0127 "Miss Me?" (OpAphid) [02/04/07]
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i think the video was filmed a long time ago
he is wearing the same shirt as before and has the beard he had then and it wud be kinda hard to grow that in a week
he is wearing the same shirt as before and has the beard he had then and it wud be kinda hard to grow that in a week
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
cooltron5000 is also accepted
My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued
Me and Oobles are 'TWAT's - 'The Worldwide Association of Threadjacking'
cooltron5000 is also accepted
My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued
Me and Oobles are 'TWAT's - 'The Worldwide Association of Threadjacking'

- cosmicdancer
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I'm curious, you guys have probably already discussed this somewhere but has it ever come up that maybe Cassie is OpAphid? Or if OpAphid is more than one person, she is part of OpAphid. I mean on Ops profile it says "rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated". I'm sure theres a bulliten around either here or the Op forum that has something discussing or disproving that. After all I know the whole Cassie thing was supposedly not of great importance. But why do they keep bringing it up? To toy with us? Or maybe just to confuse us. heh.
Sometimes, it is possible to manipulate someone's mouth in a video to make it look like they are saying something they are not. People do it all the time on YouTube, to make it look like people are saying stupid things.
The Order cult may have brainwashed Daniel. He certainly did not feel this way he did before this. Bree WAS going to go through with the ceremony until Daniel intervened. Maybe he feels bad now about "ruining her life," even though he really was trying to save it.
All I want to know is, why the creepy music? Why was his voice distorted? What's up with that, if they want Bree to feel safe and to come to them?
Sometimes, it is possible to manipulate someone's mouth in a video to make it look like they are saying something they are not. People do it all the time on YouTube, to make it look like people are saying stupid things.
The Order cult may have brainwashed Daniel. He certainly did not feel this way he did before this. Bree WAS going to go through with the ceremony until Daniel intervened. Maybe he feels bad now about "ruining her life," even though he really was trying to save it.
All I want to know is, why the creepy music? Why was his voice distorted? What's up with that, if they want Bree to feel safe and to come to them?
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Why is it really a big deal, though, spacie? They made a mistake when they came out with that forecast (which itself seemed like a knee-jerk response to all the outrage that emerged when OpAphid was confirmed as canon). That's been apparent for a long time. Tachyon and OpAphid have been nearly required for months now.spaciegirlreturn wrote:I don't know..is it? I do seem to recall being told that Op was not going to be required...that we'd be able to understand and follow what's going on without watching/participating in it. Another lie? Everyone seems pretty willing and eager to believe anything they're told around here..regardless of it's authenticity, so I guess it's not a big deal. Par for the course.iamcool wrote:is it that much of a big deal they are bringing op into it?spaciegirlreturn wrote:If I weren't so busy hysterically laughing at Daniel's 'hood speak', I might be pissed that Op is being cramed down my throat.
Back in November or December, myself and a few other members had a discussion about this in Concerns and Complaints, and we -- somewhat harshly, I admit -- implored the Creators to acknowledge they'd made a mistake and to begin featuring the spy vids more prominently than they had been up to that point (because of how necessary they were becoming to understanding the story). Most fans on YouTube didn't even know about them.
After that, the Creators started making all the YouTube accounts link to one another, then they had Tachyon and Brother hijack Gemma's account. That put the spy vids in the spotlight more. Personally, I'm pleased that they acknowledged their mistake and have tried to make the best of it.
And, quite honestly, what would have been the point of the ARG side of things if it was irrelevant? I can't imagine most LG15 fans paying any attention to it if it had been revealed as entirely pointless.
Obviously just another thing they made him say. I don't really see why that line should make us suspicious of him when he was obviously coerced or forced to say so many other off-the-wall things (such as "We have Daniel").nobackspacebutton wrote:The fact that he referenced Cassie and said that he did know her, did make me suspicious of him though. If he knew Cassie, why didn't he tell Bree that before? Was Daniel more involved and things than we really thought?
I really don't think that would make any sense, for reasons I mentioned earlier:Sami wrote:What if Daniel is not drugged/brainwashed, but showing he's true self. What if the naive, nice and childish Daniel has been an act for all these months
By the way, he also says he hopes the Order will let him join. If this was Daniel "coming clean" then he would still be saying he isn't a member.I wrote:For one thing, he still refers to the Order like Bree knows it better than him ("I remember I had all these concerns about the religion you were into"). For another, OpAphid is plainly speaking through Daniel a few times ("We have Daniel," "Don't you want all this to be worth something?" and "Listen to your friend Daniel").
Most obvious of all, though, OpAphid is trying to coerce Bree into willingly taking part in the ceremony by using Daniel as leverage. Since Bree was originally going to do it of her own free will and Daniel stopped her, it wouldn't make sense for him to have been working for them.
I think it's completely certain that he isn't part of the Order and never was. We'd have an incoherent plot if Daniel was really with them, not to mention a huge debacle that the Order would have been directly responsible for placing themselves in for months now. Heck, there wouldn't have been a need for Gemma at all had Daniel been with the Order.
I don't really think it would matter if he hadn't made the speech in that order, house. He's still talking in a way that isn't normal for him, and saying things that show he's brainwashed. Really, they wouldn't need to edit what he said to make it say something different if they already have enough control over him to make him say things like "I have new friends," "Yo girl, when we gonna hit up that ceremony?", "I think you should do the ceremony," "I'm going to try to join the Order," "They treat me better than you do," and "It's just a big misunderstanding. He actually wanted that to happen."house wrote:Watch the vid again. Pay particular attention to the "jumps" in editing. When Danial says stuff like "It's all good" or "That thing with your dad...*JUMP IN EDITING- watch his head*...It was just a misunderstanding. *JUMP IN EDITED- again, watch the head*...He wanted it to happen that way."
Daniel does not make one complete point, without EDITING. I think Op put him in front of a camera for a half hour and then EDITED this whole video to say what they wanted.
Another example:
"You know I had all these concerns about your religion, too. *JUMP IN EDITING* You know they're treating me great. *JUMP* They're good people.*JUMP* We have Daniel."
"You were gonna' do the ceremony last summer. *JUMP* It's all good. *JUMP*Just do the ceremony. *Jump* Now. *Jump*..."
I don't think Daniel ever said that whole speech, in that order.
Not to mention that they made him refer to himself in the third-person on two occasions and made him profess love for P. Monkey and Owen. Clearly, Daniel didn't say any of that without being forced to. Especially the part about P. Monkey and Owen.
I think it's just jumpy editing because that's the way these videos usually are. Except for "Adventures in Babysitting" and "The Ends Justify The Means," I'm not sure of any that didn't use that style ("Lose Something?" doesn't really count since it's all CG).
Last edited by Lurker on Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
So im new and everything,but ive watchee the videos over and over again.
Hasnt people seen the cassie videos on youtube?
The video is very jumpy,but seems very smooth. Defiantly something that the beast wouldnt do.
If her youtube account is real, she mentions about how daniel is next when the order did something to her and her wrist.
Hasnt people seen the cassie videos on youtube?
The video is very jumpy,but seems very smooth. Defiantly something that the beast wouldnt do.
If her youtube account is real, she mentions about how daniel is next when the order did something to her and her wrist.
That throat runs deep, yo.spaciegirlreturn wrote:If I weren't so busy hysterically laughing at Daniel's 'hood speak', I might be pissed that Op is being cramed down my throat.
Seriously, this development is cool because it tells us A LOT about the ceremony and free will, choices, and what happened to Daniel.
Do you mean from itscassie, or a new canon Cassie?Sheqinah wrote:My guess is the next video will be from Cassie.
Did you notice Daniel do the eye roll back at one point? Like ItsCassie did before she passed out and hit her head on the door.
I really wish for a new canon-Cassie
"Have you uff da'd today?" - Broken Kid
Thanks for clarifying that, Bethy. I'm subscribed to Op, too, and was confused because I thought I had already seen the other two videos. Also, where are the two videos popping up as new? I haven't seen that on the LG site or on YT.bethy wrote:Okay, here's what I could get of the audio it does NOT include the reversed part. I'm totally comfortable with everything except the part where I have (???) marked. The rest of it I'm sure about. This is definitely an OpAPHID video, not a Daniel video. Of the three posted today, "Miss Me?" is new. The other two have been around for sometime now in the ARG.
edited to fix a formatting mistake
Last edited by arammat on Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- spaciegirlreturn
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Shequina and Iamcool.. You are both incredibly observant. I would never have noticed those things, but now I am sure you are right!
Also, Lurker? were you the one who said it was like they edited his words to make him say what they wanted?
Also, Lurker? were you the one who said it was like they edited his words to make him say what they wanted?
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*Ms. Divine-HoO Boarding School (join!)
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- spaciegirlreturn
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I actually don't mind it...I'm sort of happy about it. The faint, ever present smell of fanwanking in the air got me a little testy is all.covedweller wrote:That throat runs deep, yo.
Seriously, this development is cool because it tells us A LOT about the ceremony and free will, choices, and what happened to Daniel.
As for my throat...well...yeah nevermind.
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- Flautapantera
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Are you talking about itscassie? I realize I'm probably reiterating but there are myriad Cassie wannabes on the 'net - all of which haven't been confirmed as canon (connected to the plot). Doesn't mean they won't be canonized later...simply not official as of yet.k3lty wrote:So im new and everything,but ive watchee the videos over and over again.
Hasnt people seen the cassie videos on youtube?
The video is very jumpy,but seems very smooth. Defiantly something that the beast wouldnt do.
If her youtube account is real, she mentions about how daniel is next when the order did something to her and her wrist.
I agree that the taping style is shifty but a lot of the OpAphid vids are filmed or edited in this style as well.
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You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?