Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:22 pm
Dude...WHY must you even have an avatar? You've done nothing to me, personally, but if you haven't pissed off half the women viewing this board, I'll be shocked.
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
I agree with you on many points. Personally, I think running off to save Bree is just completely insane. Who is to say that they will even get there in time.Cherie_Sotta wrote:Firstly, I think this vid is really precious. And I think the *true* good guy in this entire show is Jonas. He's emotional, yeah. Can you blame him??? But he knows his pop culture and he's got that grin. What can I say....
Secondly, they are definitely in Los Angeles county somewhere. Just like Bethy mentioned, I also recognize those blue street signs as a Los Angeles native (I tried to get a good cap but it won't come up clear for me... anyone else?). I'm also working on some screen caps for those quick glances of trophies in we get in Jonas' room - or is it the room NEXT to Jonas' where Daniel is staying? Not too sure. I'll figure it out. Looks like they recycled furniture though, because I see the same chair in the room in this vid that's in Jonas' dads library. Unless maybe it's from a full dining room set - looks more like a singular late 60's era desk/computer chair (Like Mr. Mike Brady's in his office!) to me, though.
Thirdly, frusterating that Daniel knows immediatley where she's meeting her dad. Maybe we have an anagram on our hands? Maybe the puzzle is a little more than it seems from our point? Or maybe, simply, it's that Daniel knows Bree a lot better than we do. Personally, Daniel and Jonas are pretty dumb for going to where Bree is. Why? To save her? To put themselves in more danger? To get Jonas' card and car and cash? I know they wanna help their friend but it seems very odd to me the urgency they are approaching the situation with while they know what ALSO lurks around the corner... THE ORDER. Curious. But I guess this makes for great storylines... and I love it. Bring it on!
Fourthly, I've done a little research (and weighed it with my judgement) and am aghast at Jonas' Back To The Future Reference! For those not following OpAphid, I'm trying to link a main character in that story to Jonas. These 2 characters are known for their pop culture references. Jonas!!! Shame shame shame! Doc Brown's time machine runs on stolen PLUTONIUM! Not uranium... tsk tsk honeypie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know there are 3 movies and the DeLorean eventually becomes modified several different ways (and finally destroyed), but I don't recall (or can find online) any other evidence that it ran on uranium. Only plutonium - stolen, of course, from the Libeyans who almost busted them in the Twin Pines Mall parking lot.
And lastly, for the youngins around here who aren't quite in touch with the Back To The Future greatness... the flux capacitor is the very ESSENCE of the time machine. It is Doc Brown's life work, it is his genius in a bottle. It sits embedded between the 2 front seats of the car and it looks a lot like a Y shape inside a glass or plastic fronted electrical box. THIS is the invention that actually allows them to time travel. In fact, Doc says it himself : "... it's what makes time travel possible.". *tear*. All that stainless steel and Ginger Ale (and plutonium...) are just the worker bees. (side note: Doc's time machine also ran on other things in ADDITION to plutonium).
ok. sorry. nerd rant. Make that total nerd rant. Geek rant, even. You're gonna see a lot of that. But passion is passion - *shrugs*.
You seem either dumb or severly off topic. LOLMrsCop wrote:Dude...WHY must you even have an avatar? You've done nothing to me, personally, but if you haven't pissed off half the women viewing this board, I'll be shocked.
Hey I have no objection to your avatar except that these little movies can be REALLY ANNOYING. Perhaps a still picture of your favorite subject would be sufficient?04SSHD wrote: why, what did I do to you?
ok, let me find a still frame...Lord Balto wrote:Hey I have no objection to your avatar except that these little movies can be REALLY ANNOYING. Perhaps a still picture of your favorite subject would be sufficient?04SSHD wrote: why, what did I do to you?
I am sorry, I changed it to something more suitable. Enjoy!MrsCop wrote:What's with the LOL and the?.. You've been raped, have you? Yeah, it's a real f'ing knee slapper, it is. Your ava is NOT humorous.
I don't think it's anything we could have known in advance. It would be pretty awkward, cinematographically, if Bree met her dad with several hundred LG15 fans in attendance (but pretty cool for us!).Cherie_Sotta wrote:Maybe the puzzle is a little more than it seems from our point? Or maybe, simply, it's that Daniel knows Bree a lot better than we do.
Good point! One doesn't get the idea that they spent much time muddling that one out.Cherie_Sotta wrote:Personally, Daniel and Jonas are pretty dumb for going to where Bree is. Why? To save her? To put themselves in more danger? To get Jonas' card and car and cash? I know they wanna help their friend but it seems very odd to me the urgency they are approaching the situation with while they know what ALSO lurks around the corner... THE ORDER. Curious.
Thank you very much!Lord Balto wrote:Just right click on his icon and "block image from http..."
um... I think they will have to do that each time he changes his avatar. I don't think these pictures are in his photobucket. Besides... does that work for IE users? Do IE users still exist?Lord Balto wrote:Just right click on his icon and "block image from http..."
MrsCop wrote:Thank you very much!Lord Balto wrote:Just right click on his icon and "block image from http..."
ooooh... i bet this is gonna be like a final showdown thing.robtomorrow wrote:I don't know if anyone has heard in here, since the OpAphid people don't seem to mingle very often with the LG15 people.
But they figured out which hotel it is in Tachyons video, its the
Hilton Los Angeles Airport ... a/
Are we going to see the whole cast in the same place at once? Daniel, Jonas, Bree, Gemma, Brother, and Tachyon video taping the whole thing via the hotels security cameras