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Just some thoughts... maybe old ones

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:26 pm
by keenmchn
Okay, I've been lurking for a little while and, of course, am totally addicted.

My reason for interjecting here is that according to a lot of theories about the mind under stress, as we can assume Bree has been in many situations, defense mechanisms pop up to protect you.

In the case of multiple personality disorder (which many folks mistakenly call schizophrenia) the mind is so traumatized by an event or events, e.g. systematic abuse or torture in early childhood, that it creates separate personalities to hide in. This separates the individual from the terrible reality that they go through.

PLUS, and this is cool, the personalities have totally different traits that make them useful in certain situations. So if she is projecting these personalities into her imaginary friends she could actually believe that they are the source of some of her actions. Owen is the sneaky one ("he lies") , the Bree that we see is the sweet, childlike one, etc

Maybe some of you stuffed animal fans can isolate some of the traits or personalities of the animals?

Finally let me say that I LOVE YOU GUYS!! I feels like I knows ya (My mind has created voices and faces for some of you... I guess I'm a little crazy too~)

Re: Just some thoughts... maybe old ones

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:01 am
by trainer101
keenmchn wrote:In the case of multiple personality disorder (which many folks mistakenly call schizophrenia)...
Welcome to the family! You'll see that we all pretty much suffer from the same disorder. :smt014

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:34 am
by Reb
Killthesmiley wrote:
Reb wrote:
Killthesmiley wrote:he's not 17...he's older then Bree
ok well 18 then it is still pretty young to be dealing with all this.
I thought he was in his twenties..

seeing in brees vids she says he's been graduated for a little bit...
He is deffinately 18 I checked his youtube profile, in reality this is slightly different from running from the authorities. I went to university at 18 but that doesn't mean that I completely cut ties with my parents. Bree and Daniel are alone right now and are both dealing with the stress of it in their own way.

Re: Just some thoughts... maybe old ones

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:37 am
by Reb
keenmchn wrote:In the case of multiple personality disorder (which many folks mistakenly call schizophrenia) the mind is so traumatized by an event or events, e.g. systematic abuse or torture in early childhood, that it creates separate personalities to hide in. This separates the individual from the terrible reality that they go through.

PLUS, and this is cool, the personalities have totally different traits that make them useful in certain situations. So if she is projecting these personalities into her imaginary friends she could actually believe that they are the source of some of her actions. Owen is the sneaky one ("he lies") , the Bree that we see is the sweet, childlike one, etc

Maybe some of you stuffed animal fans can isolate some of the traits or personalities of the animals?
From what I remeber from the psychiatry teaching so far bree doesn't exactly fit the profile of someone suffering from "multiple personality disorded" people who have this are often much more disturbed than she is. I am spending some time in the hospital library today and I will see what I come up with when looking it up in one of the text books. But I am pretty sure that isn't what she has. I will also have a look to see if there is anything else which explains her actions.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 3:59 am
by curriguy
ya know...

actually now thatI think about it....

I'm gonna have to side with lordgreystoke on this one...

Sure Bree is being immature, and sure he has GOOD reason to be upset...

but when is the Silent Treatment EVER a good solution to ANY problem.

he's being pretty immature himself.
Just TALK to her for god's sake, and tell her why you're upset.

in his defence, however, he's probably just misplacing his anger. blaming bree for the situation...when there's no one to blame really. (except the Mysterious Order). not that it's a legit excuse.

On a sidenote:
I wonder how much Bree's life is really gonna change with the new Silent Treatment...he's not much of a talker anyway

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:40 am
by silvermoon
I think people are being too hard on Daniel. He's an 18 year old boy, for craps sake! Have you met an 18 year old boy lately? They are practically little boys still. I know a few and they are still playing video games and watching cartoons. I don't think there are many who would be mature and confident enough to take on this kind of stress and responsibility and not crack a little under the pressure. And it's not like he can really walk out and calm down. Under it all, he still wants to protect Bree.

I think it's to his credit that he's still there at all. I doubt the order would give a crap about him if he just abandoned the whole thing and walked away. He's locked in a room with a girl who swings from giggly silliness to crying for hours. Personally, I'd have gagged her and stuck her in a closet long ago!

(I think it's crap that they are considered old enough to go to war or sign a legal contract--there is scientific proof that your brain has not developed enough to make major life decisions until you are in your 20's)

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:43 am
by Maccaboy17
just to say, i've just watched one of my favourite films 'empire of the sun'

and it had a scene in it that reminded me of this video

what happens is a young christian bale is is the life and soul of a refugee came as he trys to keep active and make life bearible dispite the awful situation, at one point after he starts cheering watching an airraid then suddenly starts obsesing about the affects of said air raid and the doct he is talking to tell him to 'stop thinking so much' as its not healthy at which point he kind of breaks down and says 'I cant remember what my parent look like' in tears

i havent decribed it well but if you've seen the fil you'll know what i mean. basically bree is trying to cope by doing her fun videos with her stuffed animals as she cant bare to think about what happened to her parents.

if daniel pushes her to far it could break her, so he should be careful and take into account why she acts the way she does

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:47 am
by silvermoon
Or maybe Bree actually knows that her parents are fine and has no need to worry. Maybe her job is to just keep Daniel busy and by her side until it's time for the real ceremony.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:28 am
by Lurker
curriguy wrote:ya know...

actually now thatI think about it....

I'm gonna have to side with lordgreystoke on this one...

Sure Bree is being immature, and sure he has GOOD reason to be upset...

but when is the Silent Treatment EVER a good solution to ANY problem.

he's being pretty immature himself.
Just TALK to her for god's sake, and tell her why you're upset.

in his defence, however, he's probably just misplacing his anger. blaming bree for the situation...when there's no one to blame really. (except the Mysterious Order). not that it's a legit excuse.
Well, like I said earlier, while Daniel's current approach isn't mature either, he apparently has tried talking to her. Just look at what she said after he brought up her acting like all this is a game. She blamed the darn turtle. Talking isn't going to do much good apparently.

Anyway, again, I don't get the impression that he's blaming Bree (because he never says "This is Bree's fault"). He just says that she's not taking this situation seriously, and considering what he's given up and that all this is to help her, he has a right to demand that she take it more seriously.

But, yes, I still agree that the silent treatment isn't going to help. Of course, I imagine most of us would get that way after two weeks with someone who wouldn't stop playing with their stuffed toys and refused to tell us every single thing they knew about the Order and their religion. We would end up saying "Don't talk to me until you're ready to act like an adult and tell me what you know."
silvermoon wrote:I think people are being too hard on Daniel. He's an 18 year old boy, for craps sake! Have you met an 18 year old boy lately? They are practically little boys still. I know a few and they are still playing video games and watching cartoons. I don't think there are many who would be mature and confident enough to take on this kind of stress and responsibility and not crack a little under the pressure. And it's not like he can really walk out and calm down. Under it all, he still wants to protect Bree.
I agree with all of this except the use of playing video games and watching cartoons as evidence. That really... well, it just isn't.

Re: Just some thoughts... maybe old ones

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:39 am
by keenmchn
Reb wrote:
keenmchn wrote:In the case of multiple personality disorder (which many folks mistakenly call schizophrenia) the mind is so traumatized by an event or events, e.g. systematic abuse or torture in early childhood, that it creates separate personalities to hide in. This separates the individual from the terrible reality that they go through.

PLUS, and this is cool, the personalities have totally different traits that make them useful in certain situations. So if she is projecting these personalities into her imaginary friends she could actually believe that they are the source of some of her actions. Owen is the sneaky one ("he lies") , the Bree that we see is the sweet, childlike one, etc

Maybe some of you stuffed animal fans can isolate some of the traits or personalities of the animals?
From what I remeber from the psychiatry teaching so far bree doesn't exactly fit the profile of someone suffering from "multiple personality disorded" people who have this are often much more disturbed than she is. I am spending some time in the hospital library today and I will see what I come up with when looking it up in one of the text books. But I am pretty sure that isn't what she has. I will also have a look to see if there is anything else which explains her actions.
Okay I should clarify. Clearly Bree is not the "Sybil" type, nor does she seem to have this disorder per se, My point is that She could use these imaginary friends as an excuse or scapegoat for some of the actions or thoughts that she finds difficult. I guess my point is it's like the kid who breaks the cookie jar and then blames it on an imaginary friend... only on a more concrete level. By definition a Mult. Pers. Dis patient has these entities within their own head. Not the case here.

Anyway, just a different thought

BTW thanx fer the welcome, trainer. Your insight and depth make this little rollercoaster very interesting. I'm reading of monatomic gold and reptilian aliens. Ya learn something every day!!

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:40 pm
by LadyBugGirl
TheFatLady wrote:Yeah, it seems a new Gemma vid is called for, in which she sides with Daniel's interpretation of Bree's actions and attitude. It's time for a third party to insert a reality check here, something to bring Bree's character up short, make her poop or get off the pot.

Then again, I just remembered it's Gemma who does things like, "Someone's following you, your life is in danger, and ta-ta, I've got homework." Maybe she's NOT the person to tell Bree to get focussed and get serious.
Exactly! This is why I can't get into the Gemma character. She smiles ALL the time even when talking about serious/sad stuff and she's always relating everything to something stupid. I just don't get it and it usually losses my attention.

Loved this video though. I can't wait to see what else happens!

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:57 pm
by silvermoon
Lurker wrote:
silvermoon wrote:I think people are being too hard on Daniel. He's an 18 year old boy, for craps sake! Have you met an 18 year old boy lately? They are practically little boys still. I know a few and they are still playing video games and watching cartoons. I don't think there are many who would be mature and confident enough to take on this kind of stress and responsibility and not crack a little under the pressure. And it's not like he can really walk out and calm down. Under it all, he still wants to protect Bree.
I agree with all of this except the use of playing video games and watching cartoons as evidence. That really... well, it just isn't.
Ok, I do know some 30 year old men who still play video games and watch cartoons...but you get what I'm saying. At 18 most males are still kids. He's putting up with a heck of a lot, and taking on a heck of a responsibility. He has a right to be grumpy and a bit put out. He's still there, and that's what really counts.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:23 am
by Lurker
silvermoon wrote:Ok, I do know some 30 year old men who still play video games and watch cartoons...but you get what I'm saying. At 18 most males are still kids. He's putting up with a heck of a lot, and taking on a heck of a responsibility. He has a right to be grumpy and a bit put out. He's still there, and that's what really counts.
Ok, all of that I can agree with.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:11 am
by lordgreystoke422
silvermoon wrote:
Killthesmiley wrote:
Reb wrote: ok well 18 then it is still pretty young to be dealing with all this.
I thought he was in his twenties..
I think he could only be a year or two older than Bree at the most.

What parents would let a 16 year old girl go in her room with the door shut with a 20-something man? :shock: Surely he has just graduation and is at most 19.

Bree better turn 18 before they cross any state borders or get jiggy with it, or Daniel's in for some jail time!
Ummm No...I really don't wanna go there..but 17 is legal in most states...and as for crossing state lines...she is 17 and...her parents told her to stay with Daniel and he possibly has a note to prove it.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:17 am
by silvermoon
lordgreystoke422 wrote:
silvermoon wrote:
Killthesmiley wrote: I thought he was in his twenties..
I think he could only be a year or two older than Bree at the most.

What parents would let a 16 year old girl go in her room with the door shut with a 20-something man? :shock: Surely he has just graduation and is at most 19.

Bree better turn 18 before they cross any state borders or get jiggy with it, or Daniel's in for some jail time!
Ummm No...I really don't wanna go there..but 17 is legal in most states...and as for crossing state lines...she is 17 and...her parents told her to stay with Daniel and he possibly has a note to prove it.
Though he couldn't be charged with statutory rape if the age of consent is 17, he could still be charged with and spend jail time for "contributing for the delinquency of a minor". Believe me, I know of which I speak. :shock:

It's a loophole to get older guys for sleeping with girls who are young but still the age of consent. Until she turns 18, Daniel better keep it to himself.

Somehow I don't really see this story traveling into the bedroom though. I really think that it will be kept more PG/PG13 as to not exclude any possible fan bases.