her from the security cameras, who knows?
But as with everything else in the series... best not to overanalyze. Every time I've let myself speculate, the topic of interest has either a. faded into the background (e.g., Bree's mom, the thousands of girls born with potential, the company with the weird logo, etc.) or b. my question has been answered... and it wasn't what I thought.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:03 am
by aideen
Notice the reference to jumpin the gun/shark?
"But I think Bree's jumping the gun here"
Yousef really does read the forums!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:10 am
by freakish
aideen wrote:Notice the reference to jumpin the gun/shark?
"But I think Bree's jumping the gun here"
Yousef really does read the forums!

does yousef read the forums...or the script writers? ...
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:11 am
by mistabroadway
sparrow wrote:
Sorry for the obvious question, but what piece of art was that that Bree was holding? Just some knick knack that was lying around with a watcheresque symbol on it?
No kidding, that's not like any piece of art I've ever seen...
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:13 am
by essie
I predict..
if they aren't siblings then Jonas is part of the choosen ones for protectors
and Bree is the choosen ones for ceremonies. And protectors basically watch that the choosen one does not get hurt by agressive opaphid memebers =)
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:48 am
by kristenjane
I think Jonas and Bree should both be given big Q-tip looking padded things... And go at each other... With padded GUTS looking helmets on.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:03 am
by lonelygirl
bree is loopy
daniel is the voice of reason always
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:35 am
by longlostposter
robtomorrow wrote:We have a classic good cop bad cop senerio playing out here.
Bree is the bad cop, yelling and screaming at Jonas and whipping him with a wet noodle. Whereas Daniel is the good cop, sweet talking him and planting soft wet cherry kisses on his forehead.
How long will it be before he breaks under the pressure?
Good observation, Rob.