Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:31 pm
jonas is brave... i would never do that!!!
jonas is brave... i would never do that!!!
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
That has always been the question, right after the Order took Bree's parents they could have grabbed Bree and Daniel, they had a tracking device in Daniel's car and were sitting on them the entire time they were at the hotel. I think they can't grab Bree due to the free will aspect that seems to be poping up. Though on another interesting side note. everything we know about the watchers, the order and their power, also with Bree's mom and the free will stuff, we know from Gemma. I always found it odd that she pointed out the Watchers (though we did first on the forums) but she was of course one of them.Lauren wrote: but how could the guy just let him run off if he's part of The Order? He had Bree right in front of him--why not grab her?
it's for youtube.Sheqinah wrote:Did nobody notice the screen shot insert?
Right before Jonas goes outside to confront the man in black, there is a still of Bree on a bed with LG15 up on the side.
That is not an accident and not sublimal messaging to watch something we are already watching. There is a reason. Can someone get a still shot of it? I am curious of the time it pops up. It might be a message to tachyon
Its only on Youtube..its to get more viewers, because Bree's videos have a history of getting more views. Its also so people know its Bree, ya know? It doesn't mean anything, the Creators have started doing that on Youtube..on Revver, there is no weird flash of Bree on a bed.Sheqinah wrote:Did nobody notice the screen shot insert?
Right before Jonas goes outside to confront the man in black, there is a still of Bree on a bed with LG15 up on the side.
That is not an accident and not sublimal messaging to watch something we are already watching. There is a reason. Can someone get a still shot of it? I am curious of the time it pops up. It might be a message to tachyon
I think they have twisted views of "free will". I mean, you raise a girl to believe in this and then ask her to choose whether or not she wants to do something for the religion..of course shes going to say yes, shes been raised in it and thinks its great. So, I think that the circumstances surrounding what makes them say yes doesn't matter to them, its only the "yes, I will do it" statement that matters, although they appear to not want to actually use force on Bree. They'll mess with her mind, but they won't touch her body. It seems odd.khjq wrote:What I don't understand is, in "The Human Ransom" video, what exactly was Lucy gonna do if she actually caught up with them? She was chasing them as if she wanted to capture them, yet here is a dude from the Order just standing there doing nothing...not trying to capture them or anything...I don't believe in the free will shit, due to the fact that the Order is into Brainwashing..and basically thats what the Order does to the girls, they raise them in a controlled environment with strict parents, not really letting the girls have a express their free will.
If they didn't want her for the Ceremony then what would they want her for? If they wanted to off her I'm sure they're quite capable of that. As far as her purity status, we don't have enough information to say for sure, besides the fact that the order had Daniel ask her to do the ceremony. I think she is still pure enough to do the ceremony, I know she was told otherwise, but perhaps that was to scare her. As far as this latest video, I don't know why they didn't grab Jonas, but the reason why they didn't grab Bree I believe is that to be useful she must willingly do the ceremony, even you concide that. So clearly the ceremony is still an issueLauren wrote:
The Order doesn't seem to have any objection to using force in other cases, though. The very act of putting Bree in a "controlled home" gave her absolutely no option to begin with, as a baby. They also took Daniel, and earlier on, Bree's parents. I know the issue here is that the person who does the CEREMONY needs to do so by their own will, so that doesn't apply to the parents or to Daniel, but as I said, she's already violated so many rules they couldn't possibly ALLOW her to do the ceremony even if she wanted to. If simply going to a party or hanging out with Daniel violates her purity, certainly the things she's done since then make her completely impure and unfit to do the ceremony.
Last time they "took" Bree, when she offered herself in exchange for Daniel, they ran after her. If they refuse to take her by force, why were they running after her THEN? And even if they didn't want to force Bree, they also had the opportunity here to do something to Jonas, but didn't. He went right up to the watcher and nothing happened. When they had the chance, they killed Bree's dad, and when they had the chance, they kidnapped Daniel--yet they did nothing to Jonas.
I think they still want her now and aren't worried about her "purity" because they probably questioned DB when they had him about how far Bree and he had gone, what her response was and all that stuff. I mean, they knew he had gone to meet new girls(they kidnapped him that night), so they know she refused him somehow, but I think that one of the likely many things they questioned him on was her purity.Mvidrine wrote:If they didn't want her for the Ceremony then what would they want her for? If they wanted to off her I'm sure they're quite capable of that. As far as her purity status, we don't have enough information to say for sure, besides the fact that the order had Daniel ask her to do the ceremony. I think she is still pure enough to do the ceremony, I know she was told otherwise, but perhaps that was to scare her. As far as this latest video, I don't know why they didn't grab Jonas, but the reason why they didn't grab Bree I believe is that to be useful she must willingly do the ceremony, even you concide that. So clearly the ceremony is still an issueLauren wrote:
The Order doesn't seem to have any objection to using force in other cases, though. The very act of putting Bree in a "controlled home" gave her absolutely no option to begin with, as a baby. They also took Daniel, and earlier on, Bree's parents. I know the issue here is that the person who does the CEREMONY needs to do so by their own will, so that doesn't apply to the parents or to Daniel, but as I said, she's already violated so many rules they couldn't possibly ALLOW her to do the ceremony even if she wanted to. If simply going to a party or hanging out with Daniel violates her purity, certainly the things she's done since then make her completely impure and unfit to do the ceremony.
Last time they "took" Bree, when she offered herself in exchange for Daniel, they ran after her. If they refuse to take her by force, why were they running after her THEN? And even if they didn't want to force Bree, they also had the opportunity here to do something to Jonas, but didn't. He went right up to the watcher and nothing happened. When they had the chance, they killed Bree's dad, and when they had the chance, they kidnapped Daniel--yet they did nothing to Jonas.
I don't see any purpose in lying about that, but going with that assumption, it still makes no sense that they would want her for the ceremony NOW. Even she didn't need to stay away from Daniel to remain pure, she at least had to remain loyal to her "religion." She shows absolutely no loyalty whatsoever to The Order at this point, no matter how you look at it. She's run away from them repeatedly and refused to do the ceremony. She betrayed them in the worst way possible, meaning she is no longer fit for the ceremony. She's impure, and she's an enemy.Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:i'm saying Bree has been lied to about a lot of things; what if she's been lied to about the definition of purity.Lauren wrote:If simply going to a party or hanging out with Daniel violates her purity, certainly the things she's done since then make her completely impure and unfit to do the ceremony.
Its towards the top of this very page..its only on Youtube..I'm too lazy to explain again, just scroll up.looking4answers wrote:am I the only one that noticed the pic of bree flash midway through the video? I don't know if anyone else commented on this or not, I'm too lazy to sit through 8 pages to find out. I also don't know if this is a YT thing only or if it also occured in the vid as well. I found it very interesting.