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Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:30 pm
by erolyn
emosux wrote:His parents couldn't have given him the cash, he bought the stuff BEFORE he left for home. Maybe he was saving it for an emergency in case they needed it to get home or something, and then figured that they wouldn't, since Bree was with Jonas.

Which raises the question..why did he buy useless stuff? Why didn't he just use it toward a train ticket home?

Silly Daniel.
well...I'm guessing a twinkie and a comic book would cost roughly 5 bucks...and I'm sure a train ticket is more expensive than that.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:30 pm
by nobackspacebutton
kageyuki: tell me about it O.o Someone had too much coffee...or to little today.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:31 pm
by baggage
Eh. Seems fishy to me. Something is going on with the Daniel.

I understand being burnt out and all.

But if he was that concerned about her that he snuck out to the ceremony, BROKE INTO Lucy's apartment, and then took off with her....

and then when they have confirmed that this Order is powerful enough to track his car etc...

NOW he bails??

Look, I get that Bree is a pain in the ass. But their time on the road has proven that he was right all along about how creepy her religion and the Order are. Her parents are MISSING. She's in real danger. Yes, she's a whiny brat who talks to stuffed animals but dude. Why didn't you go with her to Jonas' house? Why didn't you try to beg for money on the street? Why didn't you do anything except send her off with a hot stranger?

And he's yammering on about getting his job back and registering for community college?

It makes no sense.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:32 pm
by emosux
Lurker wrote:
khjq wrote:I'd call living in a warehouse and dumpster diving a real emergency.
I wouldn't. As a college student without a lot of money myself, I know I can survive just fine on a little bit of food each day, and I know how to get into the dorms that require a special card without actually having one (and then sleep in the common room).
you need to tell me how, cuz that's how mine are and i need to sneak someone in >>

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:32 pm
by emosux
erolyn wrote:
emosux wrote:His parents couldn't have given him the cash, he bought the stuff BEFORE he left for home. Maybe he was saving it for an emergency in case they needed it to get home or something, and then figured that they wouldn't, since Bree was with Jonas.

Which raises the question..why did he buy useless stuff? Why didn't he just use it toward a train ticket home?

Silly Daniel.
well...I'm guessing a twinkie and a comic book would cost roughly 5 bucks...and I'm sure a train ticket is more expensive than that.
depends on how far it is. and buses are a lot cheaper than trains, he could have gotten a bus ticket that would have gotten him closer to home, at least

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:42 pm
by imogene2004
Ok, I said I didn't trust him, but then I rewatched the video. How could I not trust him? I was just mad I guess about him leaving Bree. But he made the right decision I guess. Also, I've been thinking about it and what if he didn't leave Bree? She may be with him. A lot of people commented on the last video that it might have been a setup to throw off the order. Now I'm just waiting for an Oppy video showing Daniel's room, with Bree there! [-o<

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:46 pm
by Lurker
emosux wrote:
Lurker wrote:
khjq wrote:I'd call living in a warehouse and dumpster diving a real emergency.
I wouldn't. As a college student without a lot of money myself, I know I can survive just fine on a little bit of food each day, and I know how to get into the dorms that require a special card without actually having one (and then sleep in the common room).
you need to tell me how, cuz that's how mine are and i need to sneak someone in >>
I'll PM you.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:56 pm
by erolyn
Slightly off topic, but:

I'd like to point out that you can find some pretty decent food dumpster diving. A friend of mine just found like 2 grand worth of unopened, unused chocolate bars a couple weeks he'll be in candy land for about the next 3 months.

And I've heard from other diving friends that you can usually get bags of bagels from bakeries who have to throw out their stuff after a day whether it's bad or not.

In most cases, I don't think it HAS to be as bad as Bree's making it out to be. But then, I'm sure she and Daniel don't know the usual tricks, so maybe they wouldn't find much.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:57 pm
by emosux
Lurker wrote:
emosux wrote:
Lurker wrote: I wouldn't. As a college student without a lot of money myself, I know I can survive just fine on a little bit of food each day, and I know how to get into the dorms that require a special card without actually having one (and then sleep in the common room).
you need to tell me how, cuz that's how mine are and i need to sneak someone in >>
I'll PM you.
oh, friend <3

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:57 pm
by erolyn
emosux wrote:
Lurker wrote:
khjq wrote:I'd call living in a warehouse and dumpster diving a real emergency.
I wouldn't. As a college student without a lot of money myself, I know I can survive just fine on a little bit of food each day, and I know how to get into the dorms that require a special card without actually having one (and then sleep in the common room).
you need to tell me how, cuz that's how mine are and i need to sneak someone in >>
ditto...i'm tired of having my friends kicked out. :smt019

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:57 pm
by emosux
erolyn wrote:Slightly off topic, but:

I'd like to point out that you can find some pretty decent food dumpster diving. A friend of mine just found like 2 grand worth of unopened, unused chocolate bars a couple weeks he'll be in candy land for about the next 3 months.

And I've heard from other diving friends that you can usually get bags of bagels from bakeries who have to throw out their stuff after a day whether it's bad or not.

In most cases, I don't think it HAS to be as bad as Bree's making it out to be. But then, I'm sure she and Daniel don't know the usual tricks, so maybe they wouldn't find much.
also, dumpster diving isn't always that gross. a lot of times bakeries throw out bread that was a day old and never touched.

also, you can dumpster dive for non-food stuff, too; electronics stores are a good example

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:00 pm
by theshadowed1
so maybe I'm a bit late to the conversation but is it just me or does it look like a man in a black suit is standing in the upper right hand corner of this video.


and yeah there is deff something going on......

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:04 pm
by imogene2004
theshadowed1 wrote:so maybe I'm a bit late to the conversation but is it just me or does it look like a man in a black suit is standing in the upper right hand corner of this video.

I thought that too, but whatever it was, it didn't move, so I don't think so.


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:08 pm
by oleandereyes
did anyone else notice that daniel almost said "bree, i still love you" you can totally tell his mouth is about to form an "L" word but he catches himself and said care. I'm guessing after Yousef takes his christmas vacation daniel will be back to be with bree because either she's in danger or he misses her too much.

Re: hehe

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:14 pm
by MrsCop
oleandereyes wrote:did anyone else notice that daniel almost said "bree, i still love you" you can totally tell his mouth is about to form an "L" word but he catches himself and said care.
That's the part of the vid that nearly made me tear (without PMS ftw - gj, Yousef :smt080 ). Although, I'm not certain if it's because he almost told Bree he loves her or because he didn't. :smt102

Either way... you clean up nicely & kudos on the acting!