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Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:52 pm
by kayokosaeki
aquanetnightmare wrote:
Sami wrote:I don't think Daniel is jealous.
They're hiding from a scary order who kidnapped Daniel a while back. He wakes up, and his friends are GONE! Maybe he thinks they're kidnapped. He's all alone and worried.
Them they come back all "We played in the snow! It was soooo funny, we made a snow angle, man we had a good time!"
I think Daniel got pissed
I agree with this...But it also seems to me like there could be a little jealously, since this is kind of like "Swimming" only with Jonas and Daniel may feel like he sort of had 'dibs' on Bree, since he's known her longer. Though it makes MUCH more sense that he would be pissed that they left him there and didnt tell him where they were going. So his jealously turns to worry which turns to anger.

Snow angels are fun though...i dont blame them for playing in the snow :D
no he was definetly just jealous

i know that if i woke up and found my friends gone and thought the order had kidnapped them, i would have no appetitie. he was sitting nonchalantly eating breakfast. if i thought my friends were kidnapped, i'd be frantically looking out the window for them and then pounce on them when they opened the door screaming "where the hell were you? i've been worried sick!"

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:05 pm
by Kasdeja
Sometimes it's the principal. I may not have been running fromt he order, but there are plenty of times I 'knew' my husband was not in trouble or hurt...but was still pissy that he didn't leave a note for me.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:19 pm
by Els
where did daniel get the food, the fruits? they got there late at night and next day there are groceries?

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:22 pm
by Kasdeja
Good question...and let's not forget the winter coats and that Bree never wears the same clothes twice. I think we need to chalk it up to suspension of disbelief.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:27 pm
by HenrySugar
Once, I woke up to an empty house. I don't remember where everybody went, but I do remember being a bit annoyed that they didn't leave a note.
In a situation like they're in, I would've been doubly annoyed to wake up in an empty (and unfamiliar) environment with no one around. Especially, if I'd recently been kidnapped, drugged, tied and blindfolded. He's probably feeling a little sensitive right now anyway.
Be considerate, Jonas and Bree. Leave a note.

Now, Daniel has been lusting after Bree for quite awhile. Any moves he's tried to make have been shot down. If sparks were gonna fly, they would've flown by now. And who's to say that Bree 'has' to hook up with Daniel? She can't help who she is attracted to. She doesn't have romantic feelings for the beast. That's sad for Daniel, but it isn't wrong of Bree. You can't really help who you're attracted to. Bree put on make-up, and asked Jonas out for a the perimeter. She definitely has a spark for him.

Jonas, on the other hand, should know better. He's bonded with Daniel, and it seems that before, he's gone out of his way to not betray Daniel's trust. This is something he should've thought through a little more.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:39 pm
by Sami
They could have bought food on the way. Maybe the place where Bree used the facilities.
But her winter clothes, that is wierd

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:21 pm
by islandlove
maybe they brought food, and bree borrowed the coat from random girl

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:23 pm
by Christie91
Maybe she mugged a random girl for the coat :shock:

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:28 pm
by islandlove

i like the mugging idea better :smt003

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:42 pm
by Sami
Maybe Jonases mother had a fancy wordrobe at the cabin.... heh probably not
What if it's the clothes Jessica is wearing on the set?.... No, the creators are not stupid

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:48 pm
by ForeverMourn
Jonas mentioned in the video something like the reason he had to use his phone was to call and have them turn the heat and such. If he has people working there, or whatever, then the cabin could just be stocked. :)

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:49 pm
by megs229
Daniel is probably both annoyed that they didn't leave a note, jealous that Jonas is spending time with Bree, and feeling a little left out or not wanted since they didn't wake him up.

As for the Bree always wearing different clothes thing. I think she packed quite a bit of clothes the first time they left. But also, Jonas has all that money so he has probably let her buy just about what ever she has wanted. I dunno, just my opion.
Oh yeah, i forgot to quote it but the person who said the same thing about Bree buying clothes also said it would be funny to see the guys out shopping with her in a video and having fun.... And I completely agree!!! :-D

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:54 pm
by ForeverMourn
HenrySugar wrote: Be considerate, Jonas and Bree. Leave a note.
Exactly. :)
HenrySugar wrote: Jonas, on the other hand, should know better. He's bonded with Daniel, and it seems that before, he's gone out of his way to not betray Daniel's trust. This is something he should've thought through a little more.
I'm glad you brought up both points, b/c in one I can see Daniel being upset for not knowing where J & B were. But I also don't think it's too far fetched D was jealous. It sure seemed that way to me, anyway.

But we don't know how the creators are thinking... Or Do We? :)

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:38 pm
by aideen
I look pissed off when I wake up, when I go to bed, when I eat my lunch...

I look permanently pissed off :D

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:08 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
For all those who argue that Daniel isn't jealous, just mad, I see where you are coming from. However, think back to when Daniel and Jonas were first bonding over foosball. Daniel specifically pointed out that girls frequently swoon over Jonas and leave him comments but never do anything of the sort for Daniel. I think he is jealous. And insecure.

It sucks because he has no reason to be. I swoon over Daniel as much as I do over Jonas (probably more since Daniel made that sexy 'Miss Me' video..)!

Also, I really think Jackson is a great actor. He has added more professional performance into LG15. I think since he has entered the series, Jessica and Yousef have both gotten a lot better.

And I really LOVE Jonas's face at the end of this video.
And it's so cute when they walk in and Daniel is just sitting there eating fruit salad. Oh Beasty ::swoon::