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Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:04 am
by kellylen
Luminous wrote:
aideen wrote:
Luminous wrote:
Actually, it is quite common for eye color to change at puberty. Blue eyes become green, hazel, yellow and sometimes even brown.

Brown eyes become yellow or hazel, but never blue.

How do you think that might relate to the plot?
YES! I was thinking before that teenage girls sometimes have their eye colour change. But I wasn't sure so I just mentioned babehs ^^
Yes. Here's something that might be important - Changes in eye color reflect changes in body chemistry. Perhaps one of the things the order is looking for is a specific biochemical profile?

I'm not sure this pertains, but since we were talking about it I thought I'd put in my two cents worth.
what you just said about having a specific profile brought up the idea of the Aryan race to me. I'm not saying that this in anyway is related to Nazism, but the whole profile and having people being one way reminds me of that.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:13 am
by nakita
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Marilee wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Ew, why wouldn't she get her period? I've never heard of a woman just NOT getting a period.. is she missing her uterus or something?
A lot of things can cause periods not to start. Diet, iron levels, stress, and other factors can make a girl not get a period.
That's way different then just NEVER menstruating at all.
I see what you're saying... those factors can make a girl late, but they shouldn't stop the process from ever starting, should they? Maybe she spotted a bit at first, her parents told her it was some kind of infection, and gave her pills for it.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:14 am
by Luminous
kellylen wrote:
Luminous wrote:
aideen wrote: YES! I was thinking before that teenage girls sometimes have their eye colour change. But I wasn't sure so I just mentioned babehs ^^
Yes. Here's something that might be important - Changes in eye color reflect changes in body chemistry. Perhaps one of the things the order is looking for is a specific biochemical profile?

I'm not sure this pertains, but since we were talking about it I thought I'd put in my two cents worth.
what you just said about having a specific profile brought up the idea of the Aryan race to me. I'm not saying that this in anyway is related to Nazism, but the whole profile and having people being one way reminds me of that.
I know there are stories of the Nazi's being involved in breeding and genetic engineering, trying to create a super race.

I think it's the breeding and genetic engineering that are pertinent here, and not the cruelty - and yet I can't get the image of Bree squashing skeeter bugs with her thongs out of my mind . . . :shock:

Oh no! Not Bree! Say it isn't so!

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:17 am
by nakita
Luminous wrote:
kellylen wrote:
Luminous wrote: Yes. Here's something that might be important - Changes in eye color reflect changes in body chemistry. Perhaps one of the things the order is looking for is a specific biochemical profile?

I'm not sure this pertains, but since we were talking about it I thought I'd put in my two cents worth.
what you just said about having a specific profile brought up the idea of the Aryan race to me. I'm not saying that this in anyway is related to Nazism, but the whole profile and having people being one way reminds me of that.
I know there are stories of the Nazi's being involved in breeding and genetic engineering, trying to create a super race.

I think it's the breeding and genetic engineering that are pertinent here, and not the cruelty - and yet I can't get the image of Bree squashing skeeter bugs with her thongs out of my mind . . . :shock:

Oh no! Not Bree! Say it isn't so!
I think genetic engineering is something those smarter than me should look into :smt024
However, I don't think this series is about Nazis. They were looking to rid the world of everyone who wasn't blonde or blue-eyed, and Bree is neither.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:17 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
nakita wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Marilee wrote: A lot of things can cause periods not to start. Diet, iron levels, stress, and other factors can make a girl not get a period.
That's way different then just NEVER menstruating at all.
I see what you're saying... those factors can make a girl late, but they shouldn't stop the process from ever starting, should they? Maybe she spotted a bit at first, her parents told her it was some kind of infection, and gave her pills for it.
Yes, thank you. I was getting frustrated that no one understood. lol.
Amenorrhea is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age. Physiologic states of amenorrhoea are seen during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding). Outside of the reproductive years there is absence of menses during childhood and after menopause.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:25 am
by AM
I think those who think her suitableness for the ceremony has to do with her lack of interest in sex are right on the mark.

Contrast Bree with Gemma who was getting crushes on boys at a very young age. You can see why Bree would be suitable for the ceremony and not Gemma.

Allowing Daniel to spend all that time in Bree's room with the door closed was part of the test to see if she was suitable for the ceremony. Remember, OPAPHID had cameras in Bree and Daniel's room the whole time. They would know if there was any flirting or sex going on at least in the bedrooms. They were able to observe the dynamic between the two. It was one way that they were able to determine that Bree was the one for the ceremony. That was one reason why her sneaking out so upset her dad. It took her out of the petri dish where OP could observe her.

The Creators went out of their way to make sure we knew that Bree was uninterested in sex. Weirdly so. Her over analysis of her kiss with Daniel disturbed me at the time I watched the video, way before I knew there would be any mysteries in the upcoming story. Even for a 16 year old not yet interested in boys a kiss on the lips from someone you care about stirs strong emotions, even if they are just 'I don't like him in that way, what do I do now?" or "Ewww...disgusting".

But Bree was completely cold, analytical and unemotional about it. It's like she is completely asexual. She just doesn't 'get' the whole idea of boy likes girl relationships. Thus her insensitivity to Daniel when she finds out he likes her (her blogging about it online etc).

I would say, if you took 1000 girls, that only a fraction of a percent would be as asexual as Bree is at age 16. I know many have said here that they weren't interested in boys yet at that age but with Bree it is more than that. She is positively Spock like.

When she sneaks out the objection isn't "We were worried about you. We need to know where you are at all times. Anything could have happened." It's "You have violated your purity bond". Thus possibly making her unsuitable for the ceremony.

In any case, I think those who are so critical of Bree should cut her a break. I am assuming that she probably also found out from her dad about the cameras in her room. Finding out that every shred of my privacy had been violated for God knows how long would make me want to hide out in the bathroom too.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:27 am
by kellylen
I know this series isnt about nazis at all, but the thought of the genetic engineering really brought that idea into my head. That the order has a perfect "type" of girl that they want who fits all these certain characteristics.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:28 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
I wonder if she is interested in foosball tables. :wink:

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:30 am
by nakita
AM wrote:...Contrast Bree with Gemma who was getting crushes on boys at a very young age. You can see why Bree would be suitable for the ceremony and not Gemma.

Allowing Daniel to spend all that time in Bree's room with the door closed was part of the test to see if she was suitable for the ceremony. Remember, OPAPHID had cameras in Bree and Daniel's room the whole time. They would know if there was any flirting or sex going on at least in the bedrooms. They were able to observe the dynamic between the two. It was one way that they were able to determine that Bree was the one for the ceremony. That was one reason why her sneaking out so upset her dad. It took her out of the petri dish where OP could observe her.

The Creators went out of their way to make sure we knew that Bree was uninterested in sex. Weirdly so. Her over analysis of her kiss with Daniel disturbed me at the time I watched the video, way before I knew there would be any mysteries in the upcoming story. Even for a 16 year old not yet interested in boys a kiss on the lips from someone you care about stirs strong emotions, even if they are just 'I don't like him in that way, what do I do now?" or "Ewww...disgusting".

But Bree was completely cold, analytical and unemotional about it. It's like she is completely asexual. She just doesn't 'get' the whole idea of boy likes girl relationships. Thus her insensitivity to Daniel when she finds out he likes her (her blogging about it online etc).
I totally agree with this theory!

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:30 am
by Luminous
AM wrote: She is positively Spock like.
And she has the eyebrows to prove it .\ /. :lol:

Actually, I think you are really on to something here!

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:32 am
by nakita
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I wonder if she is interested in foosball tables. :wink:
Maybe that video was a subtle clue that Jonas is asexual as well? I know there are some theories floating around out there that Jonas may be an "Order baby" too.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 2:01 am
by trainer101
Luv2Skydive wrote:Gonna read in a minute......just gotta say ILLUMINATI!!!!

"at birth", "levels", "show potential", "controlled"

Shout to to Trainer101 again! :D
hehehe.... I feel special.
After all this time it's finally coming together. I'm not a total nutcase!

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:41 am
by ApotheosisAZ
I know I'll likely be ostracized for saying this, but...


She can't get any privacy? How did she get private time to film her video? No, this makes no sense at all.

Interesting information she passed on about the order. If it can be trusted.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:02 am
by anngry
nakita wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I wonder if she is interested in foosball tables. :wink:
Maybe that video was a subtle clue that Jonas is asexual as well? I know there are some theories floating around out there that Jonas may be an "Order baby" too.
ooh. i really like that idea.

ah this video was so good, gave us lots of info.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:09 am
by alysaface
lol everyone calm down about my "NOT having your period" being a qualified factor. i was just kidding sort-of, just something that would be crazy if it were true.

i haven't personally had a period in over three years, but i'm on the birth control shot. and i loves it.

who knows, maybe that was truly the shot bree was being given?

but generally they stick it in your lower back not your upper arm, and it's only once every three months.

but anywyas, everyone calm down, i was just kidding.. =)