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Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:47 pm
by autumneternal
iamcool wrote:
autumneternal wrote:Just wanted to toss a note in here that Jonas did say that he had been reviewing the raw footage, which, to me, suggests that he's looking at the unedited footage, some, possibly most, of which we didn't see.

So someone can mess with the video all they want, but, unless we have the complete raw footage that Jonas presumably has, we won't be able to deduce much of anything. (I also think that we're to assume that they edited out the more gruesome parts of the act of Bree's 'father' getting shot for the sake of the viewers.)
it didnt look like it was edited at all from when they got out to of the car to getting back in

i dont think he has much more footage of the bit than we do
Hmm, you're right, it doesn't look edited. However, I went back and viewed the last 45 seconds, (it starts at 2:08 on Youtube, right after the car pulls up and stops), and you can't see much of anything in those last few seconds.

To sum it up, in the last 45 seconds you see:
-A man & woman get out of the car
-Bree running to Daniel
-Shaky camera footage as Jonas gets out of the car
-A lot more shaky footage of the camera panning back and forth
-The camera pull back as Jonas gets back into the car
-Daniel getting into the car with Bree
-Them backing up and pulling out of the parking spot
-A quick shot back at where the commotion was
-A shot of a single person standing
-Them drive out of the parking garage from Jonas' perspective

I don't know how much you can get out of that, but I guess that Jonas might somehow be melting together what's on tape and what he actually saw and he's going over both in his head trying to devise some clues.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:09 pm
by kristin
It was a valid point about Jonas offending Bree were he to mention the carnage in his video -- but still, I'm considering it a possibility that all he saw was an unmaimed, possibly living body being placed in a trunk.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:33 pm
by Taig
Chartreuse wrote:... am I the only one who found Jonas completely huggable in this one? o.o Seriously, I want one.
Oh my gooooood..Jonus is always completely huggable!!!! Which is why I'm thinking that he might be after hugging someone besides Bree...if you get my drift.

He is a creep! a poor little rich boy who couldn't/wouldn't show up when he ws needed.

I hate that guy and I guarantee as soon as everyone gets comfy with him around he will turn out to be a baddie!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:50 pm
by onetruegnome
house wrote:When Jonas said, "there was a blonde woman." I automatically thought it might've been Bree's mother. It would certainly explain Bree's comment about "not talking to her mother for a long time." If she watched her mother assist Baldy McCreepy in getting daddy in the trunk, or restraining him, I'd think Bree would automatically take the info she'd just been given by her father, paired with her "mother" helping kill her "father" and decide never to speak to her again. I mean, Lucy isn't the only blonde woman we've seen before. Just something to poinder.
I think it was Lucy. "Lucy" was one of the tags on the YouTube vid of the Unthinkable Happened.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:59 pm
by SharpI
house wrote:When Jonas said, "there was a blonde woman." I automatically thought it might've been Bree's mother. It would certainly explain Bree's comment about "not talking to her mother for a long time."
We've seen Bree's non-biological mom, with her non-bio dad in the video "On The Run." She wasn't blonde then.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:08 pm
by sweetcharade518
I'm 18 and I've always heard it called "The Zapruder Film." Just to add my opinion on that, first of all.

Also, I think it totally makes since that Jonas hesitated. He doesn't know Bree that well and was probably very confused, and it makes sense for him to act the way he did.

So this is probably way off, but I actually think that Bree's "Dad" is dead. I'm assuming that someone (Daniel or Jonas) saw some kind of carnage, blood or guts like someone mentioned, that cements his death since they all seem so sure about it. If there was any shadow of a doubt I think it would be mentioned. But you know, I'm probably really wrong and I'll regret posting this, lol.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:11 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Wow, when Jonas was like "I have a confession...." I was getting ready for "I was the one with the gun.." or "That was my uncle! Bree's my cousin! WOW" lol.

Anyway, I'm starting to like Jonas. And I definitely think there's something we don't know about him. Not saying he's a bad guy, I'm definitely thinking he's a good guy. But he knows something... I can smell it.

I noticed the 45 Seconds thing. I didn't realize there was any reference so I guess that explains that.

I wonder if Jonas even watched Bree's last video. He kept saying"Bree's dad" without even mentioning that he was a fake dad..

Also, whoever said that Jonas can't help Bree with mental struggles because he struggles mentally himself, I have to disagree here. Just because Jonas isn't Opra doesn't mean he can't empathize with Bree. In fact, I'd say he'd be the second best to DanielBeast for the job. Many people who major in the field of psychology do so because they are interested based on personal experience. Many psychology students subconsciously adopt some of the symptoms of disorders they are learning about temporarily. There's a whole study about it, and it's really interesting and definitely valid. I don't mean to pick a fight here, just felt the need to say something. :)

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:22 pm
by kayokosaeki
iamcool wrote:

it didnt look like it was edited at all from when they got out to of the car to getting back in

i dont think he has much more footage of the bit than we do
nope, no cuts. his footage is ours. minus a soundtrack.

if anyone wants a freeze frame or a slowed down version or zoom in, brightening, anything at all of the "shooting"....PM me with your request. i have professional video editing software that can do almost anything.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:30 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
kayokosaeki, your avatar is so cute.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:48 pm
by kristenjane
I dont like when he says it brings back a lot of memories...
We are led to assume it is memories of his parents disappearing and that is it but it makes me think again that he has had SOME affiliation with the Order...

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:01 pm
by AM
Forgive me if this has already been said, I haven't read the entire thread yet. Jonas knowing that the JFK assasination footage is known as the Zapruder film does not mean he is a history buff necessarily at all. It means he is a movie buff, particularly conspiracy type movies, like Oliver Stone's JFK.

We already know he is a conspiracy movie enthusiast because Bree has told us some of the movie titles in his collection. The movie JFK is right in keeping with the rest of his collection. In fact I'd be surprised if he didn't have it.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:07 pm
by robtomorrow
I don't think we learned anything new here, we already figured out that it was Lucy and the Deacons, he just sort of confirmed that, we wanted to know why they let Bree get away so easily, all he did was tell us he didn't understand it either.

All I heard that was new here was that they put the dead body in the trunk, but don't they always put the dead body in the trunk? I guess it was their way of telling us how they knew that Bree's dad is dead.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:10 pm
by khjq
OMG, what if Bree's "dad" didn't get shot, what if the body that Jonas saw them putting in the trunk was Gemma's!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:18 pm
by Kanazaka
I've watched this a couple of times, now, and I'm still struck by how Jonas's analysis seems to be more intellectual than emotional. But, that could just be his way of dealing with death. In the past, when older relatives of mine have died, I've never cried, but processed the event more introspectively. So, that's probably what Jonas is doing right now. I'm also disappointed that we didn't learn much new, except for the body being put in the trunk. I think that means he's likely dead. As for why the Deacon and Lucy didn't go after Bree, I think that they figured it might be too complicated and impractical for two people to restrain two people. The only way I can think they could have done it is if they knocked out Bree, either through a punch or a tranquilizer, because I'm sure she would have struggled and tried to escape (or at least I hope she would have). They also could have known that Daniel and Jonas were following Bree and her "dad", and decided to target just her dad because they knew that Daniel would try to rescue Bree. Plus, if their intention all along was to kill Bree's "dad", they probably guess that Bree would be traumatized when she saw his murder, and a traumatized Bree would not be much good to them.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:21 pm
by essie
Okay. So it might be Gemma's Body or could it be Bree's Father.
45 Seconds. That brief 45 seconds he hesitated before catching Bree.

Significant? I thought he was going to say it like. "I hesitated because I knew Bree likes Daniel and I won't have a chance." Or something.

Stories heating up, I wish we hear from Gemma though =(