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Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:25 pm
by Opladybug
On this site.
Hang on and I will get the comment number and the lgpedia page about the Deacons.

Many think its just a fanfic,so like I said it could be nothing.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:19 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Luv2Luvem wrote:
tigerlilylynn wrote:Op went on and on about (paraphrase) "there are some things that are meant to remain a secret and those whose job it is to keep things that way". This is OpAphid. This doesn't invalidate but rather supports this being divisions of OpAphid.
I've been waiting for someone to bring up this tiger! We know that at least a part (and I believe it is a big part) of OpAphids job is to keep the Order's secrets. But we also know that Operation Aphid does other things as well. We know they have watchers. (And we know they consistently use the watcher symbol in their videos.) We also know that they have (for lack of a better word) assasins working for them (Warpy.) I agree that if these four symbols indeed mean "four pillars" it is the four pillars of OpAphid, and not the whole Order.
I 100% believe this theory is correct. And if it isn't, the Creators will probably see it and make it correct. It's the first thing that has made sense to me in a very long time.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:09 pm
by janesalteredstates
PinkoLady wrote:Pi in ancient egypt meant 3.16, rather than 3.14 as it does now, if that means anything.


Theta - Mu = Sun to Water

Theta - Pi = Sun to ?
"π' is the first letter of περιφέρεια (periphereia, the Greek word for periphery) or περίμετρον (perimetron), meaning 'measure around' in Greek."

That is just some info, not a theory... clearly

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:13 pm
by tiltingwindward
impulse wrote:I'm still not convinced that these four ligatures symbolize four branches of Opaphid and not the Order as a whole. It makes no sense at all. Opaphid is just one branch of the Order. How many subdivisions do they need? Is it Washington? Seriously, this story deals with the Order, not with Opaphid. Opaphid is just the lonely office on level 4 of building 12C on the South side of the campus. That would be ridiculous to hand us the floor map of Opaphid's office and the direction to the coffee machine when nothing is known about the main building. Seriously. (If you did that Tachyon, I'm changing side. Bitch!)
I would disagree completely that this story deals with the Order and not with OpA. So far, the Order's only voice has been through OpA, and I think we can safely say that they've put their own spin on the situation. As for divisions, of course OpA needs them. Someone else pointed this out in relation to the military, but I'll use an intelligence example. The CIA does not just have one divsion that does all the work, even though they are but one part of a larger organization. They have field agents, analysts, bureaucrats, and authority figures, all of whom perform essential functions for the greater goal. OpA and the Order are the same way, I suspect. Remember, the Order is a global organization, and they can hardly afford to make all their employees wear multiple hats.

And sometimes, that trek from the small corner office to the coffee machine is pretty exciting...especially if the ground is littered with bodies and bits of code. :) Maybe the rest of the building only consists of the Marketing Department and in-house daycare?
PS: Don't even try I'll never be convinced..... unless Glenn knocks at my door to tell it to me face to face..... and he'd better bring some beer...and some pot too....
...I'm really bad at following directions?

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:35 pm
by janesalteredstates

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:41 pm
by tristan
[sorry this is a reposting but with the post moving and all just thought it got swept under the rug]

alright i'm going to try to run through a list of possible replacement for omicron and pi [and try to give reasons why maybe not too]

this is all based on the concept that they are all greek letters
all can be seen on:

The non-Omicron:
Phi ~ knock against this would be it does not have any real correlation back to egyptian hieroglyph [like the others do]. the greeks just made up a new consonant

Qoppa - in old egyptian means monkey [or possible meaning of head and neck] ~ knock against this would be its an obsolete letter, dont know if that has any bearing

Omega - hieroglyph of an eye ~ knock against this is it has the same meaning as omicron and doesnt really fit the circle mold

The non-Pi:
Nu - hieroglyph for the snake ~ knock is it doesnt fit the bill real well [but Mu isnt perfect either]

Lowercase Eta - hieroglyph for courtyard ~ knock is none of the others were in lowercase greek [and uppercase doesnt fit well]

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:51 pm
by McPackage
Thanks, tristan. I think you've summarized the possibilities well.
Tachyon wrote:I know we thought there was a pi or an omicron in two of them but that doesn t add up with the other stuff I ve found.
Is this a subtle clue that we're supposed to be adding the numbers together? What is the "other stuff" she found?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:00 am
by PinkoLady
tristan wrote:
The non-Pi:
Nu - hieroglyph for the snake ~ knock is it doesnt fit the bill real well [but Mu isnt perfect either]
The thing about the "nu" theory is based largely on the fact that sybol that's supposed to be "mu" on Tachy's page looks like the letter "Mu" is supposed to represent-- an "M"


as someone pointed out, the symbol that's supposed to be "mu" looks NOTHING like a "mu"-- it looks like a flipped over "epsilon". Mu, invariably, looks like "M" WITHOUT the flat top.

looks nothing like mu.

Mu simply looks like:


While the symbol in the watcher I looks like the Epsilon-type Mu, the thing under the two-legged symbol looks nothing like a capital "N."

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:22 am
by PinkoLady
I also think the Gemil/Sigma or Lambda/Sigma still looks like the "AE":

"The form Æ or æ is also a letter and ligature in the Latin alphabet"

"a.e., in mathematics, can mean:

Almost Everywhere

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:37 am
by tristan
PinkoLady wrote:
tristan wrote:
The non-Pi:
Nu - hieroglyph for the snake ~ knock is it doesnt fit the bill real well [but Mu isnt perfect either]
The thing about the "nu" theory is based largely on the fact that sybol that's supposed to be "mu" on Tachy's page looks like the letter "Mu" is supposed to represent-- an "M"


as someone pointed out, the symbol that's supposed to be "mu" looks NOTHING like a "mu"-- it looks like a flipped over "epsilon". Mu, invariably, looks like "M" WITHOUT the flat top.

looks nothing like mu.

Mu simply looks like:


While the symbol in the watcher I looks like the Epsilon-type Mu, the thing under the two-legged symbol looks nothing like a capital "N."
well i was going with the assumption that Tach's latest message was correcting our theories [of it being an omicron and pi]. so i just thought Tachyon not pointing out us thinking of it as a Mu would mean we were correct to consider it a Mu. So if slight alterations to the actual greek alphabet are allowed then i think Nu has a solid shot at being it instead of pi especially with the difference between an uppercase [M N] and lowercase [m n] not being that far off

--although i will say i'm not sure of it either, but i am leaning towards it

EDIT: dont think i was clear when i did my uppercase lowercase thing. the lowercase in the actual greek of Mu & Nu are very different than m & n. i meant that whoever wrote the symbols possibly chose the lower case modern versions just for aesthetic appeal [making the symbol look cooler instead of an eye on top of an M]

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:47 am
by PinkoLady
Oh, I see Tachyon's puzzle now-- I've been away all day and missed that. Dammn, intially thought it was a Phi, and not an Omicron, but someone corrected me... though couldn't it also be a Theta?

And true, the lower-case "n" does look a like whatever could be that two-legged symbol under the Theta-- but I mean, it's all pretty weak...

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:08 am
by Thamus
The Greek letter Omicron. like the Hebrew letter Ayin means “eye”. In our modern alphabet it becomes the letter “O”.
(Now dot your eyes.)
The Greek letters Pi has become our letter “P’.
These two letter adjoin each other in the Greek and English alphabets. OP

Let’s play gemetria (the Kabbalist game of adding letters as numbers together to get new letters).
O = 70, P = 80 (70 + 80 = 150)
100 = Greek Rho, English R (Hebrew letter Resh, tarot card SUN)
50 = Greek Nu, English N (Hebrew letter Nun, tarot card DEATH)
(Go fish.)

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:32 am
by yarvin
Thamus wrote:The Greek letter Omicron. like the Hebrew letter Ayin means “eye”. In our modern alphabet it becomes the letter “O”.
(Now dot you eyes.)
The Greek letters Pi has become our letter “P’.
These two letter adjoin each other in the Greek and English alphabets. OP

Let’s play gemetria (the Kabbalist game of adding letters as numbers together to get new letters).
O = 70, P = 80 (70 + 80 = 150)
100 = Greek Rho, English R (Hebrew letter Resh, tarot card SUN)
50 = Greek Nu, English N (Hebrew letter Nun, tarot card DEATH)
(Go fish.)
I think this is the strongest lead we've gotten so far.

If the Pi really is a Nu, then the Theta+Nu suddenly becomes a double-death symbol. Destroyers, indeed.

New idea: perhaps the symbols are meant to be read as a kind of code, like the letters on a crest or something. In which case it becomes important whether we read from left-to-right or right-to-left. Greek is left-to-right.

With some of the ideas above in mind, here's a quick conjecture:

The Protection of the Order Extends Everywhere, Watches Everything, and brings death to its enemies.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:35 am
by janesalteredstates
The Protection of the Order Extends Everywhere, Watches Everything, and brings death to its enemies.
I really like where you're going with this, but what does that tell us which we do not already know?

That's what is bugging me about the contents of the package. Is it even a puzzle?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:48 am
by impulse
By the way, Bree shows one of the new symbols in the vid: the Killer ligature Theta+Pi which may not be Pi after all....