0117 - "Daniel's a Liar" (1/17/07)
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Okay after watching it again I think Daniel should leave her right where she is and plan on getting his life back... Bree is a selfish child who i don't think deserves someone like Daniel. This whole series i was hoping and waiting for them to become a couple.... What the hell did she think his reaction was going to be when she kissed him...
And for those saying that we should lay off Bree... when you act like a bitch you get called a bitch. Just because something bad happens does not give you the rightto not care about anyone else's feelings!
And for those saying that we should lay off Bree... when you act like a bitch you get called a bitch. Just because something bad happens does not give you the rightto not care about anyone else's feelings!
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I can't believe how many people are giving Daniel a pass for his video and calling Bree a bitch for hers. Major double standard.
When I was in high school I had a major crush on a guy and we finally kissed after a party. That's it, just kiss and hold eachother briefly on the couch. IOW, about what Daniel and Bree did. No making out beyond that at all. But by the time I got to school on monday all my friends were talking about what a slut I was and asking me if I was drunk that night. One friend even came up to me and told me he had lost all respect for me. Essentially that is just what Daniel did to Bree with his video. He may not have meant it that way but remember Bree is an inexperienced 17 year old virgin so in her eyes that's what his kissing and telling comes down to.
It is funny though that he talked about 'walk of shame' when the two of them have shared a hotel room for so long.
When I was in high school I had a major crush on a guy and we finally kissed after a party. That's it, just kiss and hold eachother briefly on the couch. IOW, about what Daniel and Bree did. No making out beyond that at all. But by the time I got to school on monday all my friends were talking about what a slut I was and asking me if I was drunk that night. One friend even came up to me and told me he had lost all respect for me. Essentially that is just what Daniel did to Bree with his video. He may not have meant it that way but remember Bree is an inexperienced 17 year old virgin so in her eyes that's what his kissing and telling comes down to.
It is funny though that he talked about 'walk of shame' when the two of them have shared a hotel room for so long.
Trust me, I think that Bree needs to get a grip on reality right now...but we also have to remember that she is a 16 year old girl. I get to work with hormonal 16 year olds and their view of the world can sometimes be slightly skewed.
And before I get flamed here, I'm not making a generalization about all teenage girls, I'm simply saying that, with the 20+ that I teach, I spend quite a bit of class playing therapist and reminding them that just because something has happened to them (fight with parents, boyfriend, bad grades....) the world will not stop spinning.
And before I get flamed here, I'm not making a generalization about all teenage girls, I'm simply saying that, with the 20+ that I teach, I spend quite a bit of class playing therapist and reminding them that just because something has happened to them (fight with parents, boyfriend, bad grades....) the world will not stop spinning.
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- Maccaboy17
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ok some people have mad comments about the old cassie and bree being the same person theory and have suggested that that is the reason for bree's unbalanced behavioris because of her 'cassie' personality
i think that you guys have a point bringing cassie into this but for the wrong reasons.
ok heres the theory, Bree has remembered cassieand how she dissapeared after people were mean to her and pushed her away, I think Bree is pushing aniel away because she knows there are many perils ahead and she wants daniel to disappear so he'll be safe from the order (beleiveing she's the only one they want) or she wants him to hate her because she wants to disappear and she knows she cant do that with Daniel and Jonas Chasing her, the 'hooking up' incident was Bree kissing daniel good bye as well as beung part of the technique of her plan (hence the intensity that daniel discribed)
Bree either is doing the cassie dissapearing act to escape evrything to do with the order and start afresh and alone or wishes to deal with the order alone. either way it has a nice feeling of sycronicity to it, that our lonely girl is now trying to make herself lonely rather than her original lonelyness which was thrust upon her, and it is clear weather my theory is right or wrong that Bree want to be alone (as she says at the end of Hinding in the Bathroom)
i think that you guys have a point bringing cassie into this but for the wrong reasons.
ok heres the theory, Bree has remembered cassieand how she dissapeared after people were mean to her and pushed her away, I think Bree is pushing aniel away because she knows there are many perils ahead and she wants daniel to disappear so he'll be safe from the order (beleiveing she's the only one they want) or she wants him to hate her because she wants to disappear and she knows she cant do that with Daniel and Jonas Chasing her, the 'hooking up' incident was Bree kissing daniel good bye as well as beung part of the technique of her plan (hence the intensity that daniel discribed)
Bree either is doing the cassie dissapearing act to escape evrything to do with the order and start afresh and alone or wishes to deal with the order alone. either way it has a nice feeling of sycronicity to it, that our lonely girl is now trying to make herself lonely rather than her original lonelyness which was thrust upon her, and it is clear weather my theory is right or wrong that Bree want to be alone (as she says at the end of Hinding in the Bathroom)
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- Steph1636
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awww poor Daniel! He's gonna feel really stupid now for thinking that they were in "love". But I don't blame Bree for feeling that way. A lot of guys jump to the conclusions like that. Just because she kissed him, that doesn't mean that they are a "couple".
But I feel bad for Daniel though. He really like that Bree had kissed him, and that they were more than just friends. I hope that he will be okay
But I feel bad for Daniel though. He really like that Bree had kissed him, and that they were more than just friends. I hope that he will be okay

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- LadyBugGirl
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I'm sorry but this video did not make me love Bree at all. Lately she has been getting on my nerves and this one made me think she was just being a b1tch. Poor Daniel was so happy in that video he made about them hooking up or whatever. How could she be mad at someone after seeing that??
I feel really bad for Daniel. That whole situation just sucks right now. I hope that Bree gets wise soon because she's going to lose someone who cares a lot about her!
I feel really bad for Daniel. That whole situation just sucks right now. I hope that Bree gets wise soon because she's going to lose someone who cares a lot about her!
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Hmm. Well, so far I'm not much of a fan. Regardless of what happened/didn't happen between her and Daniel, Bree was pretty tough on someone who's supposed to be important to her, and really has given up a lot for her.trainer101 wrote:Wow, Daniel got smoked. Can I say "told you so"? Nah, I wouldn't do that...
On another note, Bree is losing her "likeability" but that goes along with the loss of innocence and growing up, I suppose. It will be interesting to see how people react to the "new Bree".
Now, I'm not (at all) suggesting that Bree "owed" Daniel anything as a "reward" or something. But it seems to me that what she absolutely DID owe him was some kindness and respect - or at least a little courtesy and gentleness.
If she really did watch Daniel's videos, one thing should've been obvious - the guy's head over heels for her. Even if he's totally off base, he at least deserves to be let down gently.
Oh, and on the whole dinner thing - Bree, you totally missed the point here. Women of the forum take note: When a guy takes the time to whip up a romantic dinner from scratch, the point here is not that he made weird little "chicken things" - it's that he put forth a ferocious amount of effort to impress you and make you happy.
And as far as the "it was just a kiss" comment - listen to Little Miss Experienced!

Bree, you don't have such a vast amount of experience that you can be talking about "just" anything yet. It shouldn't yet be to the point you can just brush kisses away as unimportant.
One more thing: I've been following LG15 from almost the beginning, and one of the things that really kept me interested was the obvious feelings that Daniel's had for Bree all along, and the possibility/hope that she would reciprocate. If that's completely off the table, then the story just got a lot less interesting. CREATORS TAKE NOTE.
Last edited by UpbeatMarshWiggle on Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- LadyBugGirl
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omegawoman wrote:I just thought of something else. She said her Dad died just because he wanted to get close to her.
Daniel is trying to get close to her. Maybe she is pushing him away for his own safety?
Thank you for this comment. It actually makes a lot of sense. (Hopefully you are right because I don't want Bree to be so mean and insensitive)
A crazy person doesn't really lose his mind, it just becomes something more entertaining-George Carlin
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Perhaps - but I'm still not quite sure what this really means. For Bree's whole life, she thought her "dad" really was her dad. And it sounded like they were already pretty close in a father/daughter kind of way. What could he have been trying to do to improve on that relationship that got him killed?LadyBugGirl wrote:omegawoman wrote:I just thought of something else. She said her Dad died just because he wanted to get close to her.
Daniel is trying to get close to her. Maybe she is pushing him away for his own safety?
Thank you for this comment. It actually makes a lot of sense. (Hopefully you are right because I don't want Bree to be so mean and insensitive)
I'm not saying you're wrong - I just don't get what Bree said.
No, I hate it, too. Won't watch it at all, and I agree that the Order would be doing the world a favor if they knocked off Simon and Paula, and whoever that other guy is.girlAnachronism wrote:Well, personally, I like bitchy bree. V. funny and daniel deserved it.
As for the pub. stunt. Urgh, I think i'm the only american who hates A.I. Now maybe if the Order killed Simon or Paula...that would be a better twist...
Agreed. I was a little bit weirded out by Daniel's post. The words "hooked up" have such a negative connotation - it doesn't seem right for him to use such insensitive language about someone he cares about.twelfthofnever wrote:[
Anyway. A lot of people here are being way too hard on Bree! Calling her "a little bitch?" Seriously?
Daniel basically implied to the whole internet community that he and Bree had mad (purple?) monkey sex. The last video's forum had tons of people going, "Yeah, hit that!" or "Aw, that's so cute, she gave it up to her twoo wuv." This girl has a right to be as pissed and mean about it as she wants. She just watched her dad get killed, she's down in the dumps, she tries to reach out for a moment of consolation and it backfires with everyone thinking she's no longer a virgin.
Did she lead Daniel on by reaching out for a kiss? Maybe. But she even says that he slept on the floor, so it's not likely they went into some heavy petting after that.
So much for the "cheering up."
Bree definitely had the right to be pissed. If she were a real person, it would have been weird for her to post her feelings on the internet, but since this series a widely viewed youtube/revver hit...I think we can cut the character some slack.
Daniels vid i think was a very over excited teenager in love, i do not believe he meant it to come of the way it did. Daniel has been there for Bree for almost everything, protected her, and gave up so much for her... and while doing this he never harped on the first vid she did saying she hadn't thought of him in that way, he was just there for her. When they stayed in the hotels he was completely honorable and didn't make a move .... and the entire time Bree has been completely selfish and not once thinking about what all Daniel has done for her. Bree got his hopes up with that kiss and now basically destroyed him.I can't believe how many people are giving Daniel a pass for his video and calling Bree a bitch for hers. Major double standard.
When I was in high school I had a major crush on a guy and we finally kissed after a party. That's it, just kiss and hold eachother briefly on the couch. IOW, about what Daniel and Bree did. No making out beyond that at all. But by the time I got to school on monday all my friends were talking about what a slut I was and asking me if I was drunk that night. One friend even came up to me and told me he had lost all respect for me. Essentially that is just what Daniel did to Bree with his video. He may not have meant it that way but remember Bree is an inexperienced 17 year old virgin so in her eyes that's what his kissing and telling comes down to.
It is funny though that he talked about 'walk of shame' when the two of them have shared a hotel room for so long.
Does that mean that she owed it to him to create feelings that weren't there- No
Should she be more sensitive to someone who has abandoned their own life for her and treat him with more respect- Hell Yes!
100% agree!UpbeatMarshWiggle wrote:Hmm. Well, so far I'm not much of a fan. Regardless of what happened/didn't happen between her and Daniel, Bree was pretty tough on someone who's supposed to be important to her, and really has given up a lot for her.trainer101 wrote:Wow, Daniel got smoked. Can I say "told you so"? Nah, I wouldn't do that...
On another note, Bree is losing her "likeability" but that goes along with the loss of innocence and growing up, I suppose. It will be interesting to see how people react to the "new Bree".
Now, I'm not (at all) suggesting that Bree "owed" Daniel anything as a "reward" or something. But it seems to me that what she absolutely DID owe him was some kindness and respect - or at least a little courtesy and gentleness.
If she really did watch Daniel's videos, one thing should've been obvious - the guy's head over heels for her. Even if he's totally off base, he at least deserves to be let down gently.
Oh, and on the whole dinner thing - Bree, you totally missed the point here. Women of the forum take note: When a guy takes the time to whip up a romantic dinner from scratch, the point here is not that he made weird little "chicken things" - it's that he put forth a ferocious amount of effort to impress you and make you happy.
And as far as the "it was just a kiss" comment - listen to Little Miss Experienced!That makes what, TWO WHOLE KISSES in your entire lifetime?! Wow, maybe it's time to set up a website with an 800 number.
Bree, you don't have such a vast amount of experience that you can be talking about "just" anything yet. It shouldn't yet be to the point you can just brush kisses away as unimportant.
One more thing: I've been following LG15 from almost the beginning, and one of the things that really kept me interested was the obvious feelings that Daniel's had for Bree all along, and the possibility/hope that she would reciprocate. If that's completely off the table, then the story just got a lot less interesting. CREATORS TAKE NOTE.